
  • 网络mirs bay;dapeng bay
  1. 根据1993&2003年月、8月和月在大鹏湾海区个站位的表、底层水样现场监测资料,分析793了大鹏湾海区氮、磷营养盐的年际变化趋势。

    Based on the investigation information of July , August and September from 1993 to 2003 in Dapeng Bay , annual change of the nutrients in the Dapeng Bay is analyzed .

  2. 大鹏湾维生素B1、B(12)与赤潮

    Red Tide , Vitamin B_1 and B_ ( 12 ) in Dapeng Bay

  3. 深圳湾、大鹏湾海水和底泥中维生素B1,B(12)测定结果及初步分析

    Preliminary analysis of the vitamin b_1 and b_ ( 12 ) concentrations for Shenzhen Bay and Dapeng Bay

  4. 方法采集渔民在大鹏湾海域捕获的河豚鱼鲜活或冰鲜,采用小鼠生物试验法测定样本鱼不同组织的河豚鱼毒素(TTX)含量。

    Methods The tetrodotoxin ( TTX ) in different tissues of live or refrigerated puffer fishes in Dapeng Bay was tested by bioassay using mouse .

  5. 南海大鹏湾浮游植物种群的季节演替

    Seasonal Succession of Phytoplankton in Dapeng Bay , South China Sea

  6. 大鹏湾水动力特征及其生态环境效应

    Hydrodynamic characteristics of Dapeng Bay and its ecological and environmental effects

  7. 大鹏湾海区营养盐年际变化及富营养化研究

    Study on Eutrophication and Annual Change of Nutrients in Dapeng Bay

  8. 广东大鹏湾虾拖网网囊网目选择性研究

    Size selectivity of shrimp trawl in Gulf of Dapeng of Guangdong Province

  9. 大鹏湾液化天然气码头风险评价的研究

    Risk Assessment Research of the LNG Terminal in DaPeng Bay

  10. 大鹏湾南澳水域氮磷及溶解氧的分析研究

    Nitrogen , phosphorus and dissolved oxygen in Nan'ao waters of Dapeng Bay

  11. 大鹏湾有毒赤潮生物孢囊研究

    Studies on the Cysts of Red-tide Organisms in Dapeng Bay

  12. 论文题目:大鹏湾潟湖之潮汐交换作用。

    Thesis Title : Tidal Exchange Process at Ta-pon Bay .

  13. 深圳大鹏湾南澳养殖区主要环境因子分布规律的研究

    Distribution of the Main Environmental Factors of Nanao Culture Areas

  14. 大鹏湾海域河豚鱼毒性状况研究

    The study of tetrodotoxin of puffer fish in dapeng bay

  15. 大鹏湾夜光藻赤潮的营养动力学模型

    A model on nutrient dynamics for Noctiluca scintillans red tide in Dapeng Bay

  16. 用γ谱方法测定大鹏湾的沉积速率

    Determination of Sedimentation Rates in the Mirs Bay Sea Areas with Gamma Spectrometry

  17. 大鹏湾沉积物重金属污染的初步研究

    The Preliminary Study of Heavy-Metal Pollution in Sediment Cores from the Mirs Bay

  18. 基于Delft3D模型的大鹏湾水环境容量分析

    Dapeng Bay Water Environment Capacity Analysis on The Base of Delft 3D Model

  19. 大鹏湾水域叶绿素a的分布及其影响因素

    Distribution of chlorophyll a and its affecting factors in the waters of Dapeng Bay

  20. 大鹏湾海洋地质环境综合评价

    Integrated evaluation of marine geo-environment in Dapeng Bay

  21. 大鹏湾生态因子灰关联分析

    Analysis of Grey Incidence of Ecology Factor in Dapeng Bay , South China Sea

  22. 深圳大鹏湾海流分布特征

    Current Distribution Characteristics in Dapeng Bay of Shenzhen

  23. 深圳大鹏湾表层沉积物碎屑矿物空间分布特征

    Spatial distribution characteristics of surface sediment debris minerals in Shenzhen Dapeng bay , guangdong

  24. 大鹏湾深水网箱养殖区的污损生物研究

    Fouling organism in marine cage culture area in Dapeng Bay , South China Sea

  25. 以深圳大鹏湾水域为例,根据船舶流的空间分布以及船舶航行行为,运用通航风险计算模型进行计算。

    The Dapeng Bay water is selected as an example and navigational risk model is used .

  26. 大鹏湾海水理化因子对夜光藻生长影响的因子分析

    Environmental influence on growth of Noctiluca scientillans in Dapeng bay , north of South China Sea

  27. 大鹏湾的假潮现象

    The seiche in Dapeng Bay

  28. 航运交通方面,大鹏湾的雷达站也于十月启用。

    A radar station was brought into operation at Mirs Bay in October to aid shipping traffic movement .

  29. 三种燕鸥今天仍在大鹏湾流连,只是没有飞入塔门以内的水域而已。

    All three species are still around at Mirs Bay today , except that they remain outside Tap Mun .

  30. 所有样品数据采自深圳大鹏湾的盐田海域。

    Samples were collected from Dapeng Bay of the South China Sea , near Yan-tian area of the Shenzhen City .