
tiān qǐ
  • Apocalypse;oracle;the title of the Emperor Ming Xizong's reign
天启 [tiān qǐ]
  • [the title of the Emperor Ming Xizong's reign] 明熹宗朱由校的年号(公元1621-1627年)

  • 天启壬戌秋日。-- 明. 魏学洢《核舟记》

天启[tiān qǐ]
  1. 《X战警:天启》将于美国时间2016年5月27日上映。

    X-Men : Apocalypse opens May 27 , 2016 .

  2. 《X战警:天启》据悉将于2016年5月27日上映。

    X-Men : Apocalypse is said to hit theatres on May 27 , 2016 .

  3. 该片是《X战警:未来昔日》的续集,也是《X战警》系列电影的最新力作。我们将在片中看到“X战警”大战恶棍“天启”(Apocalypse)。

    A sequel to X Men : Days of Future Past , the latest instalment in the X Men series will see them fight the villain Apocalypse .

  4. 《魔兽:起源》并非没有竞争--《X战警:天启》、《愤怒的小鸟》、《爱丽丝魔镜之旅》等好莱坞电影也在中国市场上映。

    It did face competition - X-Men : Apocalypse , the Angry Birds Movie and Tim Burton 's Alice Through the Looking Glass were the other main Hollywood flicks showing in China .

  5. 作为他对现代美国“末日天启教派”研究的一部份,威斯康星大学的保罗博耶(paulboyer)问:为什么这么多和他一样的美国公民易受电视福音布道者和其他“普及传教者”的影响?

    As part of his investigation into the " apocalyptic genre " in modern America , Paul Boyer of the University of Wisconsin asks why so many of his fellow Americans are " susceptible " to televangelists and other " popularisers " .

  6. 该时期被称作天启时期或启示期。

    This time is called the " Apocalypse " or revealing .

  7. 他告诉我一个天启将要来到。

    He told me of an apocalypse yet to come .

  8. 他们认为他们生活在一个天启的时刻。

    Theyare going to think they are living in an apocalyptic time .

  9. 末日天启论的叙述或许帮助了资本主义的马达开动。

    The apocalyptic narrative may have helped to start the motor of capitalism .

  10. 现在,在上帝的帮助和引导下,我认识了这天启。

    I know not how best to use them .

  11. 所以最后一点是:天启论在这里有什么作用?

    So the last thing is : what does the apocalyptic do here ?

  12. 5道天启之光升起了。

    The five lights of the Apocalypse rising .

  13. 末日天启信仰以各种独出心裁的方式重现于世。

    Apocalyptic belief renews itself in ingenious ways .

  14. 依照埃及人记载,克弗悌乌在一次天启中被海洋毁灭。

    By Egyptian record , Keftiu was destroyed by the seas in an apocalypse .

  15. 是天启的或与天启有关的。

    Of or relating to an apocalypse .

  16. 第四章介绍万历至天启作家。

    The fourth part introduces the writers in the period from Wan Li to tianqi .

  17. 天启教(据信为直接由上帝启示于人类的宗教)。

    Revealed religion ( religion believed to have been revealed to mankind directly by God )

  18. 支持这些看法的是一个假定:末日天启的想法属于,或者最好是属于人类宗教经验的极端范畴。

    Behind these attitudes sits the assumption that apocalyptic thought belongs-or had better belong-to the extremities of human experience .

  19. 在这封信里,我们看不到那种,基督教对天启论的狂热。

    We 're no longer with this letter in a kind of Christianity that has apocalyptic fervor to it .

  20. 天启是早期基督教那些政治类型,的力量之一,尽管显然不是唯一的。

    Apocalyptic is one of those political kinds of forces in early Christianity , although certainly not the only one .

  21. 作者并没有抛弃《启示录》中大量运用,来反对罗马的基督天启论。

    This author hasn 't thrown away the Christian apocalyptic that we saw working so much in Revelation to be anti-Roman .

  22. 这里的天启内容和《启示录》里的,及其他基督教,和犹太教经文的意图不一样。

    The apocalyptic material there serves a different purpose than it did in Revelation and some other Christian and Jewish text .

  23. 天启论是一种政治意识形态,但它所教导的政治主张,在基督教早期可能不同。

    Apocalyptic is a political ideology , but what kind of politics it teaches in the early times of Christianity can vary .

  24. 这一基本的戏剧情节影响了整个末日天启思想,从法国部落货物崇拜的基本理论到不明飞行物教派的信仰。

    This basic drama shapes all apocalyptic thought , from the tenets of tribal cargo cults to the beliefs of UFO sects .

  25. 法国的启蒙思想家们在理性法庭上,对包括教会、圣经和一切以宗教狂热和迷信为特征的天启宗教无一例外地进行了无情的批判。

    French enlightenment thinkers criticized mercilessly churches , the Bible and all the revealed religions characterized by religious fanaticism and superstition in court .

  26. 其天启式、神谕性的基调让观众一睹渗透整个日本社会的焦虑和不安情绪。

    Also , the apocalyptic and oracular tone provides the spectators with a glimpse of the anxiety and inquietude penetrating current Japanese society .

  27. 我们已经严格按照这些天启行事,基本这些天启都发生了。

    We have been strictly following and going according to these revelations and more or less it has happened according to the revelations .

  28. 犹太经文给了保罗,天启后所有民族集合在一起的观念。

    So Jewish scripture itself gave Jews of Paul 's day the idea that the apocalyptic end would bring all the nations in .

  29. 天启给出了合一现象的发展图谱,也就是世界的发展图谱。

    These revelations gave a road map as to what was going to happen to the phenomenon , as well as , to the world .

  30. 据史料载先后有五次之多:一是明朝天启四年(公元1624年)荷兰人窃居台湾后,荷兰殖民者招徕大批汉人渡台开发;

    Firstly , in Ming Dynasty Tian qi four year ( A.D.1624 ), After Holland colonists resided in Taiwan , many Han people were enlisted to Taiwan .