
  • 网络natural gemstones;Natural stones
  1. 宝石的准确鉴定对维护天然宝石的商业价值及消费者的信心都至关重要。

    Accurate gem identification is essential to maintain both the commercial value of natural gemstones as well as consumer confidence .

  2. 天然宝石主要有:橄榄石、石榴石、海兰宝、白黄玉、兰黄玉、紫晶、黄晶、茶晶、红宝石、兰宝石等。

    Natural gemstones are : olivine , garnet , Hailan Bao , white topaz , blue topaz , amethyst , topaz , citrine , ruby , sapphire and so on .

  3. 首次采用傅里叶变换红外光谱仪(FTIR)及镜面反射附件,对天然宝石材料&黄玉在反应堆辐照致色(成为蓝色)前后的样品进行了近、中红外区的光谱分析,并使用FTRaman光谱进行补充。

    In this paper , the natural gem material & Topaz ( colorless transparent samples and reactor irradiation induced blue color samples ) was studied on the spectroscopic analysis of Fourier transformation infrared spectrum ( FTIR ) and FT Raman spectrum .

  4. 结果天然宝石厂与人造宝石厂工作场所粉尘平均浓度分别为1.9mg/m3和3.8mg/m3,粉尘中游离SiO2平均含量分别为70.9%和44.9%;

    Results The average dust concentration in natural and artificial gem processing workshops were 1.9mg / m ~ 3 and 3.8mg / m ~ 3 , and the average free silicon contents of the gem dusts were 70.9 % and 44.9 % .

  5. 这些人造宝石被伪称为天然宝石。

    The artificial stones were being misrepresented as the real thing .

  6. 天然宝石及人工合成宝石中包裹体研究

    Study on inclusions in natural and synthetic gems

  7. 目的调查人造宝石厂和天然宝石厂粉尘危害情况。

    Objective To survey the hazardous impact of gem dust on the health of workers .

  8. 本次实验选取了45枚外观特征与钻石相近的天然宝石作为样本。

    We chose 45 inartificial stones which are similar to diamond in appearance as samples .

  9. 巴西天然宝石的神奇能量也广为称颂。

    The magic power of Brazil Natural Stone has thus been talked about widely among people .

  10. 对目前一些天然宝石的人工改善品中会残留放射性问题,指出要加强防护监测。

    As to residual radioactivity in man-improved gems from nature more protection and inspection should be enhanced .

  11. 明亮宝石公司明亮宝石工艺厂是一家专业生产天然宝石及成品销售的公司。

    Ming Liang Gems The Mingliang gem craft factory is a company which especially products natural gems .

  12. 浅析宝石中的包裹体天然宝石中的包裹体

    Inclusion in Natural Gemstone

  13. 天然宝石般清新透明,塑造洗练优雅气质,这是耳坠还是耳机?

    Natural jewel-like fresh and transparent , and shape Xilian elegant temperament , which is earrings or a headset ?

  14. 佩带夸张的珠子形宝石,天然宝石,羽毛,大的环状首饰或繁复的手镯。

    Wear bold jewelry that features beads , natural stones , feathers , large hoops , or stacks of bangles .

  15. 结论与天然宝石加工厂比较,人造宝石加工厂矽肺预后相对较好。

    Conclusion In comparison with the natural gem silicosis workers , the prognosis of the artificial gem silicosis workers is better .

  16. 欢迎客商来图、来样、来料加工各种规格、形状的人造宝石、玻璃、红刚玉、蓝刚玉、尖晶蓝、天然宝石。

    We appreciate processing with supplied pattern , processing according to supplied samples and processing with supplied materials upon your specification .

  17. 研究表明,绝大多数天然宝石所含放射性物质是极其微弱的,故不会对人体健康构成危害。

    The research result shows most natural gems contain so little radioactive minerals that they can 't he harmful to health .

  18. 至信:我们保证所销售产品系经过国家宝玉石鉴定中心鉴定的天然宝石。

    Credit : We assure you that all our products are authentic natural precious gemstones that are appraised by National Gemstone Testing Center .

  19. 它更是世上最坚硬的天然宝石,同你坚毅的性格不谋而合。

    It is the hardest natural gem on the world more , with you firm and persistent disposition happens to have the same view .

  20. 为了给宝石鉴定提供依据,用紫外-可见分光光度计测定了天然宝石和经优化处理宝石的紫外可见吸收光谱,并进行了分析对比。

    In order to provide basis for identifying gems , the absorption spectra of natural and optimally treated gems were obtained with UV Vis spectrophotometer .

  21. 目的了解人造宝石工矽肺患者的肺通气功能受损情况及探讨与天然宝石工矽肺患者的肺功能差别。

    Objective To explore the damaging of pulmonary functions in the workers with man-made gem 's silicosis and compare with those with natural gem 's silicosis .

  22. 零度产品主要以银饰为主体,配以如珍珠、托帕石、石榴石等天然宝石材质,各种饰品制作精细完美,手工精湛,乃上乘之品。

    LANTOO production use silver as main body , accompanied by some pearl , topaz and garnet , with meticulous and superb handwork , is superior works .

  23. 天蚕茧烘茧技术必须以茧丝能保持原来的天然宝石绿色,来确定合理烘率。本文在大批量缫丝试验基础上研究出合理的烘茧工艺。

    By setting a proper drying rate to keep the natural emerald for yamamai cocoons in drying , a rational drying process is developed on the basis of commercial silk-reeling experiments .

  24. 本文的初步分析结果表明,通过矿物标型学说不仅可以为宝石的鉴定特征找到理论依据,而且还有助于指导鉴定天然宝石与合成宝石、天然宝石与人工优化处理宝石;

    The research results show that the typomorphic characteristics of minerals can help us to identify not only nature gems and enhancement & treatment ones , but also the locality of some gems .

  25. 主要涉及木类、陶类、布类、牛骨类、皮革类、金属类、树脂类、亚克力类、天然宝石类等多种材料。

    Mainly work in the field as Wood , Ceramic , Fabric , Ox bone , Leather , Metal , Resin , Acryl , Natural Stone , and all kind of quality material .

  26. 天然宝石厂与人造宝石厂肺通气功能损害发生率分别为49.4%和7.2%,病人伤残鉴定完全丧失劳动能力者分别为56.9%和3.6%,前者对劳动能力的致残程度相对严重。

    Pulmonary ventilation capacities damage was observed in 49.4 % of the natural gem silicosis workers and 7.2 % of the artificial gem silicosis workers . 56.9 % of the natural gem silicosis workers and 3.6 % artificial gem silicosis workers were totally lost their working capacity .

  27. 第五步:佩带珠宝首饰佩带夸张的珠子形宝石,天然宝石,羽毛,大的环状首饰或繁复的手镯。小贴士:美国有二十四个州禁止饲养稀有宠物,只能养猫,狗,鱼,马或兔子。

    Step 5 Add jewelryWear bold jewelry that features beads , natural stones , feathers , large hoops , or stacks of bangles.FactAbout 2 dozen states ban exotic pets , usually defined as any animal that is not a dog , cat , fish , horse , or rabbit .

  28. 一类新型天然结构色宝石材料的初步研究

    A preliminary study on a new type of gem materials with structural colors

  29. 天然文字水晶宝石

    Characters in natural rock crystal

  30. 近年来,天然玻璃作为宝石材料在市场的销售开始慢慢增多。

    In the past few years , natural glass is increasing as one kind of gemstone materials in the market .