
tài píng yáng
  • the Pacific;Pacific Ocean
太平洋 [tài píng yáng]
  • [Pacific Ocean] 水域的最大划分单元,面积达一亿六千五百万平方公里,占海洋总面积的46%。太平洋西部以亚洲和大洋洲为界,东部以北美洲与南美洲为界

太平洋[tài píng yáng]
  1. 环绕太平洋的是一连串的火山。

    A chain of volcanoes girdles the Pacific .

  2. 我们的路线沿着太平洋海岸,途经人口稠密的街区。

    Our route follows the Pacific coast through densely populated neighbourhoods

  3. 在远处,我们突然第一次看到了太平洋。

    In the distance we spied the Pacific for the first time .

  4. 她得知自己的保险已经被太平洋互助保险公司中止了。

    She learned her insurance had been canceled by Pacific Mutual Insurance Company

  5. 他们在北太平洋航行了很多天。

    They spent many days cruising the northern Pacific Ocean .

  6. 麦克阿瑟将军曾是太平洋战区盟军的最高统帅。

    MacArthur was Supreme Commander for the allied powers in the Pacific .

  7. 棕榈树在太平洋和煦的微风中轻轻地摇动。

    Palm trees stir in the soft Pacific breeze

  8. 阿留申群岛是北太平洋上一长串呈弧形排列的小岛。

    The Aleutian chain is a long arc of islands in the North Pacific .

  9. 安妮塔驱车沿太平洋公路向北行驶。

    Anita drove north up Pacific Highway .

  10. 法国已经在南太平洋的穆鲁罗瓦环礁进行了地下核爆。

    France has carried out an underground nuclear explosion on Mururoa Atoll in the South Pacific .

  11. 在正常情况下,太平洋的热带洋流自东向西流。

    Under normal conditions , the ocean currents of the tropical Pacific travel from east to west

  12. 她从巴巴里街28号搬出来,住进了太平洋高地住宅区的一所房子。

    She moved out of 28 Barbary Lane to take up residence in a house in Pacific Heights .

  13. 据说,13世纪时,马可·波罗在去爪哇岛的途中在太平洋上航行过。

    Marco Polo is said to have sailed on the Pacific on his way to Java in the thirteenth century

  14. 这个岛在太平洋上;我无权说出它的具体位置,因为我们仍在洽谈购买事宜。

    The island 's in the Pacific Ocean ; I 'm not at liberty to say exactly where , because we 're still negotiating for its purchase .

  15. 巴拿马运河连接大西洋和太平洋。

    The Panama Canal connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans .

  16. 太平洋是一片浩瀚的水域。

    The Pacific Ocean is a vast expanse of water .

  17. 太平洋非常宽阔。

    The Pacific Ocean is very broad / wide .

  18. 他对南太平洋上的日落作了生动逼真的描写。

    He drew a word picture of a South Pacific sunset .

  19. 我们离港驶往太平洋。

    We sailed out of the harbour toward the Pacific .

  20. 中国东临太平洋。

    China faces the Pacific on the east .

  21. 他在南太平洋参加过战斗。

    He saw action in the South Pacific .

  22. 散逸的水雷开始在太平洋海岸出现而危及商船的航行。

    Stray mines began to turn up off the Pacific coast , imperilling commercial shipping .

  23. 中方对加入跨太平洋战略经济伙伴协定(tpp)持何立场?

    What is china 's position on joining the Trans-Pacific strategic economic partnership agreement ( tpp )?

  24. 他曾打算乘快艇横渡太平洋。

    He planned to cross the Pacific by yacht .

  25. 太平洋里有无数个岛屿。

    There are countless islands in the Pacific ocean .

  26. 这条河流入太平洋。

    The river feeds into the Pacific ocean .

  27. 太平洋是最大的一个洋。

    The Pacific is the largest ocean .

  28. 任何太平洋通过的船只都有较小的信天翁伴随着飞行好多天。

    Any ship that crosses the Pacific is accompanied for many days by the smaller albatross .

  29. 太平洋上的岛国帕劳己经成为世界上第六大海洋自然保护区。

    The Pacific island nation of Palau has become home to the sixth largest marine world .

  30. 这个新建的海洋保护区现在是太平洋上最大的这里将不允许捕鱼和采矿。

    The new marine reserve , now the largest in the Pacific , will permit no fishing or mining .