
  • 网络paradise lost;the lost paradise;John Milton Paradise Lost
  1. 荷马的《伊利亚特》和弥尔顿的《失乐园》是史诗

    Homer Iliad and Milton 's Paradise Lost are epics .

  2. 自《失乐园》后,渡边热不仅席卷了岛国,也迅速波及了东西方世界。

    After published " Paradise Lost ", Watanabe hot not only stroke Japan , but also affected the all world .

  3. 我知道我永远都不会读《失乐园》(ParadiseLost)。

    I know I 'll never read Paradise Lost .

  4. 鬼王米尔顿作品失乐园中堕落天使之一。

    One of the fallen angels in Milton 's Paradise Lost .

  5. 弥尔顿的长诗《失乐园》计有12卷。

    Milton 's " Paradise Lost " consists of twelve books .

  6. 从《失乐园》你学到什么?一无所获。

    What do you learn from Paradise Lost ? Nothing at all .

  7. 从撒旦的角度看《失乐园》中上帝形象的塑造

    The Image of God in Paradise Lost from the Perspective of Satan

  8. 每次英国大选时,这个“失乐园”的故事都会被重述。

    This story of paradise lost gets retold at every British election .

  9. 路西法与失乐园的故事。

    Something and some thoughts about Lucifer and Lost Paradise .

  10. 论撒旦作为诱惑者的变化&从《失乐园》到《复乐园》

    The Change of Satan as The Tempter-from Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained ;

  11. 《失乐园》中撒旦形象的重新审视

    A Re-view of Satan 's Image in Paradise Lost

  12. 真正的天堂是失乐园。

    The true paradises are paradises we have lost .

  13. 失乐园的主题是人类的沉沦。

    The theme of Paradise Lost is the " Fall of Man " .

  14. 我有作者亲笔签名的第一版《失乐园》。

    I have a first edition paradise lost with the author 's autograph .

  15. 弥尔顿的《失乐园》是著名的史诗。

    Milton 's Paradise Lost is a famous epic .

  16. 失乐园、其实就是魔鬼的废墟。

    Lost Paradise , nothing but somewhere in ruin .

  17. 《失乐园》的艺术风格

    The Artistic Styles of " Paradise Lost "

  18. 道德与人性的冲突&论《失乐园》叙事的二重性

    Conflicts Between Morality and Humanness & Analyse the dual nature of recounting the way

  19. 论弥尔顿在《失乐园》中对待女性的态度

    Milton 's Attitude Towards Women in Paradise Lost

  20. 利维坦》之于散文,就像弥尔顿的《失乐园》之于史诗。

    Leviathan is to prose what Milton 's Paradise Lost is to epic poetry .

  21. 但弥尔顿确实在《失乐园》中赋予撒旦以极大的笔墨渲染,这在无形中造成了一个事实,即撒旦确实是一个事实性的英雄。

    But Milton does create a factual hero out of Satan through his brilliant description .

  22. 弥尔顿《失乐园》中的基督教人文主义

    Christian Humanism in Milton 's Paradise Lost

  23. 《失乐园》是英语文学中最伟大的一部史诗,也是英国诗人约翰。

    Paradise Lost is Milton 's masterpiece , and one of the greatest English epic .

  24. 反思叛逆,企盼理性&《失乐园》主题探微

    Reflection on Rebellion in Paradise Lost

  25. 著有名作《失乐园》的英国诗人约翰·密尔顿在伦敦诞生。

    1908 John Milton , English poet , notably Paradise Lost , was born in London .

  26. 《失乐园》是由十七世纪的英国诗人约翰?弥尔顿所著的一篇史诗性诗歌。

    Paradise Lost is an epic poem written by the 17th century English poet John Milton .

  27. 密尔顿写了两部史诗,纪念我们堕落和复原的状况。他写了《失乐园》和《复乐园》。

    Milton has written two epic poems in which he commemorates our fallen and our restored condition .

  28. 论弥尔顿《失乐园》中的撒但形象及长诗主题

    On the Image of Satan in John Milton 's Paradise Lost and the Theme of Long Poem

  29. 《失乐园》研究

    A Study on Paradise Lost

  30. 他说他曾在这样的一个场合下一晚上读完了《失乐园》,这是他在自吹自擂。

    It is his boast that on one such occasion he read paradise lost in a single evening .