
bēn mǎ
  • galloping horse;fleeing horse in stampede
奔马 [bēn mǎ]
  • [galloping horse] 跑得很快的马

奔马[bēn mǎ]
  1. 他画的奔马栩栩如生,极为传神。

    The galloping horses he paints are extremely lifelike .

  2. 例句:他画的奔马栩栩如生。

    The galloping1 horses he paints are extremely lifelike .

  3. 他被一匹脱缰的奔马踩死了。

    He was trampled to death by a runaway horse .

  4. 产品注册商标为“奔马”牌。

    The registered trademark of our products is " Running Horse " .

  5. 他画的奔马栩栩如生。

    The galloping horses he painted are extremely lifelike .

  6. 以夸张的艺术手法塑造了奔马的艺术形态,意境带有浪漫主义色彩。

    It portrays an artistic concept through the skill of hyperbole with a romantic flavor .

  7. 这张“奔马图”也是展子虔画的吗?

    This " Galloping Horse " was also painted by him . Wasn 't it ?

  8. 演员们捶打枕头模拟奔马的声音。

    The actors reproduced the running horses by pounding pillows . not echoic or imitative of sound .

  9. 奔马正昂首嘶鸣,举足腾跃,一只蹄踏在一只飞翔的燕子身上。

    The horse is raising its head , neighing and galloping forward with one foot treading on a flying swallow .

  10. “游春图”的复制品是每幅30美元,“奔马图”的复制品是200美元。

    30 dollers for the reproduction of " spring outing " and200 dollers for the reproduction of " galloping horse " .

  11. 一个古铜色皮肤、银金色头发的高大英雄站在奔马旗下,背后是燃烧的城市。

    A tall lord with copper skin and silver-gold hair stood beneath the banner of a fiery stallion , a burning city behind him .

  12. 【医】奔马状节律(一种不正常的心脏跳动)针对性:心脏、小肠有改善平衡之功能。可安定情绪增强记忆力,改善自律神经系统。

    Direct against : heart , small intestine improve with the balanced function , can stable mood , strengthen memory , improve and contain the nervous system by oneself .

  13. 读者某君要搬家了,清理祖父遗物时,发现一个陈旧不堪的木箱里有些字画,画的是奔马、飞鸟等。

    A reader who was moving house found some calligraphy and paintings of horses and Birds in an old wooden crate while clearing up stuff Belonging to his late grandfather .

  14. 青铜奔马,东汉(高34.5厘米,长45厘米),甘肃武威县雷台东汉墓出土,甘肃省博物馆藏。

    Bronze Galloping Horse , Eastern Han Dynasty , 34.5 cm in height , 45 cm in length , unearthed from Leitai , Wuwei County , Gansu Province , in the Gansu Provincial Museum .

  15. 孟买——屋外的花园里正下着淅淅沥沥的晨雨,瑜伽老师阿帕拉吉塔·贾姆瓦尔(AparajitaJamwal)单膝跪下,另一条腿向后伸展,这个动作被称作“奔马式”。

    MUMBAI - As the morning rain dripped in the garden outside , the yoga teacher Aparajita Jamwal got down on one knee , stretching the other leg behind her in a lunge known as the equestrian pose .

  16. 23例(33.8%)患者肺底部呼吸音减低或少许细湿性口罗音伴有肺动脉第二音亢进或舒张期奔马律。

    33 8 % of the patients were revealed to have lowered respiratory sound at the pulmonary base . Occasionally , fine moist rales accompanied by the accentuation of pulmonic second sound ( P 2 ) or the diastolic gallop rhythm .