
rú gù
  • as before;as usual;like old friends
如故 [rú gù]
  • (1) [as before]∶同过去一样

  • 使击柝如故。--《资治通鉴.唐纪》

  • 室内摆设如故

  • (2) [like old friends]∶如同老朋友

  • 你大哥是个爽快人,咱们既然一见如故,应该要借杯酒叙叙,又何必推辞呢。--清. 吴沃尧《二十年目睹之怪现状》

如故[rú gù]
  1. 一切如故。

    Everything remains as before .

  2. 当再次回眸,香如故,不见了盛开的精灵。

    When Looking back again , Hong as before , the wizard disappeared bloom .

  3. 在服药期间,饮食及生活习惯如故。

    During the medicine , diet and lifestyle habits when old .

  4. 西弗吉尼亚州建了大量公路,却依然贫困如故。

    West Virginia has masses of roads , but is still poor .

  5. 破裂了的友谊,再补也难如故。

    A broken friendship may be soldered , but will never be sound .

  6. 岁月依旧,念汝如故。

    Years Still , Miss You As Before .

  7. 象牙塔里的人们依旧如故

    The ivory towers are as resilient as ever

  8. 如果她一切如故,你就有充分的理由让她走了。

    If she persists you will have everything you need to justify letting her go .

  9. 不料革命失败,客籍被土籍压迫如故。

    But unfortunately the revolution failed and they continue to be oppressed by the native inhabitants .

  10. 我的希望亦如故。

    My hopes are the same .

  11. 但比尔依然年轻如故。

    Bill was still young .

  12. 男性们看到美女照片时很容易分心,女性则专注如故。

    Men were easily distracted when they saw a pretty face but women stuck to the task .

  13. 这个世界上有些信息声称一切如故,但并非如此。

    There is information still in the world stating that it doe ?, but it does not .

  14. 这个老太太虽然行将就木,但依然攒钱如故。

    The old woman saved money the same as ever , though she was fast approaching death .

  15. 她还说,服务不会受到影响,一切都照常如故。

    She says there will be no interruption in services and bankers can expect business as usual .

  16. 生活居住在车臣的先进堡垒线接如故。

    The life of those living in the advanced fortresses on the Chechnia line went on as before .

  17. 它们回到寒舍以后,我对它们的情感如故。

    When they came to my humble abode once again , my affection towards them did not change .

  18. 热闹一番过后,不可避免地又恢复了旧观生活沉闷如故。

    After all the excitement there was an inevitable reaction , eg a time when life seemed dull again .

  19. 只有我们留在这里当岁月匆匆流逝,花已逝,而香如故。

    We alone stay While years hurry on , The flower fared forth , though its fragrance still stays .

  20. 春,一任群芳妒,零落成泥碾作尘,只有香如故。

    The spring term Qunfang jealousy , grind to dust scattered into the mud , only the fragrant as ever .

  21. 我们至今仍不知道劳动在人类本质中占有什么地位,这种情况依旧如故。

    The tact remains that we as yet do not know much about the place of work in man 's nature .

  22. 或正俯瞰下界的荒原与群山被遮盖在轻轻飘落的雪罩里---并非这样--却永远坚定如故。

    Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask Of snow upon the mountains and the moors -- no-yet still steadfast , still unchangeable .

  23. 此时即使林中仍然幽暗如故,在海丝特的眼中,在阿瑟。丁梅斯代尔的眼中,也仍然会是光芒四射的!

    Had the forest still kept its gloom , it would have been bright in Hester 's eyes , and bright in Arthur Dimmesdale 's !

  24. 这对于到州府路途不便的,抑或有农场或其他生意要打理的立法者们很有意义。即使时过境迁,这个惯例已然如故。

    It made sense when travelling to and from the state capital was hard and lawmakers had farms or other business to get back to .

  25. 生普清亮光滑,宛如油膜包裹的蜜汁,久泡其色如故、其味不减。

    Clean and bright , the Fresh Pu'er Tea is like honey packed in plastic film , and it can also be brewed for a long time .

  26. 对于伟大的思想来说,时间是无关紧要的。多年前初次闪现于作者脑海的伟大思想今日依然清新如故。

    Time is of no account with great thoughts , which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their authors minds , ages ago .

  27. 有些旨在修旧如故,恢复其历史容貌;有些则与现代化的光电技术和广告手段相结合,形成各种富有时代感的招幌形式。

    Some aim to rebuild their original appearance ; others combine with modern photo-electricity and means of ads , then various kinds of commercial forms turn into being .

  28. 对于伟大思想来说,时间是无关紧要的。多年前初次闪现于作者脑海的伟大思想今天依然清新如故。

    Time is of no account with great thoughts , which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their author 's minds , ages ago .

  29. 当溪水潺潺,将它们带走,每一片都悄然漂远向着无限的远方。只有我们留在这里当岁月匆匆流逝,花已逝,而香如故。

    And the stream as it flowsSweeps them away , Each one is goneEver beyond into infinite ways.We alone stayWhile years hurry on , The flower fared forth , though its fragrance still stays .

  30. 不久前,三版女郎重出江湖,香艳如故,与那些宣称其终结乃是女性胜利的女权主义者一样,这个消息对于那些报道其“寿终正寝”的媒体记者同样也是始料不及的惊愕。

    She bounced back this week , as pert as ever , and as unwelcome a surprise for those journalists who had penned her obituary as it was for the feminists who claimed her demise a victory for women .