
zī róng
  • looks;appearance
姿容 [zī róng]
  • [looks;appearance] 外貌;仪容

姿容[zī róng]
  1. 自然界的变化总是这样的悄无声息,又让你我能够感到它行走的姿容。

    Changes in nature are always so silent , letting you walk I can feel it looks .

  2. 多年前,当我还是个孩子的时候,你遇到了我,奉承我,并且教我为自己的姿容感到自豪。

    Years ago , when I was a boy , you met me , flattered me , and taught me to be vain of my good looks .

  3. 奔放的姿容,骄人的模样,

    Her free behaviour , winning looks ,

  4. 据说她姿容秀美,年方20。

    It is said that she is sweet and twenty .

  5. 你无法不注意她那完美无缺的姿容。

    You can 't help noticing her flawless beauty .

  6. 我刚做了整容手术,需要“调整”一下姿容,以保证五官端正。

    My plastic surgery needed some " tweaking " to get it just right .

  7. 正如这位姿容绰约的女士

    Just like the beautiful young woman

  8. 从一个天真烂漫的孩子,到一个腼腆害羞的姑娘,她现在已长成一个姿容出众的女子。

    From a merry child , then a blushing maid , she has become a perfect woman now .

  9. 从照片和油画中看出,伊丽莎白?亨特当年是位姿容美丽、热情洋溢的女人。

    Elizabeth hunter , judging by the studio portraits , and the oil painting , had been a beautiful , a passionate woman .

  10. 我们分离了,但你的姿容依旧在我的心坎里保存,有如韶光的依稀幻影,愉悦着我惆怅的心灵。

    We depart each other , but your image is still in my heart like the obscure illusion of time making my melancholy heart .

  11. 家里有一位姿容绝世的夫人,虽然这个女人不姓他的姓,却具有左右他的能力。

    There was a lady of rare beauty in the lodge , who had great influence over him , though she did not bear his name .

  12. 如果偶然在空中看到一轮黄灿灿的满月,我们都会情不自禁地抬头仰望,凝视她的尊贵姿容。

    If we unexpectedly encounter the full moon , huge and yellow over the horizon , we are helpless but to start back at its commanding presence .

  13. 是不是可能,当他看到她姿容美丽、风华正茂因而同时联想到他的幼小的男孩时感到心如刀割?

    Could it be possible that it was gall to him to look upon her in her beauty and her promise : thinking of his infant boy !

  14. 我特别爱听人们谈论我的姿容,这是我常常听到的,听到了觉得非常快活。

    Particularly I loved to hear anybody speak of my looks , which could not but happen to me sometimes , and was a great satisfaction to me .

  15. 潘岳因其姿容甚美和才华横溢,不仅赢得了当时社会的广泛认同,而且对后世产生了深远的影响。

    Pan Yue , because of its appearance was very beautiful and talented , not only won the wide recognition of the society at that time , and had a profound impact on future generations .

  16. 宙斯决定把她作为礼物送给世间的男子。于是信使赫耳墨斯将她带给普罗米修斯的弟弟厄庇墨透斯。她姿容绝美,见者无不为之倾心。

    Zeus decided to send her down to men as a present.So Hermes them essenger brought her to Epimetheus , brother of Prometheus.The greatness of her beauty touched the hearts of all who looked upon her ,

  17. 他那年轻漂亮的面貌几乎跟他旁边的人的姿容一样,如同死去一般,也差不多一样地纹丝不动:可是他的脸是极端悲痛之后的安静,而她的确是真正的宁静。

    His young and fair features were almost as deathlike as those of the form beside him , and almost as fixed : but his was the hush of exhausted anguish , and hers of perfect peace .

  18. 中国花文化情结的历史源远流长,中国人欣赏花,不仅欣赏花的颜色、姿容,更欣赏花中所蕴含着的人格寓意、精神力量。

    China spends a long history of the Cultural Complex , the Chinese people appreciate the flowers , not only to enjoy the flower color , Zirong , appreciate it , the flower of the moral character , and spiritual strength .