
  1. 嫦娥六号探测器作为嫦娥五号的备份,也将在月球进行自动采样,供全面分析和研究之用。

    As the backup of the Chang'e-5 mission , the Chang'e-6 mission would also collect lunar samples automatically for comprehensive analysis and research .

  2. 嫦娥六号旨在着陆月球南极,携岩石和土壤返回。

    Chang'e 6 is intended to land on the moon 's south pole , he said , and return with rocks and soil .

  3. 据吴艳华介绍,嫦娥五号任务完成后,我国计划实施嫦娥六号、七号和八号任务。

    After Chang'e 5 , China has plans for Chang'e 6 , 7 and 8 missions , Wu said .