
  • 网络DRAM;Memory;EEPROM;flash;Flash Memory;memory chip
  1. RogerSheng表示:“在爬坡量产过后,全球的存储芯片供应商都会受到影响。届时,中国企业将拥有过硬的产品生产能力,有能力向市场提供更多,更便宜的产品。毫无疑问,目前半导体芯片市场的主要制造商一定会受到冲击。”

    After the proven product ramp-up period , " all global memory vendors will be affected , " said Gartner 's Sheng . " Chinese companies could own the market with proven product manufacturing capabilities . It will definitely impact existing market players through cheaper and volume product supply . "

  2. 美国的情况也一样,那里的存储芯片厂商正遭受冲击,范围更广的经济问题正开始对整个行业造成影响。

    The situation is mirrored in the US where memory chipmakers are suffering and the wider economic problems are beginning to have an impact on the industry generally .

  3. 存储芯片层次化分割P/G网等效电阻求解算法

    A Hierarchy Partition Algorithm for Calculating the Equivalent Resistance in Memory Chip P / G Network

  4. 最为重要的就是DRAM(动态随机存取存储芯片)。

    Particularly important were the dynamic random-access memory chips .

  5. 于是摩尔又画了一张对数坐标图,这次他惊奇地发现,将一条坐标用10的N次方来计数之后,存储芯片的发展趋势呈一条几乎水平的直线。

    So Moore switched to logarithmic paper - that is , with one side in powers of ten - and , stunningly , the memory chips tracked along a straight , nearly horizontal line .

  6. 首先根据各个芯片的应用情况,选择主控制器芯片、USB主/从接口芯片以及FLASH存储芯片。

    Firstly , according to the application of each chip , this system selected the master controller chip , USB master / slave interface chip and FLASH memory chips .

  7. 双端口RAM是一种特殊的数据存储芯片,利用双端口RAM可以实现双高速单片机总线方式的数据共享。

    The dual-ported RAM is a kind of special memory , and the bus data share between double high-speed microprocessors is carried out by using it .

  8. 该系统以高性能ADC芯片为基础、以固态存储芯片FLASH为存储介质、以FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)为控制核心成功实现了高速采集、实时大容量存储。

    A high-performance AD chip , solid-state FLASH memory chips and FPGA ( Field Programmable Gates Array ) are used to realize high-speed data acquisition and real-time data storage for the system .

  9. 因为对政治可行性的担忧,中国一家国有公司出价230亿美元收购美国存储芯片生产商美光(Micron)的要约被取消。

    The $ 23 billion bid for the American memory chip maker Micron by a Chinese state-controlled firm was undone by concerns about its political feasibility .

  10. 随着不断增大的NANDFlash存储芯片容量,如何管理NANDFlash上的文件成为了研究的热点。

    With the increasing capacity of Nand Flash , how to manage files which were stored in the NAND Flash has become a hot spot of a computer science research .

  11. 据说,在1964年,当时还在飞兆半导体公司(FairchildSemiconductor)工作的戈登o摩尔博士正在为《电子学》(Electronics)杂志准备一篇有关半导体存储芯片演化史的论文。

    As the legend goes , in 1964 Dr. Gordon Moore , then at Fairchild Semiconductor , was preparing a paper for Electronics magazine on the evolution of semiconductor memory chips .

  12. 由于存储芯片版图P/G网规模的巨大,对于计算电阻网络中节点间等效电阻问题,直接利用常规线性方程组求解算法无法同时满足内存空间与运行时间上的限制。

    Because of the large scale of the P / G routing network in the memory chip layout , general linear equation group resolving algorithms for calculating the equivalent resistance between the nodes cannot satisfy the restrict of both memory space and running time simultaneously .

  13. 美国存储芯片制造商美光(micron)本月表示,将裁员15%,并大幅削减用于mp3播放器等设备的nand闪存芯片产量。

    Micron said this month it was cutting 15 per cent of its workforce and would slash production of NAND flash memory , which is used in devices such as MP3 players .

  14. 采用软件模拟时序使CPU的I/O口模拟I2C总线,实现了单片机与时钟芯片、温湿度传感器、存储芯片等器件的数据交换。

    With time series simulation software , the CPU 's I / O ports simulate I2C bus and exchange data with clock chips , temperature humidity sensors , memory chips and other devices .

  15. 介绍了一种针对单片机、PSD、I2C接口存储芯片为主要组件设计的一类针对安全关键系统的测量与控制装置的实时软件设计、数据传输、存储及处理方法。

    A kind of real-time software design method for data acquisition of safety critical systems based on MCU , PSD , I2C , storage and voltage adjust circuit etc was introduced .

  16. 目前便携式MP3播放器一般采用非易失性存储芯片作存储器,容量小、单位成本高,且不适应长时间播放。

    Portable MP3 player generally adopts the nonvolatile storage chip to make the memory at present , the capacity is small , the unit has high costs , and does not adapt to play for a long time .

  17. 研究了传统误码仪的工作原理与结构,并利用VHDL语言在FPGA芯片上模拟实现了绝大部分的传统误码仪的功能,如LCD显示驱动,串口通信驱动,误码测试,数据存储芯片驱动等功能。

    Paper researched the work theory and structure of traditional BERT , and use VHDL program language to realize a majority of BERT functions on FPGA , such as LCD driver , rs232 driver , error bit test , key and led control , etc.

  18. 存储芯片部门开始受益于行业整合之后价格的提升,而逻辑芯片部门也得益于三星自己为galaxys6生产处理器以来的更高的产能利用率。

    The memory chip business is benefiting from high prices after consolidation in the sector , while the logic chip business is enjoying greater capacity use since Samsung started using its own processor chips for the Galaxy S6 .

  19. 台湾金融监管机构最近拒绝了当地另一家存储芯片制造商茂德科技(Promos)的融资申请。该公司计划通过发行可转债和全球存托凭证(GDR)募集资金最多5.5亿美元。

    Taiwan 's financial regulator recently rejected an application by Promos , another Taiwanese memory chip maker , to raise up to US $ 550m through convertible bonds and global depositary receipts .

  20. 本文叙述了一种使用32K×8bits静态RAMμPD43256的电视图象存储器的设计。由于高速大容量存储芯片的使用,电路设计十分简单。

    This paper describes the design for TV image storage using 32K × 8bits static RAM μ PD43256 . As the used memories are high speed and Large size , the circuits can be easily designed .

  21. 存储芯片的用途是在计算任务执行期间贮存数据。

    Memory chips are where data resides in between computational tasks .

  22. 逻辑加密存储芯片在智能卡加油机中的应用

    Application of the Logic Crypto Memory in the Gas Machine of Intelligent Card

  23. 该号码同时也被记录在和传感器电缆配套的存储芯片中。

    It is also recorded electronically onto thee-prompt memory chip in line with the transducer cable .

  24. 人们会为了开关、电阻、电容和最新的存储芯片讨价还价。

    people would haggle for switches , resistors , capacitors , and sometimes the latest memory chips .

  25. 三星电子将在中国西安建设一家价值70亿美元的存储芯片厂。

    Samsung Electronics is to build a $ 7bn memory chip factory in the Chinese city of Xian .

  26. 三星是世界上最大的存储芯片制造商,而苹果是其最重要的客户之一。

    Samsung is the world largest manufacturer of memory chips and apple is one of its most important customers .

  27. 使用带有设置好的独立存储芯片,现场校准已成为过去。

    With settings stored in a non-volatile memory chip , field adjustment has become a thing of the past .

  28. 仍然采用内置存储芯片,多种产品选择的“一体卡”产品设计思路。

    Still stock chip with built-in , various product one body selected blocks the train of thought of product design .

  29. 下降周期给一些存储芯片制造商带来了极为沉重的压力,它们甚至难以筹集到营运资本所需的资金。

    The down-cycle has squeezed several memory chipmakers so badly that they are struggling to raise funds needed as working capital .

  30. 他决定把半导体存储芯片的容量和它们的生产年份用坐标图标释出来。

    He decided to plot the capacity of those chips , versus their year of introduction , on some graph paper .