
Sūn Zhōnɡshān
  • Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925), leader of the Republican Revolution and of the KMT;leader of China's modern democratic revolution
  1. 孙中山曾长期流亡海外。

    Sun Yat-sen spent long years in exile abroad .

  2. 中国不患无实行家,盖林林总总者皆是也。(孙中山)

    China does not suffer from a lack of men of action ; on the contrary , there are multitudes of them .

  3. 孙中山被誉为中国的乔治华盛顿(GeorgeWashington)。

    Sun Yat-sen was hailed as the Chinese George Washington .

  4. 论孙中山的男女平权思想

    On Sun Yat-sen 's Thoughts of Equality between Men and Women

  5. 孙中山治理与开发长江的思想

    Sun Zongshan 's Ideas about Harnessing and Exploiting the Yangtse River

  6. 孙中山社会主义思想阶级性辨析

    An Analysis of the Class Nature of Sun Zhongshan 's Socialism

  7. 这部电影回顾了孙中山先生的一生。

    This movie is a retrospect on the life of Sun Yat-sen.

  8. 孙中山德育思想的历史地位。

    Thirdly , historical appraisal to Sun 's moral culture thought .

  9. 简析传统文化对孙中山让位的影响

    The Effect on Sun Yat-sen 's Abdication from Chinese Traditional Culture

  10. 孙中山五权制理论初探

    An Initial Research on Sun Zhongshan 's Theory of Five-power System

  11. 孙中山死了,蒋介石起来。

    Then Sun Yat-sen died and Chiang Kai-shek rose to power .

  12. 孙中山如何用儒学阐释其革命思想

    How Dr. Sun Yat-sen Expatiate on his Revolutionary Theory with Confucianism

  13. 孙中山:中国现代化的伟大先行者

    Dr. Sun Yat-sen : A Great Forerunner of Chins 's Modernization

  14. 孙中山统一战线思想初探

    Preliminary Research on Sun Zhongshan 's Thought on the United Front

  15. 孙中山对改造国民劣根性的思考

    Sun Yat-sen 's Pondering on Transformation of Citizens ' Bad Quality

  16. 论孙中山的现代国家建设思想及其特征

    Sun Zhong-shan 's Conception of Modern Country Construction and Its Characteristics

  17. 司法独立:孙中山的理想与实践

    Independence of jurisdiction : Sun Yat Sen 's ideal and practice

  18. 孙中山与20世纪中国西北的社会变革

    SUN Yat-sen and the Social Transformation in 20th Century Northwestern China

  19. 孙中山的国防科技思想

    Sun Yat-sen 's Ideas of Science and Technology in National Defense

  20. 第一任总统孙中山很快下台。

    The first president , Sun Yat-sen , soon stepped down .

  21. 孙中山法治思想初探

    Probe into SUN Yat-sen 's Thought of Rule of Law

  22. 孙中山与中国近代文化观念的更新

    Sun Yat-sen and the Rejuvenation of the Cultural Concept in Modern China

  23. 孙中山谋求祖国统一与再造共和的奋斗

    Dr. Sun Yat-sen 's Struggle to Reunite and Rebuild China

  24. 论孙中山关于改造国民心理的思想

    On Sun Yat-sen 's Thought of Rectifying the Psychology of the Countrymen

  25. 孙中山心性文明思想研究

    A Research into Sun Yat-sen 's Idea of Spiritual Civilization

  26. 你可以参观广州孙中山博士纪念堂。

    You can visit the Dr Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall in Guangzhou .

  27. 当时在上海的孙中山表示深切的同情和支持。

    Sun Yat-sen was in Shanghai express our deep sympathy and support .

  28. 论孙中山对帝王思想的批判和斗争

    On Sun Yat-sen Criticism of and Fight against the Thoughts of Emperor

  29. 孙中山的土地思想与南京国民政府的土地政策

    SUN Yatsen 's Land Thoughts and Kuomintang 's Land Policy in Mainland

  30. 论孙中山实现国家统一的思想&纪念辛亥革命九十周年

    On Sun Yat - sen 's Concept of Reunification of the Country