
  • 网络security incident;Security Event;Security Accident
  1. 计算机应急响应服务中安全事件分类方法研究

    Research on Security Incident Taxonomy in Computer Incident Response Service

  2. 第4章网络信息安全事件应对措施。

    Chapter 4 of network information security incident response .

  3. WEB服务器是目前网络信息的重要载体,在网络安全事件高发的形势下,WEB服务器安全就显得十分的重要。

    WEB server is an important carrier of information networks , in situation of high network security event , WEB server security has become very important .

  4. 基于Prelude的安全事件数据交换与传输

    Security Events Data Exchange and Transfer Based on Prelude

  5. 研究表明,人均GDP在1000美元~3000美元之间时,是各种公共安全事件的高发期,中国正处在这个时期。

    Research shows that it is the period when the various public safety events increasingly happen during per capita GDP ﹩ 1000 ~ 3000 .

  6. Web应用已经广泛应用到新闻资讯、电子商务、社交网络等多个领域,然而频繁发生的Web安全事件给服务提供商、企业及个人用户带来极大困扰。

    Web applications have been widely used in various fields such as news , e-commerce , and social networking . However , the endless web security events have been troubling the service providers and the users .

  7. 随着Internet广泛深入的运用,网络系统安全事件频频发生,其造成的经济损失越来越惨重、政治影响越来越严重。

    Along with the extensive thorough usage of Internet , the secure events of the network takes place frequently which it lead to the economy losing more and more heavy and the political influence more and more serious .

  8. 提出了基于主成分分析(PCA)与学习向量量化神经网络(LVQ)的安全事件聚类技术。

    We present a security event clustering technique based on Principle Component Analysis ( PCA ) and the Learning Vector Quantization neural network ( LVQ ) .

  9. 在该理论指导下,从基于安全事件动态管理、面向安全业务的支撑结构等安全管理技术,研究理论上实现安全管理支撑平台,即安全运营中心SOC(SecurityOperationsCenter)的方法。

    In this guidance , based on the security events , dynamic management for security services support structure safety management technology , research on implementation of security management platform , namely the security operation center SOC ( Security Operations Center ) method .

  10. 采用因果关联算法对安全事件集聚类,形成因果事件集,然后利用Apriori算法对因果事件集进行关联挖掘,生成关联事件集,最后设计并实现了关联规则挖掘模块。

    The causal events set are obtained by causal association clustering algorithm for security events , and then are mined to generate the associated events set via the Apriori algorithm .

  11. 根据计算机应急小组CERT的报告,每年计算机安全事件数量都有很大的增长。

    Annual reports from the Computer Emergency Response Team ( CERT ) indicate a significant increase in the number of computer security incidents each year .

  12. 航空不安全事件人为因素分析R-S-TER模型的构建与应用研究

    The Construction of R-S-TER Model for Human Factor Analysis of Aviation Unsafe Events and its Application

  13. 数据分析模块采用基于BPF模型的网络信息过滤机制,基于规则库和数据统计的方法,对原始数据进行匹配和分析,检测出各类入侵安全事件,得到审计跟踪记录。

    The data analysis module was based on the BPF model network information filters mechanism , it matched and analyzed the origin audit data according to the rule library based on the rule library and statistics .

  14. 一种网络安全事件自动处理平台的设计

    Design and Realization of Automatic Processing Platform for Network Security Events

  15. 设计了网络安全事件关联系统,并完成了原型系统的开发。

    We design and implement a system for security events correlation .

  16. 模糊安全事件的三种模型及其模糊可靠度计算

    Three models of fuzzy safety event and calculation of fuzzy reliability

  17. 但是近年来网络安全事件频发,安全问题突出。

    But network security events have occurred frequently in recent years .

  18. 安全事件关联分析引擎的研究与设计

    Events Engine Research and Design of Correlation Analysis Engine for Security Incident

  19. 一种安全事件联合挖掘方法的研究及实现

    Research and Implement on the Method of Cooperative Mining of Security Event

  20. 网络安全事件关联分析技术研究与应用

    Research and Application of Correlation and Analysis Techniques for Network Security Events

  21. 空管不安全事件危险等级的量化评估方法

    Events Quantitative Assessment Method for Severity Classification of Air Traffic Control Incidents

  22. 证书认证系统中安全事件关联模型的设计及应用

    Design and Implementation of a Security Event Correlation Model in Certificate Authentication

  23. 突发公共安全事件应急演习评估指标体系研究

    Research on Evaluation Index System for Public Safety Emergency Exercise

  24. 基于多源网络安全事件的态势评估研究与设计

    The Situation Evaluation Research and Design Based on Multi-Source Network Security Events

  25. 近年来,食品安全事件屡见报端。

    In recent years , food safety accidents are high-risk .

  26. 安全事件关联是一种行之有效的安全事件分析技术。

    Correlation is an effective technology for security events analysis .

  27. 危害网络安全事件的调查策略

    The investigation and policy of endangering network security events

  28. 在最近几起网络安全事件后,该案件将重新唤起人们对网络安全的担心。

    The case will raise new concerns about cybersecurity after several recent incidents .

  29. 操作系统记录系统和安全事件。

    Operating systems log systems and security events .

  30. 脆弱性是网络安全事件的根源。

    Vulnerability is the origin of network incident .