
  • 网络full price
  1. 该文主要探讨了在项目评价的时点上引入包含环境价值的财务完全价格的意义和时段上折现率的理论问题;

    This paper focuses on the significance of introducing the full price , which includes the environmental value , into the project appraisement , and the theory of social discounting rate .

  2. 不考虑收入分配效应,完全价格歧视实现了资源的最优配置。

    And it will perfect the resource allocation .

  3. 如果交易费用为零,那么垄断厂商就会实施完全价格歧视。

    Monopoly enterprise will enforce the first - class price discrimination if the transaction cost goes to zero .

  4. 本文在给定市场划分条件下,研究了客户转换成本约束下垄断厂商的利润最大化问题,把完全价格歧视和零歧视两种极端情形拓展到一般形式。

    This paper analyzes the problem of maximizing the profit of monopoly market under the consumer switching condition , which extents it from perfect price discrimination and uniform price to general form .

  5. 政府应确立资源完全价格机制,以此为核心发挥市场配置资源的基础作用,从而推动循环经济发展,促进经济与环境长期和谐发展。

    The government should establish the complete price mechanism of resource , Regarding this as the core gives play to the market to dispose the basic function of resources , thus promote the development of recycle economy , Promote the economy and harmonious development for a long time of environment .

  6. ETF根据客户指令进行单位创建或赎回,交易员完全对价格不敏感。

    ETF units are created or liquidated to meet orders , making traders completely price-insensitive .

  7. 前面,我们假设中间市场有完全协议价格存在,因此B部门可按25美元的价格向外部或内部购买。

    In the preceding section , we assumed that there was complete price agreement in the intermediate market , and therefore that Division B could purchase the needed goods from an outside supplier at the same $ 25 price as being charged by Division A.

  8. 只有日本完全没有价格上涨之虞。很大程度上由于国内方面的原因,日本仍处于温和通缩的边缘。

    Only Japan , which remains stuck on the brink of mild deflation for largely domestic reasons , is truly free from upward price concerns .

  9. 建议针对以上三种典型市场可以分别采取上限价格规制、完全放开价格规制以及政府指导下的合同运价三种不同的价格规制方法。

    According to the upwards three typical markets , three price regulation models , price cap regulation , price deregulation and contract price regulation under government guidance , are suggested .

  10. 总体来说,与中国品牌的车型相比,外国品牌的汽车被视为更可靠、造型更时尚、更令人印象深刻,也更加物有所值。中国品牌仍几乎完全靠价格竞争。

    In general , foreign-branded cars are seen as more reliable , more stylish , more impressive and better value for money than Chinese-branded models , which continue to compete almost entirely on price .

  11. 实际交易活动经验显示,同类交易当事人间的竞争并不完全以价格作为决定因素,也不完全依靠各种博弈技巧作为稳定和扩大市场占有的主要工具。

    Based on the experiences on international trading practice , price level is not the only key issue during the market competition ; game theory and marketing skill are also not the only major tools for market occupying and / or market expanding .

  12. 指出景区产品是差别垄断产品,通过引入博弈论的思想,论证差别垄断这一特性可能使得景区自动趋向完全垄断价格,造成社会福利损失。

    This paper points out product of scenic spot is differential-monopolistic product , and based on games theory , proves that owing to the character of differentiation-monopoly scenic spot may tend to make an absolute monopoly price by its self-motion , and thus lead to the loss of social welfare .

  13. 当然,RedHatLinux的最新版本也可以在计算机零售店购得,根据你要购买的是标准版本还是完全版本,价格从$25到$50不等。

    In addition , the most recent version of Red Hat Linux can be purchased from computer retail stores for between $ 25 and $ 50 , depending on whether you purchase the standard or full version .

  14. 我后来计算,我们共消费了约2000英镑的葡萄酒,就像我的前辈埃德蒙彭宁-罗赛尔(edmundpenning-rowsell)一直说过的那样,在你启开瓶塞之前,必须完全不考虑价格。

    I later calculated that we consumed about 2000 worth of wine in total but , as my predecessor here Edmund penning-rowsell always said , you must never think of the price when pulling a cork .

  15. 该系统完全可以代替价格昂贵的专用控制器。

    PRICE TRACK This system can definitely replace the expensive special controller completely .

  16. 不完全信息与价格歧视

    Imperfect Information and Value Discrimination

  17. 此书籍列表包括各种信息,比如作者、两种完全虚构的价格和书名。

    This list of books includes various bits of information such as author , a couple of entirely fictional prices and the title .

  18. 但每年经手数百万吨煤炭的交易商表示,中国做出的决定不能完全解释煤炭价格复苏。

    But traders who handle millions of tonnes of coal a year say the recovery in prices cannot be solely explained by decisions taken by China .

  19. 即使劳动者报酬成本的较快增长完全转入产品价格当中,也不会对当前产品的价格竞争力产生根本性影响。

    Even if the quicker increase in labor compensation cost is all transmitted into price , it will not smooth away the advantage of its price competitiveness .

  20. 女孩开始点菜了,她几乎点了菜单上所有的东西,鸡尾虾、派、凯撒沙拉、龙虾、柳橙可丽饼,完全不考虑价格。

    The lady begins ordering practically everything on the menu , shrimp cocktail , pate , Caesar salad , lobster , crepes suzette , with no regard to the price .

  21. 但这种无知难道不是官方对资产价格采取行动的障碍吗?有些人希望看到,对官方资产价格行动的补充及其他措施能完全取代消费价格目标。

    But is not this ignorance an obstacle to the official action on asset prices , which some would like to see supplement and others to replace altogether consumer price targets ?

  22. 政府担心,几乎完全由食品价格走高引起的居民消费价格上涨会扩大到其它经济领域,最终超出控制范围。

    The government fears that inflation , which is almost entirely the result of higher food prices , will spill over into the rest of the economy , and spiral out of its control .

  23. 针对单供应商和单购买商的二级供应链,通过数值方法,研究了完全信息及需求价格敏感情况下寄售库存(ConsignmentStock,CS)协作对供应链系统收益的影响。

    In this paper , we evaluate the effectiveness of CS ( consignment stock ) cooperation on channel profits in simplified setting of a single-supplier , single-buyer supply chain with numerical methods . We assume that the information is symmetrical and the demand is deterministic but price-sensitive .

  24. 结论:自制的Ni2+亲和胶对带His6标签融合蛋白的纯化能力与商品胶完全等同,但价格低廉。

    Conclusions : The self_made Ni 2 + affinity gel has the same ability for purifying His 6_tag proteins as commercial gel and is much cheaper than the latter .

  25. 非完全竞争选择与价格机制悖论

    The Contradiction between Imperfect Competition Choice and Price Mechanism

  26. 不完全竞争中的价格信息

    Price information in incomplete competition

  27. 并且,这完全是超常的价格,彻底超过了我们的最高预期。

    Furthermore , this was a completely exceptional price , which exceeded our highest expectations at every corner .

  28. 在完全竞争市场,价格由需求和供给的相互作用来确定。

    In perfect competition , the price in the market is set by the interaction of demand and supply .

  29. 不过,就经济而言,委内瑞拉能否撑过2015年将近乎完全取决于原油价格。

    On the economic front , whether Venezuela survives 2015 will depend almost purely on the price of oil , however .

  30. 笔者认为在中国预期到的货币政策影响产出,其原因是不完全的市场与价格刚性的存在。

    The authors argue that the imperfect markets and the rigidity of prices account for the effectiveness of anticipated monetary policy on output in China .