
  • 网络macro-control mechanism
  1. 中国企业工资水平宏观调控机制研究

    Study on Macro-Control Mechanism of Enterprise Wage Level in China

  2. 自动稳定器与相机抉择:财政政策宏观调控机制的权衡与完善

    Automatic Stabilizer vs. Discretion : Weighing and Perfecting on Macro-control Mechanism of Fiscal Policy

  3. 关于太湖渔政管理宏观调控机制的探讨

    A Study on Macrocontrol Mechanism in Fishery Administration of Taihu Lake

  4. 论体育宏观调控机制的内容和特征

    On Contents and Features of Macroeconomic Regulating Mechanism in Physical Education

  5. 中央信息管理与网络经济的宏观调控机制研究

    Research on Central Information Management and Mechanism for Macro regulating Network Economy

  6. 乡镇企业运行的宏观调控机制

    Macro-adjusting and Controlling System for the Operation of Village and Township Enterprises

  7. 完善我国金融宏观调控机制的构想

    Suggestions for Perfecting Mechanism of China 's Financial Affairs

  8. 包括农村市场经济运行的动力机制、信息机制和宏观调控机制。

    It involves the motivation mechanism , information mechanism and macroeconomic regulation mechanism .

  9. 建立有效的民办高等教育宏观调控机制;

    Setting up the effective mechanism of macro adjustments and controls in Privately-owned colleges ;

  10. 中央银行宏观调控机制

    Macroeconomic control mechanism of the central bank

  11. 可持续发展战略及其宏观调控机制

    Sustainable Development Strategy and Macro-regulation System

  12. 社会主义市场经济的宏观调控机制

    Macro-Control Mechanism of Socialist Market Economy

  13. 深化农村流通体制改革,强化宏观调控机制;

    Deepening the reform of rural circulation system and reinforcing macrocosmic mechanism of adjusting and controlling ;

  14. 市场经济体制产生市场失灵,应加强宏观调控机制,保证经济与环境协调发展。

    Market economy system exerted market-invalidation , it should strengthen the coordinative development of economy and environment .

  15. 宏观调控机制;

    Macro adaption mechanism ;

  16. 建立了具有政府宏观调控机制的博弈模型,并对调控效果进行了分析。

    A game model with regulation of government is also established , and the effect of regulation is analyzed .

  17. 自觉发挥社会主义宏观调控机制是构建和谐社会不可或缺的条件。

    It is the indispensable condition to bring socialism macro-control mechanism into full play in the process of constructing harmonious society .

  18. 通过制度管理、契约管理、加强财务监督和审计等途径运行宏观调控机制。

    And through system management , contract management , strengthening financial supervision and audit , macro-regulation mechanism is to be operated .

  19. 深化财政金融体制改革,完善宏观调控机制;深化分配制度改革;

    Deepen her reform of financial and banking system , perfect her macro-regulation and control mechanism and her system of distribution ;

  20. 利益分配机制、宏观调控机制、资金投入机制、营运约束机制、基本保障机制共同支撑起农业产业化的运行。

    Interests distribution mechanism , macro adjustments and controls mechanism , and fund input mechanism , basic security mechanism supports operation of agricultural industrialization .

  21. 立法管理认证规范评估监督需求引导&谈美国高等教育发展的四大宏观调控机制

    Management through Legislation , Regulation by Accreditation , Evaluation Supervision Guidance by Demand & the Four Major Macro-Control Systems in US Higher Education Development

  22. 为促进中职招生的健康发展,政府应建立、完善宏观调控机制,加强政府与市场的互补,制定和完善中职招生制度。

    The government should set up macro-adjustment mechanism and strengthen mutual benefit mechanism between government and market to accelerate the enrollment in secondary vocational schools .

  23. 在改革中合理构造微观经济基础,规范企业运行的外部环境,强化宏观调控机制是治理消费需求膨胀的基本对策。

    The basic measures to curb consumption inflation are to reasonably establish microeconomic foundation , improve external environment for enterprises ' operations , and strengthen macro-controlling mechanism .

  24. 近年来,苏州市积极推行“新苏州人计划”,体现了统筹解决城市外来人口问题的宏观调控机制创新。

    Recently , the municipal government of Suzhou actively Promotes " New Suzhounese Plan ", it reflects the macro-regulative system innovation of urban floating population problem overall solution .

  25. 虽然各个层次的着眼点不同,但最终都是通过政府宏观调控机制和市场机制来实现土地资源综合效益最大化。

    Though starting point of each level is different , is it realize through government macro adjustments and controls mechanism and market mechanism comprehensive benefit maximize of land resource finally .

  26. 宏观调控机制三者的统一体。国有企业市场主体重构既是社会主义市场经济机制正常运行的前提,同时也是我国经济体制改革成功的关键。

    The market 's subject reconstruction is not only the premise for the proper running of socialist economic mechanism , but also the keypoint for the success of economic system reform .

  27. 体育宏观调控机制是体育市场经济活动中看得见的手与看不见的手相结合在体育市场经济活动中发挥作用。

    Macroeconomic regulating mechanism in physical culture plays its role in the activities of physical culture market economy , which is the combination of " visible hand " and " invisible hand " .

  28. 第三、四、五章则分别从引进国政府建立技术引进宏观调控机制,技术中介完善其内部运行机制和引进企业建立技术经营机制三个方面详细地论述了如何建立技术引进的良性循环。

    In chapter 3 , chapter 4 and chapter 5 , the author studies how to build the macro-control mechanism , technology intermediates mechanism , and technology operation mechanism of the introducing enterprises respectively .

  29. 构建和谐商业,要通过政府的宏观调控机制、商会的协调与自律机制、企业的自我表现调节机制、社会的监督机制与和谐商业文化的黏合机制来实现。

    To construct harmonious commerce , it needs the macro-control mechanism of government , coordinative and self-discipline mechanism of commercial chambers , self-regulation mechanism of enterprises , social supervision mechanism and bonding mechanism for harmonious commercial culture .

  30. 最后本文提出科学的宏观调控机制、正式的农地非农化制度创新、户籍制度改革、完善农地征收补偿监管制度等制度创新保障农地非农化市场机制有效转换。

    Finally , we propose the scientific macro-control mechanism , formal farmland conversion system innovation , the system of household registration system reform and improve the farmland expropriation compensation regulatory system innovation protection of farmland conversion market mechanisms .