
  1. 国家外汇局根据审慎监管原则规定的其他职责。

    Other responsibilities stipulated by the SAFE according to the principles of prudential supervision .

  2. 分析了区域限制与民间借贷的效益及风险度问题提出了按照审慎监管原则确定民间借贷区域范围的看法。

    The analysis of regional restrictions and borrowing benefit and risk problem put forward according to the principle of prudent supervision determine borrowing area view .

  3. 中英联合声明表示:“中方同意按照相关审慎监管原则,允许符合条件的境外公司(包括英国公司)通过发行股票或存托凭证形式在中国证券交易所上市。”

    A joint statement said : " China agrees to allow qualified foreign companies , including UK companies , to list on its stock exchange through issuing shares or depository receipts in accordance with relevant prudential regulations . "

  4. 因此,管理部门应坚持审慎监管的原则,抓紧法律法规的制定和完善。

    Therefore the administrative departments should stick to the principle of cautious supervision and quicken the establishment and perfection of related laws and regulations .

  5. 我国社保基金投资运营的方针是安全至上、控制风险、开拓创新、提高效益。随着我国金融市场的发展,其监管应在严格限量监管基础上,渐进式地引入审慎型监管原则。

    Along with the development of the financial market of our country , the supervision should be on the base of strict quantity limitation supervision and importing the prudence type supervision principles .

  6. 促进有效率并购的关键在于以银行利润最大化为目标推行市场化并购、重视并购后的整合过程、整合中要实现治理结构的改进以及在审慎监管的原则下放松银行业市场准入。

    The key to improving efficient M A lies in promoting market-oriented M A targeted with banking maximum profit , putting the reorganization course after M A at a high premium , realizing governance structure improved in the reorganization course , and loosening banking admission under prudence regulation principle .

  7. 第六章介绍了目前各国普遍实行的宏观审慎监管框架与基本原则。

    Chapter VI describes the framework and basic principles of macro-prudential regulatory .