
  • 网络customer service representative;csr;CSRS
  1. 输入客户服务代表提供的确认id。

    Type the confirmation ID that the customer service representative gave you .

  2. 在这里,终端用户是Jane,她是一位客户服务代表,正在与一个呼叫中心应用程序户交互。

    In this case , the end user is Jane , a customer service representative , who is interacting with a call center application .

  3. 您可以通过在客户服务代表的窗口中的Policynumber域中输入一个值来测试双向表单功能。

    You can test the two-way form capabilities by entering a value in the Policy number field in the customer service rep 's window .

  4. 现在,用户可以通过输入客户服务代表的电话号码并单击CallMe按钮来启动与该客户服务代表的联系。

    Now a user can initiate contact with a customer service rep by entering their number and clicking Call Me .

  5. 为SLA的企业支持联系您的客户服务代表。

    For SLA-Enterprise Support contact your client service representative .

  6. 去年,一位申请高级客户服务代表职位的求职者邀请戈德史密斯先生加入自己的Facebook网络。

    Last year , a candidate for a senior client-services position invited Mr. Goldsmith to be part of his Facebook network .

  7. 这个xml工具也可以让您的客户服务代表在与客户通话时,若发现错误,可以即时更正地址,而不是事后补救。

    This XML tool also enables your customer service representatives to correct addresses when they are speaking with a customer , not afterward , when the error is discovered .

  8. 这样,客户服务代表就可以在HTML表单中直接提供帮助,而不必在电话上交换信息。

    Then , the customer service rep could provide assistance directly in the HTML form and the information exchange does not take place over the phone .

  9. Acme想利用WebSphereApplicationServerCEAFeaturePack来快速有效地连接客户服务代表和在填写一份新的索赔申请单时遇到问题的客户。

    Acme wants to leverage the WebSphere Application Server CEA Feature Pack to quickly and effectively connect customer service reps with customers who are having problems filling out a new claim form .

  10. UPS客服中心是在UPS设备的配备了职员的地点,在那里UPS客户服务代表能帮助您准备运输文件和包裹货件。

    UPS Customer Centres are staffed locations at UPS facilities where UPS customer service representatives can help you with UPS ? shipping ? documents and package shipment .

  11. 虽然皮条客并没有推广这个封面在他的任何社会媒体渠道上,但YahooStyle(本网站)联系了一个皮条客的客户服务代表后确认这个封面是真的而且已经邮寄给了订阅者。

    While Hustler did not promote the cover on any of its social media channels , Yahoo Style confirmed with a Hustler customer service representative that the cover is real and was mailed out to subscribers .

  12. 协助客户服务代表管理订单文件的存档。

    Assist Customer Service Representative to file all related documents .

  13. 客户服务代表不仅仅是运作者,更是一个策略者。

    CSR is not only operational , but also strategic .

  14. 我是8个地区的客户服务代表。

    I am one of the eight customer service representatives .

  15. 而发起会话的客户服务代表则是写入者。

    The customer service rep , who initiated the session , is the writer .

  16. 单击新索赔表单上的一个按钮呼叫一位客户服务代表。

    Click a button on the new claim form to call a customer service rep.

  17. 当客户服务代表问我为什么,我大哭起来。

    When the customer service rep asked me why , I burst into tears .

  18. 比如:客户服务代表。

    For example : Customer Service Representative .

  19. 然后,他使用点击呼叫和共同浏览功能从一位客户服务代表那里寻求帮助。

    They then solicit help , using click-to-call and co-browsing , from a customer service rep.

  20. 一个较低级的客户服务代表可能不能看到高优先级的客户。

    Where as a lower level customer service representative may not be able to see high priority customers .

  21. 客户服务代表总要去重复枯燥的话。即便在睡着了也能完成工作。

    Customer-service reps repeat the same tired phrases so often that we can do the job in our sleep .

  22. 三角轮胎授权这些客户服务代表代表三角轮胎为当地或周遍地区的客户提供服务。

    Triangle authorize those representatives to provide service for the clients in the local area and its neighbour areas .

  23. 他说,Equifax的客户服务代表甚至建议他改变他的名字来解决问题。

    He says an Equifax customer service representative even suggested that he change his name to resolve the issue .

  24. 此用例代表由客户服务代表执行的人员活动,该代表将解决库存问题。

    This use case represents a Human Activity performed by a customer service representative who resolves issues of stock availability .

  25. 例如,与数据库管理员相比,客户服务代表需要更受限制的访问级别。

    For example , a customer service representative would need a much more restrictive access level than a database administrator .

  26. 输入的信息不正确。请进行检查并重新输入由客户服务代表提供的确认标识号。

    The information entered is incorrect . Please check and reenter the confirmation ID provided by the Customer Service Representative .

  27. 她开始时是在一家消费者融资公司做客户服务代表,很快就被提升到一个薪水更丰厚的销售职位。

    She started as a customer-service representative at a consumer-finance company and was soon promoted to a much better-paying sales job .

  28. 那意味着,我作为一名电力公司的客户服务代表就得不停地向各处派出维修人员。

    That meant , as a customer service rep for the electric company , I was dispatching repairmen right and left .

  29. 连接建立后,客户服务代表认为最好进入一个共同浏览会话来解决这个问题。

    After you 're connected , the rep decides it would be best to enter a co-browsing session to solve the problem .

  30. 为安全起见,我们的客户服务代表在与客户联络时,通常使用户口号码而非登入编号。

    For security reason , our customer service representatives usually communicate with our clients by using the account number but not their login ID.