
  • 网络Broadband telephone;VoIP;Broadband Telephony;voice over broadband
  1. 宽带电话作为重要的IP电话实现形式,其安全尤其值得关注。

    As an important realization mode of IP phone , broadband telephone should pay special attention to the security .

  2. 宽带电话,以其低廉的价格,迅速成为企业和个人的宠儿,但却使得传统运营商,尤其是固网运营商忧心忡忡,所有迹象表明,VoIP正在催化一场全球的电信业革命。

    Network telephone , with its cheap price , become enterprises and personal pet rapidly , but make traditional operator , especially firm network operator weighed down with anxieties . All signs show that VoIP is pregnant with a global telecommunication industry revolution .

  3. 这篇论文从VoIP的定义和业务类型开始展开探讨,VoIP业务大体分三类,本文着重分析研究其中的两种:宽带电话和即时通讯。

    This paper starts from the VoIP definition and the service type to launch the discussion . The VoIP service roughly divides into three kinds , and this article emphatically analyzes two kinds of them , which are wide band telephone and instant communication .

  4. 基于软交换平台的宽带电话业务的实现

    The Realization of Wide Bandwidth Access Based on Soft-Switch Platform

  5. 宽带电话安全技术研究

    Research on the Security Technology of Broadband Telephone

  6. 中国宽带电话业务的发展

    The Development of Broadband Telephone Services in China

  7. 全球宽带电话市场分析

    Analysis on Global Broadband Telephone Market

  8. 本公司代理视通公司可视电话,中广通公司宽带电话和轩全手机回拨电话。

    The Company Acting Vision video phone companies , the China Guangdong-company-wide broadband telephone and mobile phone call-back telephone Menuhin .

  9. 本系统结合上海网通实际情况,对一个基于B/S架构的宽带电话综合信息管理系统进行了详细的方案设计。

    The system combines the actual situation in Shanghai Netcom , makes a detailed program design for Shanghai Netcom Broadband Telephone Information System which is based on B / S structure .

  10. 宽带电话的安全目前主要通过技术方式实现,指出存在的技术安全威胁,对有关技术防范措施进行了描述。

    At present , the security of broadband telephone is generally realized through technical modes . This article points out the existing technical security threatening , and describes the countermeasures to the relevant technology .

  11. 受移动通信、即时通信、宽带电话等发展的影响,2003年来固网运行商的传统业务的量收均持续下滑,传统业务遭遇了前所未有的困境。

    By mobile communications , instant messaging , such as the development of broadband telephone , in 2003 to run the business of traditional fixed-line business volume collection is a continuing decline in traditional business experienced unprecedented difficulties .

  12. 有线电视网的增值业务&宽带IP电话技术

    The Value-Added Service of CATV Networks-Broadband IP Network Telephone Technology

  13. 空白频段装置爱好者谈到这些设备能为互联网接入提供“第三种管道”,可与有线宽带跟电话线宽带竞争。

    Enthusiasts talk about white-space devices offering a " third pipe " for access to the Internet , to rival cable and telephone broadband .

  14. 完成了远程视频监控系统BHJK,该系统可在IP宽带网、电话线及其混和线路上传输视频流,提供基于视频分析的智能运动检测和异常报警。

    It also can transfer video stream on IP based network , PSTN and their combined network . Besides , it can correctly detect the break in and provide alarm based on video movement analysis .

  15. 首先介绍多媒体通信技术的最新发展,然后讨论多媒体通信系统的设计和实现,给出基于ATM网络的宽带多媒体可视电话系统设计框架及其关键技术。

    This paper introduces the latest development of multimedia communication technology . The design framework of videophone system on ATM broadband network is given and several key technologies are presented in detail .

  16. 宾馆内设普通间、准间,房间免费宽带上网,电话话吧,代订火车票、机票。

    In the guesthouse supposes between , the standard ordinary , the room free wide band accesses the net , telephone speech , generation subscribe the train ticket , the plane ticket .

  17. 基于宽带IP网络的电话虚拟专用网PVPN的研究

    The Research of Virtual Telephony Network P_VPN Based on Broadband IP Network

  18. 找到最好的有线电视,宽带互联网和数字电话特价商品。

    Find the Best Cable TV , Broadband Internet and Digital Phone Specials .

  19. 宽带接入的普及是宽带电话发展的基础,同时,宽带接入也是当前固网运营商的一个利润增长点。

    At the same time , broadband access is a profit increasing point for the fixed network operator .