
duì zhàng
  • antithesis;a matching of both sound and sense in two lines, sentences, etc. usu. with the matching words in the same part of speech;match both sound and sense in two poetic lines;wage war
对仗 [duì zhàng]
  • (1) [antithesis;match both sound and sense in two poetic lines]∶[律诗、骈文等] 按照字音的平仄和字义的虚实做成对偶的语句

  • (2) [wage war] 〈方〉∶交战

对仗[duì zhàng]
  1. 律诗中的对仗及其英译

    " Antithesis " in Classic Chinese Poetry and Its Translation into English

  2. 他的骈文在对仗和用典两方面都体现了很高的艺术水平。

    His prose in antithesis and after two aspects reflect the very high artistic level .

  3. 对仗:两组相对的思想,言辞,词句的平衡。

    The balancing of two contrasting ideas , words , or sentences .

  4. 工是楹联形式上的要求,即对仗工整;

    " Gong " is the requirement in form that is symmetry and neatness .

  5. 这首诗的第一节和第二节的音节对仗工整。

    The first and second stanzas of this poem parallel with each other neatly .

  6. 对联的对仗谈

    Discussion on antithesis of couplet

  7. 文章主要从三个方面探讨了王先生有关对偶与对仗的论述和运用:对王先生在对偶、对仗方面的理论进行阐述;

    The paper is focused on ( 1 ) WANG Li 's theories about Chinese antithesis and couplet ;

  8. 古代的文章不是都要讲究对仗的吗?像那个什么骈文?

    Jerry : Doesn 't ancient article have to pay attention to parallelism ? As the parallel prose ?

  9. 对仗原则是对仗的基本准则,它体现的是曲式或句式结构与结构之间及结构内部的构成原则,包括对称、对比、对应等原则。

    Consisted of symmetry , contract and correspondence , it embodies the constitutive principles between constructions and within constructions .

  10. 在语言上,李白诗歌中就包含了许多的汉语知识,如绝句要求严格的押韵、对仗。

    In the language of poetry , Li Bai contains many Chinese knowledge , such as strict rhyming quatrains , antithesis .

  11. 这些诗歌的普遍特征体现在工整对仗的形式,优美和谐的韵律以及丰富深邃的内涵。

    These features include the neat and balanced form , melodious and harmonious sound , and as well rich and profound meaning .

  12. 与谚语、俚语等不同,汉语四字成语更以其对仗工整,音韵对称的美学功能和修辞特点而成为翻译中的一个难点。

    As Chinese four-character idioms are mostly symmetrical in form and embody the aesthetical function , they pose great difficulty to translation .

  13. 历经千百年的洗礼,诗歌语言简洁洗练、韵律严谨、对仗工巧。

    Tempered by thousands of years , the poetic language is concise , the meters are precise and the antithesis is neatly formed .

  14. 正对又是对联主要的对仗方式之一,但是对联不允许合掌。

    The coordinate couplet also is one of the main antithetical forms of couplet , while the couplet does not permit " Hezhang " .

  15. 诗联在旅游文学中占有重要地位,这里以它们的发展过程为线索介绍一些诗联的基础知识,对仗和平仄尤需注意。

    Here I 'll introduce to you some elementary knowledge of poem Yinglian by the virtue of their development , especially about Duizhang Pingze .

  16. 押韵是使同一韵母反复出现,对仗是复习语法结构和词性的综合性练习。

    The rhyme is the same vowel appears repeatedly , but is to review the grammar structure and part of speech of the comprehensive practice .

  17. 山鸟山花吾友于,杜甫生态诗以物人相通的浓浓人情味,细腻的描写与精妙的对仗等,给人们展现了物物相容的和谐的生态美。

    Du Fu 's ecological poems were full of human feelings , minute descriptions and exquisite antithetical couplet , which showed a kind of harmonious ecological beauty .

  18. 误导:文白对立,否定古典,反对用典和对仗,更全面贬低中国语言文字。

    Misleadings : opposition between Classical Chinese and Vernacular , negating classicism , opposing the applying of allusion and antithesis , belittling Chinese Language and Characters more totally .

  19. 中国古典诗词中,对偶和对仗(一种比较严格的对应),经常使用,以反映客观世界对立统一的双方。

    In Chinese classical poems ," antithesis " is a widely used means to reflect the contrasting parts of the world , achieving beauty in form and in sense .

  20. 根据数据分析、对仗、头韵、尾韵、双关等修辞格的诉求效果更为明显。

    According to the data analysis , rhetorical devices , like antithesis , alliteration , assonance , pun , etc. have more obvious and powerful appealing effect on the customers .

  21. 在门两边贴对联,即在大红纸上写上对仗式的美好语言,让人们看和念,以求吉祥和幸福。

    Many people hang couplet inscriptions on either side of doors , the doors are pasted with vertical scrolls of characters on red paper whose inscriptions seek good luck or happiness .

  22. 在校训的表达形式方面,中国大学校训讲求对仗与钾韵,而西方大学校训则更为自由洒脱、没有严格的限制。

    As to the expression , Chinese school mottos stress the use of such devices as antithesis and rhyming , whereas Western mottos , with no restrictions on the form , read freer in style .

  23. 王安石作文严谨、主张体制为先,同时又受到散体影响,在用典、对仗、炼字等方面呈现出多种特点。

    Wang strict composition , that the system first , and be loose at the same time the impact of the use of Code , antithesis , Lian characters showing a variety of areas such as features .

  24. 汉语新闻标题多种多样,有单句标题,也有对偶,对仗或诗歌形式的二句或多句标题;

    There are different kinds of Chinese news headlines in newspapers and magazines , such as one-sentence headlines as well as two or more sentence news headlines , which sometimes are in couplet or in poetic style .

  25. 在写作上注意提炼意象、锤锻字句,而且在对仗、音韵等方面花费了更多的功夫,因而也更接近唐律。

    Pays attention to the refinement image , the hammer forging words and expressions in writing , moreover he has spent more times in aspects and so on antithesis , sound , thus also closer to Tang law .

  26. 唐诗代表着中华诗歌的最高成就,其意境之优美,对仗之工整,音韵之铿锵,节奏之和谐,既给读者带来心灵的震撼,又给读者以美的享受。

    Tang poetry represents the summit of Chinese poetry . Its beautiful conception , even antithesis , harmonious rhythm and sweet rhyme not only bring a spiritual feast for readers , but also make them intoxicated with the enjoyment of aesthetic .

  27. 记述了一个撰写和修改对联的过程,阐述楹联对仗、韵律规则和寓意表达技巧,并提出按对仗的规范程度将对联分为正统联和就词联两类的建议。

    States the process to compose and modify couplet , discusses the antithesis , rules of rhyming and implication expression skill , and suggests that classify the couplet into orthodox couplet and fitting-words couplet according to the normative degree of antithesis .

  28. 从清丽典雅的风格、灵活多样的用典、和谐优美的声韵、形式各异的对仗、生动传神的炼字等几个角度进行论析;第三部分,主要论述萧衍诗歌的贡献影响。

    Mainly from its poetry and elegant style of Elegant , flexible use of allusions and harmonious beauty of rhyme , antithesis methods of exploration , refining and vivid portrayal of the perspective of several characters ; the third part , the main effect of Xiao Yan poetry contributions .