- 网络council on foreign relations;CFR;foreign affairs committee

The save summit , for example , was co-sponsored by a more traditional think-tank , the Council on foreign relations .
As the European Council on Foreign Relations think-tank puts it in a new report on EU-China relations : China has learned to exploit the divisions among EU member-states .
We have Senator Richard Lugar here , who 's our Ranking Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee .
Mr Singh shared some of his concerns with the US Council on foreign relations in November , saying he feared that China had become more " assertive " in the region .
As Daniel Levy of the European Council on foreign relations says : " the most striking feature of this Israeli election is the growing strength of openly annexationist rightwing forces . "
The Council on foreign relations in July released a study showing that purchases of Fannie and Freddie debt by the central banks of Brazil , Russia , India and China had declined .
She 's a noted advocate for many causes , including the Prevent Sexual Violence Initiative , the Council on Foreign Relations , and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR ) .
Olaf Boehnke of the European Council on Foreign Relations agrees .
He was previously the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee .
But Turkey expert Dimitar Bachev of the European Council on Foreign Relations disagrees .
Trade and External Relations Committee Commercial Relations and Control Group [ Trade Department ]
Trade and External Relations Committee
Mainly uses the benchmarking case ( the council on foreign relations ) research and comprehensive analysis with the combination of research methods .
The writer is president of the Council on Foreign Relations and author of War of Necessity , War of Choice : A Memoir of Two Iraq Wars .
Two new books by Vali Nasr , an Iranian-American academic , and Isobel Coleman , a fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations , offer a welcome challenge to such fears .
He is a Fellow at the Weatherhead East Asian Institute at Columbia University , a Senior Fellow at the Annenberg School of Communications at USC and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations .
Joshua Kurlantzick , now at the Council on Foreign Relations , portrays him as on the losing side in a battle in post-war Washington , as McCarthyite frenzy turned American foreign policy into a " with-us-or-against-us " crusade against communism .
That would be in keeping with legislation proposed last year by Vice-President Joe Biden when he served as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee . He proposed tripling humanitarian aid to Pakistan , but warned military assistance would be cut if Islamabad did not do enough to fight terrorists .
Committee on Foreign Economic Relations
Speaking before the Council on Foreign Relations today , CIA director John Brennan says if where the plane is located , they may know more .
Before the construction of the Shanghai Disney Resort , the Disney Group has clarified in its agenda a blueprint for a new theme park in central and western China , said the municipality 's foreign trade and economic relations commission on the municipality government website , Chongqing Evening News reported .