
  • 网络RSA;aes;Symmetric Encryption Algorithms;symmetric algorithm;symmetric cryptography
  1. 对于对称加密算法,您可以使用AES128或AES256。

    For symmetric encryption algorithms , you can use either AES128 or AES256 .

  2. 第三,比较了几种常用的对称加密算法,并从中选取了安全、快速的Blowfish算法作为BEFS的加密算法;

    Thirdly , the author makes much comparison between several commonly used symmetric encryption algorithms , and selects " Blowfish " as the encryption algorithm for BEFS .

  3. DES对称加密算法研究及C++编程实现

    Research on DES Symmetric Encryption Algorithm and C + + Implementation

  4. RSA非对称加密算法在数字签名中的应用研究

    Application of RSA Asymmetrical Encryption Algorithm in Digital Signature

  5. 目前被业界广泛采用的对称加密算法是AES(AdvancedEncryptionStandard)算法。

    Currently , AES ( Advanced Encryption Standard ) algorithm is widely used in the industry , and it is one of the symmetric encryption algorithms .

  6. 利用对称加密算法AES实现数据库敏感信息的加密存储;

    It uses symmetrical encryption AES to achieve the encryption storage of the sensitive information in the database ;

  7. 介绍了对称加密算法DES,给出了如何在Java中使用JCE技术实现基于DES算法的数据加密和传输。

    The data encrypting and transmiting based on DES algorithms was implemented with JCE of Java programme .

  8. ESP利用对称加密算法(如DES,三重DES)加密有效载荷。

    It uses symmetric and cryptographic algorithms like Data Encryption Standard ( DES ), and triples DES to encrypt the payload .

  9. 阐述了服务安全设计的重要性,重点论述了通过非对称加密算法RSA实现服务数据安全的方案。

    Elaborate the importance of the service security . Introduce the implement of data security strategy through asymmetric cryptographic algorithm RSA . 6 .

  10. 由于WCDMA的鉴权协议采用对称加密算法,不具备不可否认性,因此在实际应用中存在隐患。

    The old WCDMA authentication protocol , because of the use of symmetric encryption , is not undeniable and hides some trouble while working .

  11. RSA加密算法是一种非对称加密算法,在本系统中用于用户登录信息加密、解密以及门户系统和应用系统的交互。

    RSA encryption algorithm is a non-symmetric encryption algorithm , in this system for user login and encryption and decryption portal system and application systems to interact .

  12. 随着无线网络安全机制和技术不断推出,AES(高级加密标准)作为新的分组对称加密算法得到了广泛应用。

    There are more and more WLAN security mechanism and technology . AES ( Advanced Encryption Standard ) obtained the widespread application as the new grouping symmetrical encryption algorithm .

  13. 本文介绍了在网络上大行其道的注册码(序列号)软件加密方法,并给出了一个基于Visualc++60开发平台和非对称加密算法RSA的实例。

    This thesis describes a software protection scheme which is based on serial number and is very popular on the internet . An implementation by Visual C + + 6.0 and RSA encryption algorithm is provided .

  14. 在实现过程中,本文根据DSP特性,在前人提出的算法基础上进行改进RSA非对称加密算法的实现方法,并进行了实验测试。

    Based on arithmetic brought out by former , This paper ameliorate the implementation method of RSA unsymmetrical arithmetic according with the characteristic of DSP chips during the realization . And the experiment test is carried out .

  15. 在第三章中先介绍了密码学的三个主要发展阶段,接着讲述了对称加密算法中的DES、3DES、IDEA、AES加密算法的基本原理和安全分析。

    In chapter 3 , the survey introduce 3 main development phase of cryptology . Then it illustrates the basic theory and security analysis of DES , 3DES , IDEA , AES encryption algorithm .

  16. <1>对现有的对称加密算法DES算法和非对称加密算法RSA算法进行分析,使其易用硬件实现;

    According to the research , the major work done is as following : < 1 > Analyzes the symmetric-key encryption algorithm DES and dissymmetric-key encryption algorithm RSA , and makes them easy to realize in hardware .

  17. 在Evp中自定义SCB对称加密算法封装函数,有点类似PKCS11提供的接口标准。

    From defines the SCB symmetrical encryption algorithm seal function in EVP , A little is similar the interface standard which PKCS # 11 provides .

  18. 在此基础上,提出了基于离散化的TDCM的对称加密算法。

    A novel symmetrical cryptosystem based on discretized TDCM is proposed then .

  19. 高级加密标准(AEs)是美国国家标准与技术研究局宣布采用的数据加密标准,在安全性、简洁性、实现成本等方面与原有的对称加密算法相比具有一定的优势,具有广泛的应用前景。

    National Institute of Standards and Technology announced Advanced Encryption Standard ( AES ) as data Encryption Standard , which has certain advantages over original symmetric encipherment algorithm in security , conciseness , cost , and have widespread application prospect .

  20. 讨论了基于对称加密算法DES的安全信道建立策略,该安全信道能实现通讯双方的认证和加密密钥的协商,并分析了该算法存在的不足。

    This paper discusses the algorithm that can build security channel based on symmetrical encryption algorithms for network communication , security channel is applied in authentication of identity and consultation of keys , advantages of this algorithm are analyzed in detail .

  21. 根据TLS协议,可以使用非对称加密算法来实现会话密钥的交互,然后通过基于对称加密算法的会话密钥来进行邮件信息的加密和解密,从而保证邮件信息的保密性。

    According to TLS protocol , the non-symmetric encryption algorithm can be used to exchanging the session key , which is based on symmetric encryption algorithm , can be used to carry out the encryption and decryption of E-mail messages , so the confidentiality can be ensured .

  22. 超混沌强化对称加密算法的研究与应用

    Study on encrypt arithmetic of symmetry enforced by hyper-chaos and its application

  23. 基于混沌理论的非对称加密算法研究

    Research on Public-Key Encryption Algorithm Based on Chaos Theory

  24. 基于配对函数的对称加密算法

    Symmetric Encryption Algorithm Based on Pairing Function

  25. 首先,密码学中已经实现了对称加密算法和公钥加密算法。

    First of all , symmetrical cryptography and public key cryptography have made great achievements .

  26. 通过测试,说明它具有良好随机性,可用于各种对称加密算法。

    Passing the test , the key has a well randomicity and can used forvarious symmetry encryption .

  27. 通过此策略,我们可以生成任意长度的密钥供用户在对称加密算法中使用。

    By the strategy , we can establish the key with arbitary length to use insymmetrily encryption .

  28. 对称加密算法

    Encrypt Arithmetic of Symmetry

  29. 而非对称加密算法能解决密钥管理和分发上的问题,但加密速度慢。

    And asymmetric algorithm can solve management of key , but has slower speed in encryption than symmetric algorithm .

  30. 对文件数据内容加密,采用对称加密算法以提高文件加密性能,而文件密钥又通过用户私钥加密来保证其安全性。

    For the encryption of document data content , we used symmetric encryption algorithm to enhance the performance of file encryption .