
dǎo dàn qián tǐnɡ
  • guided-missile submarine
  1. “中国人可能将南海部分地区,视为其未来弹道导弹潜艇潜在的防御阵地,”国际战略研究所的蒂姆赫胥黎(timhuxley)表示。

    " The Chinese may see parts of the South China Sea as the potential redoubt for their future ballistic missile-carrying submarines , " said Tim Huxley of the International Institute for strategic studies .

  2. 苏联人建议把美国的弹道导弹潜艇从前沿基地撤走。

    The Soviets proposed the withdrawal of American ballistic-missile submarines from forward bases .

  3. 导弹潜艇超视距作战能力评估指标体系

    Beyond Visual Range Operation Capability Index System of Missile-Submarine

  4. 美国官员还提出,中国即将部署首批有效的核动力弹道导弹潜艇。

    US officials have also suggested that Beijing is close to deploying its first effective nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines .

  5. 这些将会替代中国一种“夏级”弹道导弹潜艇,专家称是进入封存中。

    These will replace China 's one " Xia-class " ballistic missile submarine , which experts say is in mothballs .

  6. 中国还在建造能在海上发射核弹的新型“晋”级导弹潜艇,用以取代“夏”级导弹潜艇。

    China is also building new " Jin-class " ballistic missile submarines , capable of launching nuclear warheads while at sea .

  7. 就像航母战斗群是美国海权象征一样,苏联的海权象征就是导弹潜艇。

    As the aircraft-carrier battle group is a symbol of US naval power , the missile-armed submarine became a symbol of Soviet naval power .

  8. 当中国核动力攻击潜艇计划在1960年后期内进入了全尺寸发展,核动力弹道导弹潜艇计划也产生进步。

    As China 's nuclear-powered attack submarine programme entered full-scale development in the late1960s , the nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine programme was also given go-ahead .

  9. SSBN是美国海军对弹道导弹核潜艇的分类称谓。

    SSBN is the United States Navy 's hull classification symbol for a fleet ballistic nuclear missile submarine .

  10. 水下连续发射导弹时潜艇深度与姿态控制仿真

    Simulation of controlling the gesture and depth of SSBN while projecting in series

  11. 导弹核潜艇危险的平衡

    Nuke with Missile : a Dangerous Balance

  12. 1990年,英国拥有27艘潜艇(不包括那些携带弹道导弹的潜艇),而法国有17艘。

    In 1990 Britain had 27 submarines ( excluding those that carry ballistic missiles ) and France had 17 .

  13. 在下面两幅由水下照相机拍摄,显示导弹从潜艇的导弹发射管弹射出。

    The below two images taken by underwater camera show the missile being ejected from the submarine 's missile launch tube .

  14. 分布实时仿真是当前实时仿真领域的研究热点,主要用于平台级系统(如飞机、导弹、潜艇等武器系统)的人在回路和/或硬件在回路的实时仿真。

    Distributed real-time simulation is the research focus in real-time simulation area , which is usually used for the man-in-loop or hardware-in-loop simulation of platform level systems .

  15. 他表示:由于两国决定升级更新日益老化的核武生产工厂、导弹、潜艇与轰炸机,支出将会上升。

    Spending will increase because of decisions by both nations to upgrade and replace ageing nuclear production factories , missiles , submarines and bombers , he says .

  16. 在导弹核潜艇大量出现与反潜技术飞速发展的今天,常规动力潜艇以它无可辩驳的特殊优势仍在海战中发挥着重要作用,并保持着旺盛的生命力。

    Nowadays though missile nuclear-powered submarines are used widely and anti-submarine technology is developed quickly , conventional submarines still play an important role in contemporary naval battles with their especial preponderance and keep vigorous vitality .

  17. 地磁导航是利用地磁场特征进行匹配定位的重要军事导航技术,在远程跨海式飞航导弹、潜艇等高技术武器装备中具有较好的应用前景。

    Geomagnetic Aided Navigation ( GAN ) is an important military navigation technique by using geomagnetic feature , and it has better application in high tech weapons such as cruise missile , underwater vehicles and so on .

  18. 害怕你们的导弹,我们的潜艇。

    Fear of your missiles , fear of our subs .

  19. 本文建立了潜射导弹水下发射的内流场数学模型,采用有限体积法(FVM)对无动力导弹潜艇发射时的内流场进行了模拟计算。

    Simulation of the interior flow of submarine-based powerless missile underwater launching is performed by applying the finite volume method .