
jiāng yào
  • be going to;be about to;shall;will
将要 [jiāng yào]
  • [be going to;will;shall] 用在动词前面,表示行为或情况在不久以后发生;即将

  • 我们将要毕业

将要[jiāng yào]
  1. 我们将要观察的例子所强调的重点很不相同。

    The examples we will look at have quite different emphases .

  2. 父母将要对孩子的行为负责。

    Parents will be held responsible for their children 's behaviour .

  3. 想象着将要只身走遍世界颇令人心悸。

    Travelling alone around the world is a daunting prospect .

  4. 她没有掩饰自己对将要发生的事很不高兴。

    She made no attempt to hide her displeasure at the prospect .

  5. 下周六他们的不败纪录将要受到考验。

    They will be putting their unbeaten record to the test next Saturday .

  6. 我们听到传言说,将要发生一件有趣的事。

    It had percolated through to us that something interesting was about to happen .

  7. 客人们即时安静了下来,期待着将要发生的事。

    An expectant hush fell on the guests .

  8. 她在会上宣布了令人吃惊的消息,说她将要离开。

    She dropped a bombshell at the meeting and announced that she was leaving .

  9. 他觉得自己将要昏厥。

    He felt himself going under .

  10. 一些已经工作的人将要失业。

    Some of the people already in work will lose their jobs

  11. 将要做的事情列出来,然后决定其优先顺序。

    Make lists of what to do and prioritize your tasks .

  12. 预算数字表明政府借款将要大幅增加。

    The budgetary arithmetic suggests that government borrowing is set to surge

  13. 想到将要无所事事,他就非常害怕。

    The prospect of waiting around just twiddling his thumbs was appalling

  14. 我们遗憾地通知您,您将要无限期地在家待岗。

    We regret to inform you that you are being furloughed indefinitely

  15. 参赛者将要接受随机药检。

    The competitors will be subject to random drug testing .

  16. 我不久将要选修一门现代小说课程。

    I 'm shortly to begin a course on the modern novel .

  17. 将要面对的事情是大家都没有经历过的。

    All of us were untested for what lay ahead .

  18. 他将要访问4个城市,包括萨迪尼亚的卡利亚里。

    He 'll be visiting four cities including Cagliari in Sardinia

  19. 谁知道总统将要面临什么?

    Who knows what lies in store for the President ?

  20. 将要修建两条三车道的公路穿过乡间。

    Two three-lane roads will be carved through countryside .

  21. 我不愿意考虑将要说什么话。

    I can 't bear having to think what I 'm going to say

  22. 刚刚有一份报告被送到政府手中,这意味着将要出现更多的麻烦。

    A report has just arrived on government desks which spells more trouble .

  23. 这些事件都是将要进行变革的征兆。

    These events were all signposts pointing toward change .

  24. 高层领导将要讨论销售量如何削减。

    Senior officials will be discussing how the volume of sales might be reduced .

  25. 将要谈到的问题与人权问题有关。

    The question to be addressed is interlinked with the question of human rights .

  26. 我不禁对自己将要放弃的津贴感到有点儿不舍。

    I can 't help feeling slightly wistful about the perks I 'm giving up

  27. 接下来几个月内将要面临的危机规模将是无法相比的。

    The crisis faced over the next few months is of an entirely different scale

  28. 这可能意味着成千上万家服务社会的小企业将要倒闭。

    This could mean the closure of thousands of small businesses which serve the community

  29. 外交大臣将要访问中国。

    The Foreign Minister is to visit China

  30. 有报道称将要调动军队。

    There were reports of troop movements .