
zūn guì
  • honorable;honourable;respectable;respected;dignity
尊贵 [zūn guì]
  • [honourable;respectable;respected] 高贵而值得尊敬

  • 尊贵的客人

尊贵[zūn guì]
  1. 各位阁下,Niebel部长,Rösler部长,尊贵的部长们,尊敬的代表们,公共卫生界同仁,女士们,先生们

    Excellencies , Minister Niebel , Minister R ö sler , honourable ministers , distinguished delegates , colleagues in public health , ladies and gentlemen

  2. 主席先生,尊贵的部长们,区域办事处主任Samlee博士,联合国系统各机构的同僚们,女士们,先生们

    Mr Chairman , honourable ministers , distinguished delegates , Regional Director Dr Samlee , colleagues in the UN family , ladies and gentlemen

  3. 尊贵的夫人今天也许愿意动手自己把衣服挂起来吧!

    Perhaps her ladyship would like to hang up her own clothes today !

  4. 她以尊贵的神态示意让他离开。

    She dismissed him with a regal gesture .

  5. 她显得很尊贵。

    She behaved with great dignity .

  6. 梅塞德斯车代表一种尊贵。

    A Mercedes carries a certain cachet .

  7. 国王为他尊贵的客人们举行了盛大的宴会。

    The king held a feast for his distinguished guests .

  8. 拿我来说,一切尊贵的,叫人敬重的劳动、考验和折磨都使我乏味。

    For my part , I abominate all honorable respectable toils , trials , and tribulations of every kind whatsoever .

  9. 由于百思买(BestBuy)的一次幸运的过失,一对买家现在可以把这个平板电脑当作是圣诞节的尊贵礼物了。

    Thanks to a fortunate error by Best Buy , a couple of shoppers can now use the tablet computer for stocking stuffers .

  10. 打造RFID专业品牌,服务我们尊贵的战略合作伙伴。

    RFID to create a professional brand , Services to our valued strategic partner .

  11. 使得本来尊贵高端的VIP,变得日益大众化。

    The distinguished high-end VIP has become increasingly popular .

  12. ASP对产品质量的保证是竭诚为尊贵的客户提供始终如一的优良产品和良好的售后服务。

    Product is guaranteed and SH-ASP exerts ongoing efforts to give consistently superior quality and service to it valued customers .

  13. 女王和其丈夫是由美国总统乔治W布什和妻子劳拉款待的晚宴上的尊贵客人。

    The monarch and her husband were guests of honour at the dinner hosted by US President George W Bush and wife Laura .

  14. 并不只是打印网页,您将为我们尊贵的客户提供一个时髦的PDF版本,这会使他们在轻松的状态下完成打印。

    Instead of just printing the web page , you 're going to give our valued customers a swanky PDF version they can print at their leisure .

  15. Lady是一个对女性非常客气的称呼,尤其专用于称呼地位尊贵的女性或者贵族夫人。

    The word lady is a polite term for a woman , specifically the female equivalent to , or spouse of , a lord or gentleman , and in many contexts a term for any adult woman .

  16. 如今,尊贵楼变成了一个小博物馆,专门介绍20世纪20年代至40年代的罗马反法西斯艺术家,包括作家兼画家卡洛·莱维(CarloLevi)。

    The Casino Nobile now features a small museum dedicated to the Roman School of anti-Fascist artists active between the 1920s and 1940s , including the writer and painter Carlo Levi .

  17. 菲亚特500L共有四种版本配置的车型,名字听起来有点像波那罗(Bonnaroo)艺术节的休闲室:大众版(Pop)、舒适版(Easy)、旅行版(Trekking)和富有特色的尊贵版(Lounge)。

    The 500L comes in four trim levels with names that sound like the chill rooms at Bonnaroo : Pop , Easy , Trekking and the feature-laden Lounge .

  18. 持任意一种卡在XX宾馆消费,均可感受到“一卡通”给您带来的超值享受&尊贵、时尚、便捷、实惠。

    Consuming in XX Hotel with any All-in-one Card , you will experience the enjoyment above the price you pay for – dignity , fashion , convenience and economy , all brought by the All-in-one Card .

  19. 这得益于UniBaggage不久前推出的VIF(VeryImportFresher,尊贵新生)服务,收费最高达3.5万英镑,承诺将新生们和他们的行李别具一格地送达大学校园。

    This is thanks to the Very Important Fresher service launched last week by Uni Baggage , which charges up to £ 35000 to transport teenagers and their belongings to uni in style .

  20. 尊贵楼始建于1835年,墙上的浮雕出自雕塑家安东尼奥·卡诺瓦(AntonioCanova)之手,装饰着壁画的房间风格多样,从埃及风格到哥特风格。

    Construction of the Casino Nobile started in 1835 , and it includes reliefs by the sculptor Antonio Canova and rooms frescoed in various styles , from the Egyptian to the Gothic .

  21. 山姆·曼迪思(SamMendes)的歌舞剧《查理与巧克力工厂》试探性地为下一季的百老汇演出铺路。它并不是另一场《玛蒂尔达》,但碧翠丝却很喜欢,而且还享受到了尊贵的观剧体验。

    Sam Mendes 's musical version of " Charlie and the Chocolate Factory , " which is tentatively slated for Broadway next season , was no " Matilda . " But Beatrice loved it , especially given our own golden-ticket experience .

  22. 尊贵生活奢华体验&北京丹尼艾丽意大利餐厅

    Noble life , experience of luxury & Danieli 's Italian Restaurant

  23. 和他们在一起工作没有丝毫能让我觉得高尚尊贵的感觉。

    I 'm not honored at all to work with them .

  24. 我们热烈欢迎你们和你们尊贵的代表团来访咸尔士。

    We warmly welcome you and your distinguished delegation to Wales .

  25. 伦敦城的市长有个尊贵的头衔

    The Mayor of the City of London has a fancy title

  26. 这一来他的地位就更高不可攀了,身份就更尊贵了。

    It made his role more extravagant , of greater magnitude .

  27. 专业致力为广大的尊贵客户提供全面优良的租车服务。

    We dedicate to providing quality auto rental service to you !

  28. 尊贵的法王噶m巴说,他是一位佛教徒、一位修行者。

    His holiness the Karmapa is a Buddhist and practices Buddhism .

  29. 露拉去拜访尊贵的罗克明斯特夫人了。

    Laura was on a visit to the stately lady rockminster .

  30. 提倡尊贵、奢侈的生活方式,引领终极驾驭乐趣。

    Advocating royal and luxury life style , leading ultimate control fun .