
  • 网络little Russian;Little Russia
  1. 俄罗斯人通常用“小俄罗斯”来代表乌克兰。

    Russians often use the term " Little Russia " as a synonym for Ukraine .

  2. Artamonov称,波尔塔瓦战役对乌克兰来说并不是灾难,而是马泽帕和他的同党的灾难,他们企图使“小俄罗斯”臣服于波兰。

    Artamanov says Poltava was not a tragedy for Ukraine , but rather a tragedy for Mazepa and his followers who sought to " Little Russia " to Poland .

  3. 聪明的小女孩(俄罗斯传说)

    The Wise Little Girl ( A Russian Tale )