
xiǎo tōu
  • thief;pickpocket;pilferer;petty thief;prowler;scrounger;sneak thief
小偷 [xiǎo tōu]
  • (1) [petty thief;pilferer;prowler;scrounger]∶偷东西的人

  • (2) [pilferer]∶盗窃者

小偷[xiǎo tōu]
  1. 他自己供认是小偷。

    He is a thief by his own admission .

  2. 他是个出了名的小偷。

    He 's a known thief .

  3. 小心你的提包,这里有小偷。

    Watch your bag ─ there are thieves around .

  4. 某些类型的商品较为小偷所喜欢。

    Certain types of goods are preferred by pilferers .

  5. 小偷盗走500英镑现金。

    The thieves stole £ 500 in cash .

  6. 小偷害怕了,就跑了。

    The thieves got scared and ran away .

  7. 要提防小偷。

    Be on the watch for thieves .

  8. 我们知道常有小偷小摸的事情。

    We know that pilfering goes on .

  9. 那小偷已逃之夭夭。

    The thief got clean away .

  10. 内斯追上小偷,按住他,一直等到警察赶到。

    Ness chased the thief down and held him until police arrived

  11. 如果小偷盗用你的信用卡,你的卡会立即受到保护。

    You are protected instantly if a thief misuses your credit card

  12. 他17岁就有了小偷小摸的犯罪前科。

    At 17 , he had a criminal record for petty theft

  13. 小偷是从二楼的窗户进入屋里的。

    The thief had broken in through a first-floor window .

  14. 这个小偷被处以两年缓刑。

    The thief was put on probation for two years .

  15. 他从医院回来,发现家里被小偷洗劫一空。

    He returned from hospital to find thieves had ransacked his home .

  16. 小偷撞了警车后逃走了。

    The thieves fled , ramming the policeman 's car

  17. 小偷晚上闯进了庄园。

    Thieves broke into the manor at night .

  18. 一组警员正在翻查数以千计的小偷小摸者的犯罪记录。

    A team of officers is trawling through the records of thousands of petty thieves

  19. 这些小偷常携带凶器,有时会为赃物杀人。

    The thieves are often armed and in some cases have killed for their plunder .

  20. 有的小偷懒得为了一点蝇头小利去费劲把偷来的银器熔掉。

    Some thieves do not even bother to melt down stolen silver for its scrap value .

  21. 店员在柜台后有些小偷小摸的行为。

    Staff were pilfering behind the bar

  22. 别把买的东西放在汽车后座上——那会招来小偷的。

    Don 't leave your shopping on the back seat of your car — it 's an open invitation to a thief .

  23. “你在指责我是小偷吗?”——“我没有做过这种事,托尼。”

    ' Are you accusing me of being a thief ? ' — ' I have done no such thing , Tony . '

  24. 听到脚步声,那两名小偷飞快地溜走了。

    Hearing footsteps , the two thieves made a swift exit .

  25. 警察赶到时他正与小偷厮打。

    He was struggling with the thief when the police came .

  26. 小偷看见警察过来便马上溜走了。

    The thief cleared off when he saw the cops coming .

  27. 小偷试图朝下挖出一条窄窄的通道。

    The thief tried to burrow a narrow path downward .

  28. 那个小偷昨天获得了州长的赦免。

    That thief was pardoned yesterday by the governor .

  29. 小偷看见警察便急忙溜掉了。

    The thief bolted when he saw the cops .

  30. 小偷抢了她的钱包逃跑了。

    The thief snatched her purse and ran away .