- Little Apple;griggles

One day , his friend gave the farmer a young apple tree and told him to take it home and plant it .
One day , the farmer 's friend gave him a young apple tree and told him to take it home and plant it .
We have no idea when she will walk out of shadow .
Yeah . That little apple represents the BIG Apple .
Giant fly , as big as a small apple .
Evaluation on Characteristics of Four Varieties of Hardy Apple and Their Utilization in Breeding
According to Southern.com , the songhas been played to at least500 million listeners worldwide 。
There are only small apples left , we have eaten all the big ones .
That 's a small apple .
Crabapple-like fruit used for preserves .
I think apple is cute .
Small Apple : This dog went all out by dressing up as New York City .
On arriving home in the evening , I saw " Happy Apple " crying , so desperately .
" Happy Apple " becomes more and more cheerful gradually , saying to send a present to Linzi .
If I knew that tomorrow was the end of the world , I would plant an apple tree today .
Or you can carve a little apple spoon and just eat the almond butter straight out of a bowl .
China 's Internet singing sensation Chopsticks Brothers performed their viral hit Little Apple at the 2014 American Music Awards .
It is the first love of " Happy apple ", so she almost speaks highly of her boyfriend every day .
That 's Christ 's resurrection , but all the rest of us are just little apple blossoms , or little immature apples .
Try half a sandwich and1 cup or240 milliliters of milk , or3 crackers , 2 ounces of cheese , and a small apple .
In the film , they sang Little Apple when they auditioned for an American music talent show and received a thumbs-up from the judges 。
China 's Internet singing sensationChopsticks Brothers will perform their viral hit Little Apple at the 2014 American MusicAwards , according to Southern . com 。
It 's also a fine day today , then let me continue to tell you the things about our " Happy apple " . What will happen next ?
In the film , they sang Little Apple when they auditioned for an American music talent show and received a thumbs-up from the judges . Now , life is following art .
Little Apple has taken China 's Internet by storm . Its MP3 received 579 million hits and themusic video has been played 823 million times on China 's major music and videostreaming sites 。
Under the little apple-tree , Spring seemed busy , and toldhis tale from one of the branches which hung fresh and blooming , and covered with delicate pink blossoms that were just readyto open .
It has been proved by natural infection and artificial inoculation that cross infection appeared between larger and smaller apple trees . Some mainly cultivars of larger apple trees can be infected by this disease .
There were much difference between cider and juice varieties , cider and fresh varieties as well as Chinese crab apple and western European crab apple , while juice and fresh varieties had similar genetic background .
Ms. Harris , on her way to San Francisco for the night , stayed for a while and watched Pickles and my daughter play in the yard as Pickles shredded some leaves and discovered the small green apples that had fallen from our trees .
Effects of Phosphorus Levels and VA Mycorrhizae on Growth and Mineral Contents of Apple Seedlings