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  • Chicken Drumsticks;chicken leg quarters;small drumkstick
  1. 一只乌鸦看到地面上有一只小鸡腿。烤鸡腿是小家伙们最爱吃的。

    A black bird sees a chicken leg on the ground .

  2. 山门紧琐着。她想拿出小鸡腿来,可是,打开小布包一看,空空的。

    The gate was locked , and she tried to take out the chicken 's leg ; but when she unwrapped the cloth it was empty , and she had lost the gift of the kindly stars .

  3. 一颗启明星站起来,给她一个小鸡腿说:“你的七个哥哥,都住在玻璃山上。你要是没有这只小鸡腿,就打不开那玻璃山的大门。”

    But the morning star got up and gave her a little chicken 's leg and said : " If you don 't have this chicken 's leg , you won 't be able to unlock the glass mountain , and inside the glass mountain is where your brothers are . "

  4. 小女孩接过鸡腿,小心翼翼地包在小布片里,又往前走。走啊走,好不容易走到了玻璃上。山门紧琐着。

    The girl took the leg , wrapped it up well in a piece of cloth , and set off again and went on and on until she came to the glass mountain .