
  • 网络Minority;the few;Menshevik
  1. 少数派博弈(MinorityGame)模型在建立复杂适应系统的基于主体的仿真模型方面具有重要的应用。

    The Minority Game ( MG ) model has an important application in the agent-based modeling of complex adaptive system .

  2. 他认为ClearChannel项目和电影“少数派报告”中的广告场景完全是两回事。

    He makes a distinction between the Clear Channel program and the advertising in this scene from the dystopian thriller " Minority Report . "

  3. 他们只有通过内战才能将意志强加给少数派。

    They have no means , short of civil war , to enforce their will upon the minorities .

  4. 众议院少数派领袖JohnBoehner称该金融改革法案“构想拙劣”。

    House Minority Leader John Boehner called the financial reform bill "

  5. 辩论结束时,众议院少数派领袖贝纳(JohnBoehner)发出了警告。

    As the debate , House Minority leader John Boehner issued a warning .

  6. 这个设备除了让你们的幻想变为现实,让你们看起来跟《少数派报告》里的TomCruise一样酷之外,

    But other than letting some of you live out your fantasy of looking as cool as Tom Cruise in " Minority Report , "

  7. 当Myo运行时,它可以让你感觉像使用光剑的卢克•天行者(LukeSkywalker)或者《少数派报告》(MinorityReport)中的汤姆•克鲁斯(TomCruise)。

    When it works , Myo can make you feel like Luke Skywalker using the Force or Tom Cruise in Minority Report .

  8. 这令佩雷兹印象深刻,他在下拉框勾选了“乐于成为唯一的少数派”(ComfortinMinorityof1),这或许标志着这名学生会促进校园中的对话。

    Impressed , Dr. P é rez checked the box for " Comfort in Minority of 1 , " a sign , perhaps , that the student would contribute to campus dialogues .

  9. RabbiAbrahamCooper是西蒙·维森塔尔中心副主任,他说仇恨网站越来越多地针对宗教少数派。

    Rabbi Abraham Cooper is associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center . He says hate websites increasingly target religious minorities .

  10. 众议院少数派领袖JohnBoehner认为这是“臆想的犯罪”和“激进的社会政策。”在一份声明中,他表示“所有的暴力犯罪活动都应该受到有力的起诉。而这个法案将一些生命的价值看得高于其他人。”

    John Boehner , the minority leader in the House of Representatives , called it " thought crimes " legislation and " radical social policy . "

  11. 少数派领袖,肯塔基州参议员MitchMcConnell表示,该法案将使未来的救助可能性更大,而不是更小。

    Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky says it would make future bailouts more likely , not less .

  12. 众议员JohnBoehner说他和其他共和党已经做好准备回到华盛顿特区工作。你可能已经注意到他的头衔:少数派领袖。

    Representative John Boehner , saying he and other Republicans are ready to get back to work in Washington , D.C. You might have noticed his title : minority leader .

  13. 达瓦党是自萨达姆侯赛因(SaddamHussein)的逊尼少数派政权倒台以来在伊拉克占据主导地位的伊斯兰什叶派系,获得了华盛顿和德黑兰不同程度的支持。

    the Shia Islamist party that has dominated Iraq since the fall of Saddam Hussein 's minority Sunni regime - with varying degrees of support from Washington and Tehran .

  14. 他会见了众议院发言人NancyPelosi,众议院高层共和党人,少数派领袖JohnBoehner,以及参议院多数派领袖HarryReid,少数派领袖MitchMcConnell以及其他立法者。

    He met with House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the top House Republican , Minority Leader John Boehner , Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid , Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and other lawmakers .

  15. 国会刚刚通过的措施规定短期内将支出削减40亿美元——而共和党人则寻求更加深入的削减,例如参议院少数派领袖米奇·麦康奈尔(MitchMcConnell)。

    The approved measure trims s by $ 4 billion in the short term - a down payment on far deeper cuts sought by Republicans , like Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell .

  16. 其主要创新之处在于使用主体仿真建模的方法,在少数派博弈模型中引入了投资者的模仿行为,使用RePast平台予以实现并进行了分析研究。

    The creativity of this paper is to simulate the imitation behavior based on MG model using agent-based modeling method , and implement and analyze it with the RePast simulation toolkit .

  17. 斯蒂芬•斯皮尔伯格的科幻电影《少数派报告》是该橱窗的灵感来源。

    The Steven Spielberg futuristic movie Minority Report inspired the window .

  18. 共和党很可能已经永远沦为少数派。

    The Republican Party might have slipped into perennial minority status .

  19. 能够意识到自己是少数派

    Wise to the fact that they 're in the minority .

  20. 纵观历史,宗教少数派总会遭受到迫害。

    Throughout the history , religious minorities have always been persecuted .

  21. 他们是持有一种特殊观点的少数派。

    They are a minority group with a particular point of view .

  22. 我们必须甘于做少数派,因为我们。

    We had to remain in the minority , because we mobilized .

  23. 我很清楚在这一点上我是个少数派。

    I know very well that I am in a minority here .

  24. 但少数派的作用也同样重要。

    The function of the minority , however , is equally fundamental .

  25. 这些少数派团体是那些偏离专断准则的人。

    These minority groups are people who deviate from the arbitrary norms .

  26. 你宁可做个疯子,光棍少数派。

    You preferred to be a lunatic , a minority of one .

  27. 数量上达数百万之众的少数派比比皆是。

    A minority of millions is not at all unusual .

  28. 就这一点而言,我正日益变成少数派。

    In this , I am becoming increasingly unusual .

  29. 如你所想,他举了电影《少数派报告》的例子。

    And yes , he brought up Minority Report .

  30. 阿拉维少数派数十年来至高无上的地位,正面临着最大的威胁。

    The minority alawites face the greatest threat to their supremacy in decades .