
  • 网络employment level
  1. 发展第三产业提高我国就业水平的现状分析

    Positive Analysis of Developing Tertiary Industry to Improve Employment Level

  2. 实行外向型的经济发展模式,可以提高本国的就业水平;

    Implement the export-oriented economic development model , can improve the national employment level ;

  3. 国内的总体就业水平与FDI呈负相关;

    The total domestic employment and FDI are negatively correlated ;

  4. 本文运用Romer的新经济增长理论基本模型对新经济的主要特征(人均收入在低通胀、高就业水平条件下的长期持续增长)作出机理解释。

    This paper gives an explanation for the mechanism of new economy based on new economic theory advanced by P.Romer .

  5. 二战后,实用统计学家和经济学家们注意到,失业与通胀之间存在着一种稳定的关系就业水平越高,价格上涨越快,这就是著名的菲利普斯曲线(Phillipscurve)。

    After the second world war , practical statisticians and economists noticed a stable relationship between unemployment and inflation – more jobs were accompanied by faster price rises – and this became known as the Phillips curve .

  6. 多数G20成员国继续成功管理着政治进程,将国内保护主义压力维持在可控范围内。尽管对于其中一些国家而言,经济环境较为艰难,就业水平和新就业机会都在萎缩。

    Most G20 members continue to manage successfully the political process of keeping domestic protectionist pressures under control , despite a difficult environment for some of them where employment levels and new job opportunities are shrinking .

  7. 该公司首席执行官乔治巴克利(georgebuckley)表示,最近美国的经济指标和企业利润双双向好,但要提振经济,就业水平还需增长。

    George Buckley , chief executive of the diversified manufacturer and Dow component , said that recent US economic indicators and corporate earnings had been positive but a rise in employment levels was needed to lift the economy .

  8. 经济蒸蒸日上,就业水平开始上升。

    The economy builds steam , and hiring picks up .

  9. 推进高校创业教育提升大学生就业水平

    Promoting enterprise education to raise the level of employment of University Students

  10. 而且,长期加班不利于企业技术水平和管理能力的提升,抑制就业水平,加剧劳资矛盾,不利于国家长期可持续发展。

    Overtime is not conducive to long-term technology and business management skills upgrading .

  11. 依靠科技进步提高企业的就业水平

    To Increase the Enterprise Employment by Science and Technology

  12. 出口订单和制造企业的就业水平均大幅降低。

    Export order receipts fell sharply , as did employment levels at manufacturing companies .

  13. 政府应降低生产者服务进口壁垒以促进国内就业水平的提高。

    The government should reduce import barrier on producer service to improve domestic employment .

  14. 明年年底之前,就业水平不会有很大的提高。

    Employment levels are unlikely to rise significantly before the end of next year .

  15. 中国产业结构变动与就业水平的实证研究

    An Empirical Analysis on the Change of Industrial Structure and the Level of Employment in China

  16. 在经济景气的时候,即使美国达到了充分就业水平的产出,也满足不了它的花费。

    In its boom years , America spent more than enough to keep itself fully employed .

  17. 创业对促进经济发展效率,为市场带来创新,促进和维持就业水平都是很重要的。

    Entrepreneurship is very important to the efficiency of economic development , market innovation and employment rate .

  18. 香港社会事业全面进步,就业水平持续提高,社会保障明显改善。

    Hong Kong has enjoyed all-round social development , continued high employment level and significantly improved social security .

  19. 要想确保社会稳定和就业水平,变革必须是循序渐进而理性的。

    Changes have to be incremental and sensible if they are to ensure social stability and employment levels .

  20. 就业水平已向衰退前的水平回升,但薪酬仍然处于永冻层下。

    Employment levels have picked up towards pre-recession levels , but pay is still under a layer of permafrost .

  21. 这些措施将帮助提高就业水平,并对社会底层人群提供保护。

    measures that would generate higher levels of employment and provide basic social protection for the most vulnerable . "

  22. 影子工资系数与工程所在地劳动力状况、结构及当地就业水平有关。

    The SWR coefficient is concerned with labor force situation , structure and local level of employment of the project site .

  23. 但一些经济学家建议,新加坡应该减少低技能外国人的数量,以提高本地就业水平和薪资。

    But some economists suggest that Singapore should cut the number of low-skilled foreigners to promote local hirings and higher wages .

  24. 和1990年相比,1995年的就业水平下降,男、女就业差距明显缩小。

    Comparing to 1990 , the employment rate declined in 1995 , the employment gap between men and women was narrowed .

  25. 改革开放是迅速提高女性就业水平的重要保证&对深圳女性就业现状的调查分析

    Open-and-Reform is a Major Guarantee to Raise Women ′ s Employment Level Investigation Analysis on current Employment State of Women in Shenzhen

  26. 需求低于充分就业水平的原因及对策水资源需求管理研究分析与实施建议

    Demand under the Level of Full Employment : Causes and Countermeasures ; Analysis and Strategy for the Demand Management of Water Resources

  27. 由于技术进步对劳动供给具有确定性的增加效应,所以,技术进步对就业水平的作用决定于其对劳动需求的不确定性影响。

    Because the influence of technology progress on the labor supply is ascertain , the employment level is decided by labor demand .

  28. 它不仅着眼于国内生产总值而且着眼于就业水平、实际个人收入、工业生产以及批发和零售业。

    It not only looks at GDP but at employment levels , real personal income , industrial production and wholesale and retail sales .

  29. 制约女性人才发展的人口经济学因素主要是女性人口整体文化素质、教育收益、城市化水平、就业水平等几个方面。

    The demographic factors restricting the development of women talents are their literacy quality , educational gains , urbanization development and employment rate .

  30. 就业水平高低与经济增长快慢相吻合,扩大就业的基础是经济的持续快速增长。

    Employment rate is closely related to the rate of economic increase , sustained and fast economic growth is the base for employment expansion .