
jū zhù quán
  • Residency;habitation;habitatio;right of dwelling
  1. 第二章对居住权在我国设立的必要性进行了分析。

    Chapter two will analyze the necessity to set up the habitatio system .

  2. 居住权问题研究

    A Study of the Issue of Habitatio

  3. 居住权得不到保证是许多家庭居无定所的一个原因。

    Lack of security of tenure was a reason for many families becoming homeless .

  4. 岛外的人和岛民结婚之初只能获得三年的居住权。

    Outsiders who wed islanders are given only three years ' right of abode at first .

  5. 他申请了在英国的居住权。

    He applied for British residency

  6. 尼古拉斯·凯奇(NicolasCage)向来不随大流,他曾向媒体透露,因为居住权问题,他因影片《离开拉斯维加斯》(LeavingLasVegas)所获得的小金人“正在某辆卡车上穿越路易斯安那州”。

    Nicolas Cage certainly bucks a lot of trends . He once told media that , for residency reasons , the award he won for the 1996 film Leaving Las Vegas was " in a truck somewhere moving through Louisiana . "

  7. 客户们不只是投资,他们真的想做更多,居住权和公民权规划公司亨利合伙公司(Henley&Partners)马耳他办事处的总经理马克·斯坦纳德(MarkStannard)说。

    Clients genuinely want to do more than just make the investment , said Mark Stannard , managing director of the Maltese office of Henley & Partners , a residence and citizenship planning firm .

  8. 第二阶段是居住权的形成时期。

    The second stage is the formation period of residence right .

  9. 居住权是人类的基本权利和需要。

    Residence right is a basic right and need of mankind .

  10. 居住权起源于罗马法的人役权制度。

    Dwelling rights originated in Roman law system of personal servitude .

  11. 居住权的历史发展分为三个阶段。

    The history of residence right is divided into three stages .

  12. 居住权是公民的基本权利。

    The right of residence is the basic right of citizens .

  13. 第六章是居住权的法制保障体系。

    Chapter VI is the legal protection system of residence right .

  14. 论早期斯图亚特王朝对乡村贵族城市居住权的限制

    On Early Stuart 's Restraint in City Residence for Rural Noblemen

  15. 浅论居住权制度在我国设立的必要性

    On the Necessity of Setting up Inhabitation Rights System in China

  16. 摘要否定居住权的各项理由值得商榷。

    It 's worth negotiating the negative reasons of right of habitation .

  17. 我国居住权制度研究

    Research on the Chinese Institution of Right of Habitation

  18. 居住权的立法建议部分是本文的落脚点。

    The aim of this article is to produce the suggestions to legislation .

  19. 论我国居住权制度的建立

    The construction of the housing system of our nation

  20. 是说我声称我有居住权,还是我不否想要这个居住权?

    Do you claim to be a resident of Arizona for tuition purposes ?

  21. 居住权制度是一项大陆法系国家的传统制度,最早可以追溯到罗马法。

    The legal system of habitatio is a traditional one for civil law countries .

  22. 至于积极意义上的居住权要等到第三个阶段才开始产生。

    As the positive sense of residence right has produced in the third stage .

  23. 在物权法制定过程中,对于应否确立居住权制度一直都有争议。

    From now on the system of the right of habitation should be perfected .

  24. 居住权制度的设立在我国是必要的也是可行的。

    But the system set up residence in our country is necessary and feasible .

  25. 而在连续四年的投资之后,成功的投资者可以申请永久居住权。

    After investing for four years , successful applicants can apply for permanent residence .

  26. 在一个国家的居住权。

    Right to live in a country .

  27. 居住权与我国物权法

    Residency right and Chinas real right law

  28. 他们的护照,没有给他们在英国的居住权。

    Their passports do not give them the right to reside in the United Kingdom .

  29. 他已获得美国的永久居住权

    He was granted permanent residence in America

  30. 他2011年草案的重心同样是放在了让非法移民获得永久居住权和公民身份的途径上。

    His 2011 blueprint also focused on a path to permanent residency and eventual citizenship .