
lǚ xínɡ qī xiàn
  • Performance period;deadline for performance
  1. 合同从有效成立至合同履行期限届至前(合同中期)出现一方不履行(拒绝履行和履行不能)的情况时,法律应如何对受害方予以救济?

    How should laws give remedies to the aggrieved party in case of nonperformance of one party ( renunciation and impossibility of performance ) in medium-term of their contract , which is from effective date to the deadline for performance of the contract ?

  2. 诉讼当事人往往基于现实的需要而未约定债务的履行期限,目前,我国学术界对未定履行期的请求权的诉讼时效期间的起算意见未达成一致。

    There are different views in academic circle about how to ascertain the beginning for calculating the prescription period of Anspruch of unascertained deadline for performance .

  3. 最高为每唱履行期限为4分钟。

    Maximum time limit for each singing performance is4 minutes .

  4. 第五部分诉讼时效与债务履行期限的关系。

    Part V describes the relation between limitation of action and debts obligation limitation .

  5. 该标准并不适用于本文所选的未定履行期限合同。

    The standard does not apply to this article selected yet to fulfill the term contract .

  6. 本文认为,预期违约是指在合同成立后,履行期限届至前,一方当事人表现出来的将不履行合同的行为或不能履行合同的事实状态。

    Anticipatory breach refers to the conduct or state that the other party will not perform the contract .

  7. 根据法国的法律,在履行期限届满之前,不发生违约问题。

    In accordance with the French law , prior to the date for performance , no breach of contract shall occur .

  8. 本人针对预期违约特征提出独特见解,认为预期违约应发生在履行期限届至或届满前。

    The author raises unique opinion in view of anticipatory breach of contract 's characteristics , thinking it should happen at or before the expiration .

  9. 在履行期限届满之前,当事人一方明确表示或者以自己的行为表明不履行主要债务;

    ( ii ) before the time of performance , the other party expressly stated or indicated by its conduct that it will not perform its main obligations ;

  10. 土耳其直到12月6日这个欧盟设定的最终履行期限也未采取任何行动。同时,他们声称除非欧盟履行他们的承诺,即解除其北塞浦路斯地区的贸易禁令,否则他们不会有任何让步。

    The Turks rebuffed a deadline of December6th , insisting that they will not give way until the Europeans fulfil their own promise to end the trade embargo on Turkish northern Cyprus .

  11. 如当事人依据执行和解协议另行起诉、和解协议履行期限较长的案件裁定终结本次执行程序便是明证。

    As the basis of the execution of the agreement will be prosecuted , the settlement agreement in the longer the maturity of the case that the implementation of the program is an evidence .

  12. 旅游合同虽类似于承揽合同,但其具有主体特定,非要式、提供的是综合性的服务、履行期限要求严格、团体性等特征,是一种性质独特的合同。

    Although the contract is similar to travel agents contract , but its main specific enough to warrant the type , provide comprehensive services , to fulfill demanding period , groups such as the characteristics of the unique nature of a contract .

  13. 合同签订后,一方当事人在履行期限届满前有可能不履行合同义务,另一方当事人如何维护自己的权利成为备受关注的问题。

    After a contract is signed , one of the parties concerned may not fulfill its contractual obligations before the term of performance expires ; how does the other party concerned defend its rights has become an issue that draws much attention .

  14. (二)履行期限不明确的,债务人可以随时向债权人履行义务,债权人也可以随时要求债务人履行义务,但应当给对方必要的准备时间。

    If the time limit for performance is unclear , the debtor may at his convenience fulfill his obligations towards the creditor ; the creditor may also demand at any time that the debtor perform his obligations , but sufficient notice shall be given to the debtor .

  15. 履行的期限、地点和方式。

    Time limit , place and method of performance .

  16. 行政处罚的履行方式和期限;

    Manner of and time limit for enforcement of administrative penalty ;

  17. 法律、法规、规章和其他规范性文件对行政机关履行职责的期限另有规定的,从其规定。

    Where the laws , regulations or other normative documents provide otherwise on time limits for performing the duties of the administrative organ , those provisions shall prevail .

  18. 人民法院判决被告履行法定职责,应当指定履行的期限,因情况特殊难于确定期限的除外。

    The people 's court shall fix the time limit for performance when it rules for performance by the defendant of its legal duties , unless it is difficult to fix a time limit in special difficulties .