
  1. 山图,美国保持了他们的新加州的仓库,严格控制库存。

    SunTour-USA maintained tight inventory control in their new California warehouse .

  2. 这些问题的一个共同特点是山图的小尺寸。

    The common feature of the problems was SunTour 's small size .

  3. 一生作品居多,人物画、壁画、山水画、折竹等等,北京故宫藏有他的《春山图》等。

    Life works , figure painting , landscape painting , murals , folding bamboo and soon , the the Imperial Palace in Beijing with his " Spring Hill plans " .

  4. 形似竞技场的苏尔斯山是图盖拉瀑布的发源地。

    Tugela Falls begins at the top of an amphitheater-like mountain known as Mont Aux Sources .

  5. 地面和航空摄影联合测绘贡嘎山冰川图的尝试

    Attempt to Map of the Glaciers on Gongga Mountain Using a Combination of Terrestrial and Aerial Photogrammetry

  6. 对范宽及《溪山行旅图》研究,具有现实观照之意义。

    To study Fan Kuan 's " Traveling amid Mountains and Streams " is of practical significance .

  7. 范宽的《溪山行旅图》是继魏晋以来,荆、关、李成之后理法大备的杰出之作。

    Fan Kuan 's " Traveling amid Mountains and Streams " was a consummate masterpiece just after Jing ( Jing Hao ), Guan ( Guan Tong ), Li ( Li Cheng ) in the Wei and Jin Dynasties and later .

  8. 站在中央的观音,被杏仁形的大型身光环绕,使人想起《灵鹫山释迦说法图》。

    Avalokitesvara , standing in the centre , is reminiscent of scenes of the Buddha preaching at the Vulture Peak , by reason of the large almond-shaped aureole .