
xún huí fǎ tínɡ
  • circuit court;assizes;court of assize;eyre
  1. 此外,委员会还建议,除了其它改革以外,应当增强SEC公平基金程序和私人诉讼之间的协调,同时明确某些关键的巡回法庭裁决,根据美国反欺诈一般条款《10b-5号规则》解释诉讼。

    Furthermore , the commission also recommended , among other reforms , that there be better co-ordination between the SEC fair funds process and private litigation , as well as clarifying certain key circuit court decisions interpreting actions pursuant to rule 10b-5 .

  2. 之后犹他州于4月向第十巡回法庭提起上诉。

    The state appealed to the 10th circuit court in April .

  3. 然而,第三巡回法庭排斥了这一观点。

    The Third Circuit , however , rejected that view .

  4. 最高法院立刻撤消了第二巡回法庭的决议。

    The Supreme Court summarily reversed the Second Circuit decision .

  5. 本案于5月23日起在该州克莱卡马斯县巡回法庭开始审理。

    The case goes to trial on Tuesday in Clackamas County Circuit Court .

  6. 卡托维兹市巡回法庭,卡托维兹,波兰

    Circuit court in Katowice , Katowice , poland

  7. 第二巡回法庭认为地址的选择不当。

    The Second Circuit held that the agency 's choice of site was unjustifiable .

  8. 2006年,巡回法庭更改了早前的判决。

    In2006 a circuit court overturned the conviction .

  9. 第七巡回法庭发现,这项法规的确为州际商业增加了负担。

    The Seventh Circuit found that the ordinance did place a burden on interstate commerce .

  10. 到目前为止,第九巡回法庭的一个法庭驳回了一个案件,而第二巡回法庭则通过了一个。

    So far a court in the Ninth Circuit has dismissed a case and the Second Circuit has waved one through .

  11. 中世纪英国诉讼制度的根本变迁是陪审团制度在王室巡回法庭的建立。

    In the middle ages , the fundamental change of England litigation system is the foundation of the jury system in the royal circuit court .

  12. 在今天下午发布的指令中,第五巡回法庭的5名法官驳回了对下级法院否决此案的裁决所提出的上诉。

    In an order issued this afternoon , five judges on the Fifth Circuit dismissed an appeal of a lower-court decision throwing out the case .

  13. 他们将快速确认三名进入华盛顿特区上诉巡回法庭的候选人提名,几周以前共和党采取冗长发言的方法阻止了这些候选人的提名确认。

    They are going to zoom ahead to confirm three nominees to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals , whom Republicans have filibustered only weeks ago .

  14. 伍兹和艾琳的离婚案是由佛罗里达州巴拿马市海湾县的巡回法庭办理的,此处距离两人位于奥兰多艾尔沃斯的住所大约375英里。

    The divorce was granted in Bay County Circuit Court in Panama City , Fla. , about 375 miles away from their Isleworth home outside Orlando .

  15. 有趣的是,现在确定这一地区为禁止伐木区的规定是被第八巡回法庭驳回的地区法院强制令。

    Interestingly , the statutory language which now defines the areas in which logging was banned refers to the district court injunction overruled by the Eighth Circuit .

  16. 伴随王室巡回法庭在整个司法组织体系中主导地位的确立,陪审团成为关涉自由人诉讼的主要审判组织形式。

    Going with the domination of the royal circuit court in the judicature system , jury has been the major trial organization that concerns the liberty of litigation .

  17. 法官受理的该起案件系阿拉斯加州的上诉,该州不服负责第九巡回法庭的联邦上诉法院的判决。

    The case that the justices accepted is an appeal by the state of Alaska of an opinion by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit .

  18. 如果你不马上将刀子放进口袋里,我可以用名誉担保,下次巡回法庭审判时一定送你上绞刑架。

    ' If you do not put that knife this instant in your pocket I promise , upon my honour , you shall hang at the next assizes . '

  19. 在呈交给第五巡回法庭的法庭文件中,得州总检察长请求法官判决,是否允许该法生效。

    In court papers filed to the fifth circuit court of appeals , the state attorney generals ask the judge to rule , whether the law should be allowed to take effect .

  20. 说实话,在我所结识的人中最亲密,最合我意的是跟巡回法庭的副庭长卢格诺维奇的相识。

    And of all my acquaintanceships the most intimate and , to tell the truth , the most agreeable to me was my acquaintance with Luganovitch , the vice-president of the circuit court .

  21. 在今天的听证会中,美国巡回法庭法官杰罗姆·福尔摩斯重申了高等法院的判决,称该州不能决定婚姻是否践踏宪法权利。

    In today 's hearing , US circuit court judge Jerome Holmes reciting with a higher court , saying the state cannot define the marriage in whether it will trample on constitutional rights .

  22. 他通过封建法与逐渐形成的普通法对地方社会进行管理与控制,并派出巡回法庭加强中央与地方的联系。

    The kings control and administer the local society by the feudal law and the common law , and reinforce the nexus between the central and the locality by sending the justice in Eyre .

  23. 对于苹果而言,这是一场重大的诉讼胜利,美国联邦上诉巡回法庭以多数票裁决,“公共利益强烈倾向于”对某些手机功能的使用“执行禁止令”。

    In a significant legal victory for the iPhone maker , a majority ruling by the US federal circuit court of appeals said that the " public interest strongly favours an injunction " on the use of certain phone features .

  24. 这样,正如第三巡回法庭所说,司法裁决的余地确实都很到了福州,在大家庭里住了下来,我觉得我在归途中的担心是多余的。

    Thus , as the Third Circuit has said , any remaining judicial discretion must be narrow indeed . After settling down in the big family in Fuzhou , however , I found that my previous worries on the way turned out to be unfounded .

  25. 比较大众的观点认为其是由于巡回法庭的产生而产生的,且普遍在民事案件中实践,还有学者认为巡回审判是民事诉讼原则、民事诉讼模式等。

    Comparison of the views of the public believe that it is due to the circuit court of producing , and it was practice in civil cases . Another scholars believes that the Circuit trial system is the principle of civil suit and civil litigation mode .

  26. 具体实践中,主要体现在炕头法庭、交通事故巡回法庭等方式,说明审案地点不仅能够在基层就地设立,还能够在树林间、田园小径上以及农家炕头等地点设立。

    It specific practice in " Kang court "," Traffic accidents circuit court " and so on . Description of the ad litem place not only at the grassroots level established , but also could established in the woods , and the location of rural trails and farm kang .

  27. 据NPR新闻的杰夫·布雷迪报道,新奥尔良第五巡回上诉法庭拒绝了英国石油公司限制向一些企业支付罚金的请求。

    NPR 's Jeff Brady reports the 5th circuit court of appeals in New Orleans rejected BP 's efforts to block payments to some businesses .

  28. 治安法官将她带到巡回刑事法庭受审。

    The magistrates committed her for trial at the Crown Court .

  29. 这就是为什么第十巡回上诉法庭

    A-and that 's why the 10th circuit court of appeals

  30. 美国第三巡回上诉法庭

    United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit