
  • 网络process control
  1. 更优的工序控制&在限制在制品数量的同时保持连续流通

    Better process control & they keep continuous flow while limiting WIP

  2. 统计工序控制在焊接生产中的应用

    Application of the Statistic Process Control In the Welding Production

  3. 统计工序控制图在GIS数据质量控制中的应用

    Application of Control Chart to GIS Data Quality Control

  4. Weibull分布工序控制图

    Control Charts for Weibull Processes

  5. 运用FMEA方法提高钢丝绳工序控制能力

    Using FMEA Method to Raise Procedure Control Capability of Steel Wire Rope

  6. 系统采用气电转换技术测量缸孔和主轴承孔孔径,实时显示和记录测量数据,具有统计工序控制(SPC)功能。

    Using pneumatic-electric conversion technology , the system has been used in measuring , sorting and marking on the cylinder bores and crankshaft bore , with displaying and recording the measuring data , at the same time it features the function of SPC.

  7. 介绍了2.2m厚大体积混凝土底板的施工技术,通过分块施工、优化配比、强化施工组织和施工工序控制,有效控制了大体积混凝土的裂缝。

    In this article , Author introduces the construction technology of thick 2.2m mass concrete base slab . By adopting block construction , optimizing mix ratio , strengthening construction management and controlling program , cracks of mass concrete were controlled .

  8. 真空成型工艺中的工序控制与温度控制系统

    The Working Procedure Control and Temperature Control System in Vacuum-Molding Machine

  9. 在小批量工序控制场合,这种常规工序控制技术失效。

    Management system for production method of multi-type and small batch ;

  10. 氯氢处理工序控制的难点和相应措施

    Control difficulties in procedure of chlorine and hydrogen treatment and the countermeasures

  11. 从现代的质量观论田口的工序控制

    An Appraisal of Taguchi 's process Control from Contemporary Viewpoints on Quality

  12. 基于粗糙集的焦炉加热工序控制规则提取

    Rough Set-based Control Rules Extraction in Coke Oven Heating Process

  13. 工序控制方法中工序能力的分析

    Analysis of the process ability in process control method

  14. 厂拌法拌刚性稳定层的施工方法与工序控制

    Construction Method and Process Control of Using Plant Mixing Process to Mix Rigid Pavement

  15. 而在加工中,这两类孔又是工艺设计和工序控制的重点。

    Moreover , these holes are emphases of technology design and working procedure control .

  16. 铝板带精整工序控制方法探讨

    Discussion on controlling methods for finishing step of aluminum plates , sheets and strips

  17. 路基级配碎石施工工序控制

    Control of constructing procedure of road base debris

  18. 细纱工序控制毛羽的措施

    Measures of Controlling Fuzzy Yarns on Spinning Process

  19. 介绍了涵洞施工的工序控制,以确保涵洞工程质量。

    The text introduces the process control of culvert construction to ensure engineering quality .

  20. 强化工序控制提高轻质隔墙板安装合格率

    Strengthening construction procedure control to increase pass rate for the installation of lightweight partition board

  21. 控制图在热处理工序控制中的应用

    Application of Control Chart in Heat-treatment Process

  22. 贫磁铁矿阶段磨选流程中一段磁选作业工序控制

    The Process Control of First Stage Magnetic Concentration Working in Lean Magnetite Stage Grinding Concentrating Process

  23. 小批量工序控制的同分布原理及其实现方法

    The principle of same distribution of a small quantity of process control and its realized method

  24. 成都金沙遗址钢结构制作安装关键工序控制

    Key Process Control of Steel Structure Construction and Installation on the Site of Jinsha in Chengdu

  25. 铝合金中氧化膜夹杂形成机理及熔铸工序控制措施

    Formation Mechanism of Oxidation Film Inclusion in Aluminum Alloy and the Control Measures during Casting & Melting Procedure

  26. 揭示了工序控制是保证钻孔灌注桩施工质量的基本点。

    Author points out that the procedure control is the foundation of construction quality for cast in place bored piles construction .

  27. 它包括:质量保证体系的建立、现场测量测试、施工工序控制、施工监控体系。

    The system includes the establishing quality ensuring system , situ measurement and test , construction process control and construction monitoring system .

  28. 企业对制壳工序控制不足,并导致产品的质量问题。

    The investment casting enterprises cannot control the process of making shell well , so they have some problems about quality of product .

  29. 本文对此方法作了详实的论述,将材料要求、施工前各个环节的准备工作、施工过程的工序控制以及后期养生等内容一一介绍。

    And introduces the request of material , the preparation before construction , the process of construction and the maintenance in later period one by one .

  30. 重点叙述多联体筒仓滑模施工工艺流程、滑模设计要点、关键工序控制方法、施工组织方法。

    The paper mainly introduces the construction process , the design point , the process control method and the construction organization of concatemer silo slip form .