
bā sài luó nà
  • Barcelona
巴塞罗那[bā sài luó nà]
  1. 包括从阿尔及利亚到津巴布韦的94个国家在巴塞罗那设有代表处。

    There are 94 countries represented in Barcelona , from Algeria to Zimbabwe

  2. 简的进球帮助英国队在巴塞罗那奥运会上获得了第三名。

    Jane 's goals helped Britain win third place in the Barcelona games

  3. 皇家马德里队获胜,与领先的巴塞罗那队仍然保持着5分的差距。

    Real 's victory keeps them five points behind the pacesetters , Barcelona

  4. 巴塞罗那获选为1992年奥运会的主办城市。

    Barcelona was chosen to be host of the 1992 Olympic games .

  5. 史蒂夫·克拉布在巴塞罗那可以旗帜鲜明地支持英国。

    Steve Crabb can fly the flag with distinction for Britain in Barcelona .

  6. 他未能和其他队员一起去巴塞罗那。

    He was unable to travel to Barcelona with the rest of the team .

  7. 巴塞罗那是西班牙工业中心。

    Barcelona is the locus of Spanish industry

  8. 我在两场对阵巴塞罗那队的比赛中都进了球;我们在主场战平,在客场赢了他们。

    I scored in both games against Barcelona ; we drew at home and beat them away .

  9. 巴塞罗那将有望首次把奖杯捧回西班牙——抱歉,是捧回加泰罗尼亚。

    Barcelona will be hoping to bring the trophy back to Spain — sorry , Catalonia — for the first time .

  10. 克里斯·博德曼昨晚在巴塞罗那创下室外世界纪录,证明了自己是4,000米赛最有实力的竞争者。

    Chris Boardman stamped himself as the 4,000m favourite by setting the world 's fastest outdoor time in Barcelona last night .

  11. 这场战役目前在陆地上,即巴塞罗那大学温室中进行。

    The battle is currently being waged on land , in greenhouses at the University of Barcelona .

  12. “这个项目有两个方面,”欧洲商业稻米项目地项目经理、巴塞罗那大学研究人员克沙维尔·塞拉特说。

    " The project has two sides , " says Xavier Serrat , Neurice project manager and researcher at the University of Barcelona .

  13. 埃布罗河三角洲坐落于地中海地区,距离巴塞罗那仅两个小时的车程,这里一年的稻米产量是1。2亿公斤,是欧洲大陆最重要的稻米产区之一。

    Located on the Mediterranean just two hours south of Barcelona , the Ebro Delta produces 120 million kilograms of rice a year , making it one of the continent 's most important rice-growing areas .

  14. 这是巴塞罗那全球健康研究所一项研究得出的主要结论。

    This is the main conclusion of a study led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health .

  15. 巴塞罗那计划利用绿色空间和树木来缓解全球变暖效应。

    Barcelona is looking to use green spaces and trees as part of its efforts to mitigate the effects of global heating .

  16. 绝望之下,他跳进了巴塞罗那河,自杀了。而在他的家乡,买下他农场的那个人此时正在小溪边给骆驼饮水。潺潺的溪水流经了整个农场。

    Back home , the person who had bought his farm was watering the camels at a stream that ran through the farm .

  17. 她在1992年巴塞罗那奥运会上夺得金牌,当时她只有13岁零345天。

    She won a Gold medal at the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona when she was just 13 years and 345 days old .

  18. 巴塞罗那地区环境工程主管马克·蒙特列欧表示,“吸血鬼模式”就是采用了“最高精度的算法”来实现的。

    Marc Montlleo , director of environmental projects at Barcelona Regional , said the vampire mode was created from taking " the most extreme form of the data algorithm " .

  19. 尽管这款地图应用只覆盖了巴塞罗那的一个街区,但是研究人员希望可以提供信息来帮助城市应对酷热天气,从而保护市民和经济。

    Although the tool only maps one neighbourhood of Barcelona , it is hoped the research will provide information on how the city can adapt to extreme heat to protect its citizens and economy .

  20. 与巴塞罗那的瓜葛通过采用WEBService技术,实现了不同的移动网管异构子系统间的互联互通。

    BARCELONA CONNECTION With Web Service technology , realizes the connection between different network management .

  21. 尽管阿根廷在世界杯B组中夺取小组头名的呼声很高,巴塞罗那球员却不以为然。

    Though Argentina are favourites to top Group B in South Africa , the Barcelona man is taking nothing for granted .

  22. AC米兰和巴塞罗那关于罗纳尔迪尼奥的转会达成原则性协议。

    AC Milan and Barcelona have reached an agreement in principle over the transfer of Ronaldinho to the Italian club .

  23. 现在,有四个欧洲冠军,只有利物浦,AC米兰和巴塞罗那的强劲的对手皇家马德里赢得更多。

    Now , with four European titles , only Liverpool , AC Milan and Barcelona 's fierce rival Real Madrid have won more .

  24. 如果是足球比赛我们会用nil代表零,如:和巴塞罗那队的比分是3-0(threenil)

    For football scores we say nil : The score was three nil ( 3-0 ) to Barcelona .

  25. 蝉联金靴奖的C罗,作为上赛季欧洲最佳射手,击败了老对手--巴塞罗那队的前锋梅西。3次获得金靴奖的梅西上赛季共打进43球。

    Ronaldo collected the award , given to Europe 's highest goalscorer over a season , ahead of rival Lionel Messi , as the Barcelona forward managed a total of 43 goals .

  26. 紧随自由女神像之后的是巴塞罗那圣家族大教堂,这里备受野心勃勃的Ins摄影师们的青睐。

    Following Lady Liberty , it 's Barcelona 's Sagrada Familia that proves popular among aspiring Instagram photographers .

  27. 上月在巴塞罗那召开的全球移动大会(MobileWorldCongress)上,华为(HuaweiTechnologies)成为一家全球性电信设备供应商的成功,可谓有目共睹。

    The success of Huawei Technologies in becoming a global supplier of telecoms equipment was laid out for all to see at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona last month .

  28. 美国业余篮球联盟(theUnitedStatesAmateurBasketballAssociation)总裁BillWall立刻考虑到派出NBA球员组成的梦之队参加四年后巴塞罗那奥运会可能有大家忽略的后果。

    The executive director of the United States Amateur Basketball Association Bill Wall immediately considered the unintended consequences of sending a Dream Team of NBA players four years later to Barcelona .

  29. 在巴塞罗那文华东方酒店(MandarinOriental)内,套房的入住率大约达到80%,高于普通客房的入住率。

    At Mandarin Oriental , Barcelona , the suites have an occupancy rate of about 80 % , higher than the hotel 's regular rooms .

  30. 在收购前10天的一个午夜,詹姆斯•默多克吃着干酪汉堡包制定出了这个计划。当时他正在巴塞罗那出席摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的一次会议。

    The plan was hatched 10 days ago over cheeseburgers at midnight in Barcelona , where he was attending a Morgan Stanley conference .