
  • 网络Bamako;mali
  1. NPR新闻,奥菲比亚·奎斯特·阿克通巴马科报道。

    Ofeibea Quist-Arcton , NPR News , Bamako .

  2. 基达尔位于首都巴马科东北部930英里处,

    Kidal , 930 miles north-east of the capital Bamako ,

  3. 但我们终於在破晓前到达巴马科。

    We finally puii into Bamako just before dawn .

  4. 马里巴马科&三个手提箱里装满了500万欧元。

    BAMAKO , Mali & The cash filled three suitcases : 5 million euros .

  5. 后来,他在巴马科停了下来。

    Then he stopped in bamako .

  6. 他们通知我们从青岛运往巴马科的一个20英尺集装箱的货物已经备妥。

    They informed us that there are goods ready to be shipped for1x20'from Qingdao to Bamako .

  7. 巴马科倡议发展基金

    Bamako Initiative Development Fund

  8. 阿尔及尔会议为11月在马里首都巴马科举行的一个更大型的部长级会议做了准备。

    The Algiers meeting was in preparation for a larger ministerial conference this November in Bamako , Mali .

  9. 在帝国鼎盛时期,版图从廷巴克图到巴马科,甚至远达大西洋。

    At its height that empire stretched from Timbuktu to Bamako , and even as far as to the Atlantic .

  10. 卡扎非支持图阿雷格族反对尼亚美政府和巴马科政府而进行的叛乱,然后帮助谈判结束叛乱。

    The late Libyan leader backed , then helped negotiate the end of , Tuareg rebellions against the governments in Niamey and Bamako .

  11. 萨迪奥加萨马表示踩踏在巴马科莫迪博·凯塔露天大型运动场发生,当时正在进行穆斯林神圣的仪式。

    Sadio Gassame said the stampede at Bamako 's Modibo Keita Stadium took place during a ceremony marking the Muslim holy period of Maouloud .

  12. 马里将组织为期一周的提高认识和集资活动,包括10月26日在巴马科举办的一次由粮农组织亲善大使参加的大型音乐会。

    Mali will organize a week long awareness and fund-raising campaign , including a mega concert featuring African FAO Goodwill Ambassadors in Bamako on26 October .

  13. 重要的是巴马科会议明确地把慢性病摆上议程,并强调它们对于各个发展中国家的决策者的重要性。

    It is important that the Bamako meeting puts chronic diseases explicitly on the agenda and highlights their importance to decision makers around the developing world .

  14. 11年后,巴马科的这种交换活动已经成了一种轻车熟路的仪式,是世界范围内上演的几十桩类似交易中的一个。

    Eleven years later , the handoff in Bamako has become a well-rehearsed ritual , one of dozens of such transactions repeated all over the world .

  15. 工人自北京到巴马科以及服务期满后自巴马科回北京的飞机票,由雇主提供。

    The employer shall be provided the workers with the air tickets from Beijing to Bamako , and from Bamako to Beijing upon terminating the service .

  16. 在马里首都巴马科,抵抗爱国力量主席哈罗那•托雷拉表示谈判在过去没有起到任何作用而且现在也不是一种选择。

    In Bamako , Mali 's capital , FPR President Harouna Toureh says negotiation hasn 't worked in the past and is not an option now .

  17. 但在广州天秀宾馆,与北京时钟和纽约时钟一同悬挂的,还有一些人们不太熟悉的首都的时钟&如布拉扎维和巴马科。

    But at the Tianxiu Hotel in Guangzhou , there are some less familiar names alongside the time in Beijing and New York – Cairo , Brazzaville and Bamako .

  18. 一天前,一些枪手在马里首都巴马科的一家餐馆发动攻击,打死至少5人,打伤若干人。

    The attack came a day after gunmen killed at least five people and wounded several others in an attack on a restaurant in Mali 's capital , Bamako .

  19. 当马里反叛武装份子与去年占据控制了马里北部大部分地区,并且开始向首都巴马科推进之后,法国军队于这个月初在马里展开攻势。

    France began a military offensive in Mali earlier this month , after rebels who had seized control of much of the country 's northern territory last year began pushing toward Bamako .

  20. 如果我们能说必需和基本需要已经满足,仍然还有大量的工作要做,”正在首都巴马科的该组织政策及运动负责人艾拉莉亚·阿勒格里说道。

    If we can say that essential and basic needs have been met , there 's still lots of work to be done , " said Ilaria Allegrozzi , the group 's policy and campaign manager , who is in the capital , Bamako .