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  • 网络bodin;boudin;Jean Bodin
  1. 这是布丹在西方政治思想史上最重要的贡献。

    It is the most important contribution of Bodin in the political thought .

  2. 本文就梳理了马基雅维里、布丹、霍布斯、亨廷顿思想中的强力政治观,这种政治观主要有三个特点。

    This paper provides an overview of mighty political view in the thought of Machiavelli , bodin , Hobbes , Huntington , which has three features .

  3. 在西方政治思想史上,布丹第一次提出了国家主权的概念,并且通过对国家主权的阐述,得出了具有现代意义的抽象的国家概念。

    In the history of political thought , Bodin is the first to give the conception of state and through his explanation of his theory of sovereignty , he gets the modern abstract conception of state .