
gàn jiàng
  • go-getter;capable person;name of ancient double-edged sword;able person
干将 [gàn jiàng]
  • [name of ancient donble-edged sword] 古代宝剑名

  • 今虽干将莫邪,非得人力,则不能割刿矣。——《战国策·齐策》

  • 干将发硎,有作其芒。——清· 梁启超《饮冰室合集·文集》

  • [able person;go-getter] 办事干练、能起重要作用的人

  • 别看他貌不出众,在厂里可是一位干将

干将[gàn jiàng]
  1. “这是专为巴黎圣母院挑选出来的一千棵橡树中的一棵。较小的树干将被用来重建中世纪屋梁。像这样的大树干将用来重建尖顶。”

    This is one of the thousand oak trees that have been specially8 selected for Notre Dame . Smaller tree trunks will be used to rebuild the medieval rafters .

  2. 其中具有开创性地位的是美国现实主义法律运动干将&LeonGreen教授。

    The most seminal one was proposed by Professor Leon Green , the famous pioneer in the legal realism campaign in America .

  3. 其中主要干将就是微软开发的Bing,被称为“决策引擎”,提供搜索照片和产品的新方法。

    The major newcomer was Microsoft 's Bing , a " decision engine " that introduced new ways to sort through photos online and to search for products .

  4. 在英国学派的诸位干将之中,赫德利·布尔(HedleyBull)是一位重要的人物,他不仅是国际社会思想的核心阐发者,也是国际关系理论发展史上第二次大辩论中经典方法派的主力。

    Among the English School writers , Hedley Bull is one of the most preeminent figures , and it is him who expounds the idea of international society .

  5. 很多地方由于变暖、干将会歉收。

    Warmer and drier conditions in many places will reduce yields .

  6. 安来到我们队给我们增加了一员干将。

    Ann will be a very useful addition to our team .

  7. 2,你对你的一些干将是否太过溺爱了?

    Do you love some of your managers too much ?

  8. 为刘昌强冲锋陷阵的得力干将樊金文今年25岁。

    Liu Changjiang strikes skeleton staff for the25-year-old Fan Jinwen .

  9. 我需要两员干将,能够卖母求荣。

    I need two good men that 'll sell out their mothers to get ahead .

  10. 路易斯在我手下工作已有两年了,是我的得力干将。

    Louise has been working under me for two years and is among my most valuable employees .

  11. 我们损失了一批中场干将,比如贝纳永、里埃拉、阿奎拉尼和马斯切拉诺。

    We 've lost some quality midfield players in Benayoun , Riera , Aquilani on loan and Mascherano .

  12. 涂尔干将他研究社会学的概念、方法移植到他的人类学研究中,获得了许多重要的成果。

    Durkheim transplanted his concept and method of sociology to his research of anthropology and got many important results .

  13. 苏童是先锋作家的干将,又是新历史小说的写作能手。

    Su Tong , a well-recognized pioneer writer , is also famous for his " New Historical Novel " .

  14. 加法和除法都是计算方法.安来到我们队给我们增加了一员干将。

    Addition and division are forms of computation . Ann will be a very useful addition to our team .

  15. 涂尔干将道德教育的环境选择在公立学校,道德教育的对象是学龄前的儿童。

    Durkheim decides to set the moral education in public schools , and most children under study are pre-schooling kids .

  16. 但也许他最大的成就,是从进攻尖兵转变成防守干将,从而赢得了两枚总冠军戒指。

    But perhaps his greatest accomplishment was switching from an offensive force to a defensive presence to get his two rings .

  17. 这名苏格兰干将在中场总能送出致命的威胁传球,而亚当在球场上的这一区域正是利物浦上赛季急需的。

    The Scottish ace will offer a potent goal threat from midfield , which was an area where Liverpool were starved last season .

  18. 2009年2月,舒默向奥巴马总统推荐他的得力干将巴拉拉担任该职位。

    It was Schumer who recommended bharara one of his key advisers to President Obama for the top job in the Southern District in February 2009 .

  19. 吴、越、楚等国都是当时铸造名剑的地方,出现鱼肠、干将、莫邪等名剑。

    Wu , Yue and Chu were famous for sword casting with well-known swords like Yuchang , Ganjiang , Moye etc. were all made in these states .

  20. 尽管美国政府不断开出强心剂,并由其得力干将本和蒂姆(指美联储主席本•伯南克和美国财长蒂姆•盖特纳&译注)加以实施,我们也从未正式摆脱衰退。

    We have never officially gotten out of recession despite all the sugar highs produced by Uncle Sam and executed by his boys , Ben and Tim .

  21. 芬丹计划的第二步是解救两个经验丰富的军事干将,让他们在自己离开的时候保卫塞利斯塔拉。

    The second phase of findan ` s plan is to free two skillful military leaders who will be able to defend syris thalla while he is gone .

  22. 1990年他开始为星期六夜现场节目写剧本,从那以后亚当很快成为该节目的一名干将,以致最后加盟为剧组的长期成员。

    He became a writer for Saturday Night Live in1990.After that he soon became a featured player on the show , and eventually he became a regular cast member .

  23. 我有较强的解决实际问题的能力。我相信,如有机会为贵公司效力,我将很快成为公司的得力干将。

    I have excellent problem-solving skills and feel that , if given the opportunity , I would be an immediate as well as a long-term asset to your firm .

  24. 传统的信号采集电极需要配合导电膏使用,导电膏的缺失或蒸发变干将导致电极的信噪比变差甚至失效。

    In applications , the traditional medical electrodes require conductive paste , the absence of the conductive paste or the evaporation will lead to poor signal to noise ratio .

  25. 这种增长也来自于文化变迁,19世纪晚期社会学的创始人物埃米尔涂尔干将其称之为个人崇拜。

    The rise also stems from the cultural change that Emile Durkheim , a founding figure in sociology in the late 19th century , called the cult of the individual .

  26. 被枪毙的前国家药监局局长及其得力干将,得利乱作为,竟然敢让谋财害命的假药在市场上畅通无阻。

    Was executed before the Secretary of State SFDA effective go-getters , as the chaos profit , even dare to let the counterfeit murdered people for their money in the market unimpeded .

  27. 克莱门扎开口说话,对于一个自己手下的头号干将刚刚背叛了自己的长官的人来说,他的语气有点大傲慢了。“索洛佐绝不可能挨近这栋房子。老板,这你甭担心。”

    Clemenza said , a little arrogantly for a man whose top button man had recently betrayed him ," sollozzo will never get near this house , boss , you don 't have to worry about that . "