
  1. 当然,你能对开出丰厚条件的招聘广告保持警惕,无疑是明智之举。因为,正如其他快速增长且难以监管的领域一样,在家办公的招聘已经沦为骗子们的目标。

    Still , you 're right to cast a skeptical eye on job ads that make lavish promises since , as with any fast-growing and hard-to-regulate field , this one has attracted its share of con artists .

  2. 与所有形式的新闻和广告媒体保持诚恳和积极的联系。

    To maintain cordial and active relationships with all forms of news and advertising media .

  3. 该广告也保持了严肃的观点,警告说拥有多名性伴侣以及不使用避孕套是不安全的性行为。

    But the ad has a serious point , warning that having many sexual partners and not using condoms is unsafe sexual behaviour .

  4. 它计划将广告内容保持在移动端信息流内容的5%左右,依靠使用量增长和需求增加来保持增长。

    The company plans on keeping ads at around 5 % of mobile-feed content , relying on growing usage and rising demand to maintain growth .

  5. 在美国,房地产广告也一直保持着一定的报纸投放量。

    In America , RE advertisements also take up a certain amount of space in newspapers .

  6. 目前,云南省广告业仍然保持较高的增长,增长速度高于全国的平均增长速度。

    At present , Yunnan advertisement is still keeping a higher growth and the speed is higher than the average in China .

  7. 完美的平衡成为这一系列的目标,即不能成为明显的除臭品广告,又要保持行销效力。

    The series tried to walk a fine line as its creators tried to avoid making it seem like an extended deodorant commercial while retaining its marketing power .

  8. 布兰奇菲尔德表示,目前有很多大型网站正在试用PageFair的软件,可以通过“低层次联网”技术帮助客户绕过拦截。为了能让自己在广告公司中保持领先,他拒绝透露这项技术的细节。

    PageFair 's software , which Mr. Blanchfield said is currently being tested with a number of large websites , circumvents ad blocking by using " low-level networking " technology that he declined to detail in order to stay ahead of ad companies .

  9. 户外新媒体广告要想保持良性的发展,不应仅满足于对新技术的应用以及对户外资源的占用,而是应该更加注重对户外广告整体创意策略进行研究。

    Outdoor media advertising in order to maintain the healthy development should not be satisfied with only the application of new technologies as well as outdoor resources occupied , but should pay more attention to the study of outdoor advertising overall creative strategy .

  10. 过去一些年间,中国广告支出增速一直保持在国内生产总值(gdp)增速的150%左右。

    In past years , Chinese ad spending has been growing at about 150 per cent of the gross domestic product growth rate .

  11. 这种情况下,广告需要吸引和保持公众的注意力。

    In such situations , advertisements need to attract , and hold the attention of the public .

  12. 尽管广告需求总体上保持稳健,但解读数据方面的弱点妨碍了新浪的发展,尤其是在当前的政治气候下。

    Despite healthy advertising demand in general , that weakness in reading the data impedes progress , especially in the current political climate .

  13. 本集团将继续利用其管理专长及独家广告经营权,保持在中国媒体广告业的领导地位。

    The Group will continue to leverage its management expertise and exclusive advertising rights to sustain its leading position in the media advertising industry in China .

  14. 而且,通过给在国际市场竞争的国内广告从业人员提供更广阔的眼界,在促进中国广告的国际化,保持中国广告的本土风格。

    With deeper insight offered in the text the domestic advertising employees oriented to the international market could promote the internationalization of China 's advertisement and help China 's advertisement heighten the uniqueness of native country .