
  • 网络advertising competition
  1. 寡头垄断市场下的广告竞争策略研究

    A study on advertising competition tactics in the oligopoly markets

  2. 品牌竞争力、债务融资对广告竞争行为的影响研究

    Research on the Effect of Brand Competitiveness and Debt Financing on Advertising Competition

  3. 利用Matlab仿真图对比研究了横向、纵向差异化下信息性广告竞争模型,并对结论一致性做出合理解释。

    Making comparative study of informative advertising model in both horizontal and vertical differentiation applying Matlab simulation method and providing possible explanation about the conclusion consistency . 3 .

  4. 届时,公司的市值将达到1040亿美元,是其最大的在线广告竞争对手谷歌公司(Google)当前市值的一半左右。

    That would value the company at around $ 104 billion – roughly half the current value of its biggest rival in the online ad space , Google .

  5. 随着广告竞争的日趋激烈,需要一种新的载体、新的传播模式,以达到更好的广告传播效果,因而QQ表情在网络广告领域中获得迅速发展。

    With the competition becomes more intense , advertising needs a new vehicle and new propagation mode , in order to achieve better advertising effectiveness . So QQ emoticon has developed rapidly in the field of online advertising .

  6. 建立了一个Kopel双寡头垄断广告竞争模型,发现企业的广告行为将引起市场的不稳定甚至混沌。

    A Kopel duopoly model for competition in advertisement is developed , and it is found that the advertising behavior of enterprises may result in the instability or even chaos of the market .

  7. 双寡头有限理性广告竞争博弈模型的复杂性分析

    Complex Dynamics Analysis for a Duopoly Advertising Model with Bounded Rationality

  8. 广西气象台影视广告竞争性环境分析

    Analysis of the Competitive Environment for Video Advertisement by Guangxi Observatory

  9. 双寡头垄断市场下的企业广告竞争分析

    Advertisement competition decision making analysis for double oligarchies monopolization market

  10. 入世后石油化工市场广告竞争的理论分析

    A Theoretical Analysis of Advertisement Competition in Petrochemical Market after Entry to WTO

  11. 企业广告竞争决策研究

    Research on Decision of Enterprises ' Advertising Strategy

  12. 威胁是外资和外刊进入、信任度危机、广告竞争加剧;

    The threats are challenges from overseas , crisis of faith and competition for ads ;

  13. 两强市场广告竞争混沌的参数调节反馈控制方法

    Study on duopoly model for chaos control of competition in advertisement with parameter regulating feedback

  14. 广告竞争与市场进入壁垒

    Advertising Competition and Barrier to Entry

  15. 构建三阶段信息性广告竞争模型,综合考虑了企业选址定位策略、广告策略和产品定价策略。

    Establishing three-stage informative advertising model to comprehensively consider orientation strategy , advertising strategy and product pricing strategy . 4 .

  16. 分析了企业广告竞争的博弈特点,建立了一个简单的企业广告费用博弈模型。

    The game characteristics of enterprise advertisement competition are analyzed and a simple game model of enterprise advertisement expenses is established .

  17. 广告竞争是市场竞争的重要形式,亦是目前营销活动中经常选用的竞争策略。

    Advertising competition is an important part of market competition , it is still the most usual competition tactic in market activity .

  18. 随后,结合特定的市场结构,依次研究了不同条件下的企业广告竞争博弈情况。

    Subsequently , the combination of specific market structure , is studied under different conditions of the companies advertising competition game situation .

  19. 对人生消极的看法;消极无味的个性;消极地估计;对广告竞争消极的反应。

    A negative outlook on life ; a colorless negative personality ; a negative evaluation ; a negative reaction to an advertising campaign .

  20. 虽然距离超级碗的比赛还有一个月时间,但是比赛期间的广告竞争已经开始。

    Even though the Super Bowl is about a month away , the ad blizzards associated with the big game are already beginning .

  21. 主要研究工作及研究结果如下:第一,考虑研发投入时的二人广告竞争微分对策问题。

    The research work and the results are as follows : First , the R & D investment is considered in the two-player advertising differential games .

  22. 所谓行销力导向竞争方式包括质量竞争、价格竞争、规模竞争、服务竞争、广告竞争等;

    The competitive mode of so called marketing force orientation includes quality competition , price competition , scale competition , service competition , advertisement competition etc. ;

  23. 如今网络上随处可以看到的最新时尚资讯,以及时装杂志上激烈的广告竞争,会让美容趋势变得越来越单一吗?

    Now that anyone with internet access can check out the latest catwalk trends and advertising campaigns in international fashion magazines , will make-up trends become homogenised ?

  24. 对于中国媒体而言,外在的压力是市场的压力,经济竞争,广告竞争,新闻竞争,品牌竞争;

    To Chinese media , the external pressure is something about market , economic competition , advertising competition , valuable news competition , and the competition of fame ;

  25. 研究发现,在斯坦伯格博弈下,零售商之间的广告竞争越激烈,零售商投入地方性广告越多。

    The results show that the more the intensity of advertising competition between the two downstream retailers , the more the retailers advertise on local advertising in Stackelberg game .

  26. 探讨如何开辟广告竞争新战场,对稳定广告市场并取得持续的健康发展,对都市报无疑有十分重大的意义。

    Research , on how to handle with advertisement sale is undoubted significance to stabilize the advertisement market , maintain the long-term health development , and expand the market of metropolis daily .

  27. 假定双寡头市场中两企业进行合作研发,同时又展开广告竞争,企业的目标是寻求最优的研发与广告投入以使利润最大化。

    Assume that the two enterprises cooperate in R D , but compete in advertising in the duopoly market . Enterprises make decisions on R D and advertising so as to maximize the total expected profits .

  28. 虽然让公司稳定下来的功绩归于梅耶尔,在她上任之前,公司业绩在快速下滑,但是,在她掌管的三年中,雅虎并没有推出任何突破性产品,而在与如Facebook和谷歌等对手的广告收入竞争上落得越来越远。

    Although Ms. Mayer is credited with stabilizing the company , which was in rapid decline , Yahoo has introduced no breakthrough products during her three years at the helm and has fallen further and further behind competitors like Facebook and Google in the battle for advertising dollars .

  29. 广告业竞争残酷激烈。

    The advertising world can be a very cutthroat business .

  30. 比较广告及其竞争法规制

    The Comparative Advertising and the Regulation of Competition Law