
  • 网络advertising frequency
  1. 数字越大,显示该广告的频率越高。

    The larger the number , the more often the ad will be displayed .

  2. 比喻、拟人、双关、仿拟、押韵等,是在广告中使用频率最高的几种修辞方法。

    Simile and metaphor , personification , pun , parody and the rhyme and so on , is in advertising use frequency is highest several rhetoric method .

  3. 虽然我们没有限制你点击广告调幅的频率,但在互联网上有被认可的标准的参数。

    Although there is no limit on the number of clicks you can make on the ad banners , there are certain standard parameters universally recognized throughout the Internet business .

  4. 决定了日预算的时候,你应考虑到它的三个目的:决定你的广告每天出现的频率;

    When deciding on a daily budget , you may want to consider its three purposes : Determines ad exposure for a day ;

  5. 最后比较了人称代词在英汉招聘广告中的运用频率,再一次强化了英语人称代词实际运用的语用意义,以促进英语学习。

    Moreover , Chinese personal pronouns in want advertisements are studied for the statistics in order to emphasize the pragmatic features of English personal pronouns .

  6. 广告媒介策划中使用的概念。指受众必须有一定的广告暴露频率,广告才能发生效用。

    A concept in media planning stipulating that a certain amount of exposure to an advertising message is necessary before it is effective .