
  • 网络contingent capital;Emergency Capital
  1. 目前主要的巨灾风险证券化工具有巨灾债券、巨灾互换、应急资本和巨灾期权等。这些产品各有其优势和局限性。

    Catastrophe bonds , catastrophe swaps , contingent capital , and catastrophe options are the four main instruments of catastrophe risk securitizations .

  2. 此外,他不认为银行应为薪酬计划预先拨款,并表示应急资本(在紧急情况下可转化为股权的债务)的规定太过复杂。

    Further , he did not believe banks should have to pre-fund compensation schemes and said contingent capital – debt that can turn into equity in times of stress – was too complex .

  3. 应急资本在洪灾风险转移中的融资分析

    Financing Analysis of Contingency Reserve in Flood Risk Transfer

  4. 为了缓解这些担忧,我们需要进一步的工作,以评估银行体系的资本金要求,同时正在考虑设立应急资本安排,作为满足上述要求的潜在举措。

    To allay these fears , further work will be done to assess the capital needs of the banking system , and a contingency capital facility is being considered as a potential measure to meet such needs .

  5. 由于应急资本能够保证保险公司有权利及时获得资金,以避免陷入财务困难,因此,研究应急资本在洪灾风险转移中的应用,对于我国洪水保险的发展,有重要的意义。

    Contingency reserve can guarantee insurance company to obtain fund in time in order to avoid financial difficulty , therefore , research on the application of contingency reserve in flood risk transfer has great significance for development of flood insurance in China .

  6. 最近,政策制定者、评论人士、经济学家和银行家等人讨论的话题开始涉及更为广泛的范畴,包括体现系统风险的保险费、集体或个体的处置基金、应急资本安排以及征收全球性金融税等。

    There are now broader areas that have been the subject of the recent debate amongst policy makers , commentators , economists and bankers . These include insurance fees to reflect systemic risk ; collective or individual resolution funds ; contingent capital arrangements ; and global financial levies .

  7. 突发事件发生和扩散的过程同时也是各种社会资本被动性应急调整、资本组织治理的过程。

    The process of break-up and proliferation is attributed to the outcome of passive emerging adjustment and organizational governance of various social capitals .