
dǐ pái
  • hand;cards in one's hand;the final card;bottom line
底牌 [dǐ pái]
  • [cards in one's hand;hand] 扑克牌游戏中还没有亮出来的牌。比喻留着最后动用的力量或方法

  1. 尽管他拒绝亮出自己的底牌,他对竞选总统一事却越来越认真了。

    He has grown more serious about running for president , although he refuses to show his hand .

  2. 我必须让他相信他已经打败了我,彻底击败了我.然后他才会亮出底牌

    I had to make him believe he 'd beaten me , utterly defeated me , and then he 'd show his hand .

  3. 深思熟虑后,卡德先下注并敏捷地翻开底牌J和9,有一对9。

    After several minutes of deliberating , Cada called the bet and flipped over a jack and a nine for a pair of nines .

  4. 持有该基金的某机构的一位高管表示:我们认为,SAC拥有复杂而完善的合规程序,如果它做错了事情,政府必须亮出底牌,证明自己的主张。

    Our view is that SAC has sophisticated and elaborate compliance procedures and , if it did something wrong , the government must turn over its cards and prove it , says an executive of one institution that holds money with SAC .

  5. 我们要开始玩扑克牌了,你要亮出你所有的底牌,而我不打算亮出任何一张牌。

    " We 're going to play poker ," Phillips says .

  6. 他们不能暴露已经富起来的底牌。

    They could not expose the fact that they were rich .

  7. 生活有时发给我们底牌。

    Life sometimes deals us cards from the bottom of the deck .

  8. 它们都是逼中国亮出底牌的范例。

    They are all examples of calling China 's bluff .

  9. 通过人们的眼睛知道他们握有什么底牌。

    Knowin what the cards were by the way they held their eyes .

  10. 我们对他们已把话讲清楚了,底牌亮清楚了。

    We have put our cards on the table .

  11. 就能把生活的底牌吹到地面上。

    Could blow those held-back cards onto our table .

  12. 汤姆不敢对我怎麽样的,因为我对他的底牌一清二楚。

    Tom dear not do anything to me , for I has his number .

  13. 把你的底牌索性都摊出来,咱们开门见山谈一谈。

    You throw your goods on the table , and we talk a little turky .

  14. 为得到支持,他们决定把底牌亮出来。

    In order to be supported they decided to lay their cards on the table .

  15. 你可运用神奇眼镜透视对手底牌。

    With the magic glasses , you could see through the cards of your opponents .

  16. 约翰亮了底牌,告诉了她,他们付得起多少钱。

    John laid his cards on the table and told her how much they could afford .

  17. 我不是谁的底牌,但是谢谢你们都信任我。

    I 'm not the last card for anyone , but thank you for trusting me .

  18. 你这该死的讹诈者,我倒很想请你把底牌亮出来看看哩。

    You 're a damned blackmailer . I 've a good mind to call your bluff .

  19. 他现在正在押下赌注,要让他亮出底牌,共和党人必须万分小心。

    He is placing the bets now and Republicans must be very careful about calling his bluff .

  20. 当你把大部分注意力集中去了解牌局时,很难做到找出对方的底牌。

    It 's very difficult to spot tells when most of your attention is focused on getting to know the game .

  21. 这并不令人感到意外各国不到最后一刻不会亮出底牌,是国际谈判中的标准做法。

    That is not that surprising it is standard procedure in international negotiations for countries to reveal their hands at the last possible moment .

  22. 第三,任何在中国授权使用专利或技术的公司始终应该掌握可接受的最低使用费费率的“底牌”。

    Third , any company that licenses patents or technology in China should always have in its back pocket a specific minimum acceptable royalty rate .

  23. 事实上,学习什么导致底牌的泄露可以帮助我们更有效地研究别人。所以下一章我们会把这个话题做为主题,并从这里开始讨论。

    Actually , learning what causes tells can help us deal with them more effectively , so we 'll devote the next chapter to a discussion of that topic and move forward from there .

  24. 了解真相,就不会猜测什么被告方可能拿到了一些有力的底牌,比如公诉不端等,就不会猜测可能只是双方寻求做个了结。

    Knowing the real story eliminates the prospect that the defense had some powerful new card to play , such as prosecutorial misconduct & and suggests that it was instead simply a matter of both sides seeking closure .

  25. 这并不意味着你应该伤害他人来保护自己,但聪明的领导者都清楚,即便最值得信任的朋友有时候也会变成敌人,所以要收好自己的底牌。

    That doesn 't mean you should harm anyone to protect yourself , but smart leaders know that even trusted friends can sometimes become enemies , and therefore hold their cards close to their vest at all times .

  26. 对于求职者而言,我喜欢把回答薪资问题比喻成玩扑克牌,它的目标就是让招聘方先亮出底牌。

    For job seekers , I tend to think of the salary question in terms of a poker game with the goal being to get the hiring manager ( or HR rep ) to lay down their poker cards on the table first .

  27. 在一番关于“竭力维持效率”的高谈阔论之后,他露出了自己的底牌:“我无法忍受那种典型的健身房锻炼体验,在跑步机上一边跑步,一边盯着屏幕看上半个小时,实在让人受不了,”他抱怨说。

    After a spiel about " eking out efficiencies , " he reveals his hand : " I can 't stand the typical , average , normal gym experience of running on a treadmill , staring at a TV for half an hour , " he gripes .