
  1. 发展小水电代燃料生态工程是真正把光泽县建成现代化小康县的富民工程和德政之举。

    Developing the ecological project of replacing fuel with small hydropower which can really make Linze county built as the modernization well-off county is both the virtue political action and the people enriched project .

  2. 近年来生态环境的恶化、农村能源短缺、环境污染加剧、以及人口压力增大,都对凤庆建成茶文化大县的战略构想形成了严重影响。

    Recent environmental pollution and ecological deterioration and energy shortage affect the construction of tea culture in Fengqing county .

  3. 三峡大坝建成后,奉节县将淹没土地3260hm2,涉及农业人口3.65万人。

    Once the great dam of the Three Gorge ; is built , the inundated land will cover area of 3260hm ', with agricultural population of 36500 in Fengjie County ;