
yǐn cháo lì
  • tide generating force
引潮力[yǐn cháo lì]
  1. 日月引潮力与中国西北地区地震发震时间的深入研究

    The deep research on the relationship between the lunar and solar tide generating force and the occurrence time of earthquakes in the Northwest China

  2. 此次成功预报再次证明,引潮力共振减压的异常叠加与大气内部条件相结合,确是预测特大暴雨的一个有效途径。

    This successful forecast proved once more that the abnormal superposition of depressed tide generating force ′ s resonance combined with interal condition of atmosphere is really a effective way to forecast exceptional rainstorm .

  3. 文安地震前天体引潮力和NCEP的异常现象

    Abnormal Phenomenon of NCEP and the Astro-tidal-triggering

  4. 九江地震NCEP异常增温和天体引潮力附加构造应力变化初步研究

    Using the Astro-tidal-triggering and the NCEP Temperature Increase Abnormal Information to Analyze the Earthquake of Jiujiang

  5. 利用NCEP温度异常图像与天体引潮力附加构造应力结合进行地震短临预测是具有良好应用前景的新思路;

    It is a new thinking to use the NCEP images and the astro-tidal-triggering to forecast short-impending earthquake ;

  6. 此典型大震再次说明:NCEP温度资料与天体引潮力结合是地震短临预测的一个有希望的新思路。

    This special earthquake proved that a new thinking to utilize the NCEP data and the astro-tidal-triggering for short-term and impending earthquake prediction is feasible .

  7. 本文应用构造块体成组孕震模型的研究结果,探讨了中国大陆MS≥7.0地震的成组活动和引潮力的调制触发关系。

    The results obtained with the group model of earthquakes generated in tectonic blocks are further used in this paper to analyze the relationship between the M S ≥ 7.0 events in the Chinese mainland and the modulation and triggering from the earth tides .

  8. 模拟引潮力作用下岩石破坏前兆的实验研究&加卸载响应比(LURR)理论和能量加速释放(AER)

    Experimental study of rock failure precursor using simulated tide stress & load / unload response ratio ( lurr ) and accelerating energy release ( aer )

  9. 通过推导发现,奇数阶引潮力位产生的岁差章动力矩使得黄经章动和交角章动出现了异向项(即:黄经章动出现了cos项,交角章动出现了sin项)。

    Theoretical deduction shows that precession-nutation moment induced by odd order tidal generating potential causes out of phases of longitude and obliquity nutation ( namely , there are cos term in longitude nutation , but sin term in obliquity nutation ) .

  10. 日月引潮力与华北地区的地震

    Variation of lunisolar tidal force and the earthquakes in North China

  11. 引潮力与潮汐应力对强震触发的研究

    A study on tidal force / stress triggering of strong earthquakes

  12. 海洋对引潮力反应的初步探讨

    A preliminary study of the response of the ocean to tide-producing force

  13. 显著地震与引潮力的关系

    The application of the relation between earthquake and tide force

  14. 固体潮的引潮力是一种重要的触发因素。

    The tidal force of solid tide is an important triggering factor .

  15. 引潮力作用下饱和地质岩体的力学响应

    Mechanical Response of Saturated Geological Rock Under the Tidal Force

  16. 引潮力的全球位移场及应力场

    Global displacement and stress fields due to tidal attraction

  17. 应用精密引潮力位展开建立刚体地球章动序列

    Nutation sequence of the rigid Earth determined by expansion of precise tidal generating potential

  18. 引潮力可能是触发流体快速上涌的主要作用力;

    The tidal force seems to be main one triggering deep fluids speedy upwelling .

  19. 引潮力对月球及人造卫星轨道平面的影响

    The effects of tidal force on the orbit planes of the Moon and satellites

  20. 用引潮力进行钻孔的应变-应力的原地标定

    Borehole strain & stress calibration in the same place by use of tidal generation force

  21. 日月引潮力与地震

    Force Caused by Luni-solar Tide and Earthquake

  22. 关于引潮力在大气和地震活动中作用的探讨

    A study on the effects of tide-producing force on the movements of atmosphere and earthquake

  23. 大气振荡与月球引潮力

    Atmosphere Oscillation and Lunar Tide-generating Force Field

  24. 地球自转、日月引潮力与滑坡灾害发育的相关性研究

    A study of the relation between tidal stress , rotation of the earth and landslides

  25. 地球对引潮力位、表面负荷及切向应力的变形响应

    Static deformation response of the earth to tidal potential , surface mass loading and shear stress

  26. 太阳耀斑的行星引潮力触发

    Planetary tide force triggering solar flares

  27. 略论引潮力的交变应力效应及其地球动力学意义

    On the effect of alternating stress resulting from the tidal force and its bearing on geodynamics

  28. 引潮力共振对热带气旋突变的触发作用

    The Triggering Effect of Tide Generating Forces Resonance on Some Types of Tropical Cyclones ' Abrupt Changes

  29. 天体引潮力与东亚夏季阻塞高压活动

    The relationship between celestial tide-generating forces and activities of blocking high over the eastern Asia in summer

  30. 引潮力与显著地震关系及其在短临预报中的应用

    Relation between tidal force and significant shocks and its application in the short-term and impending earthquake prediction