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  • [recommend] 对人的推荐;荐举

  • 也曾提起这里的义学倒好,原要来和这里的亲翁商议引荐。--《红楼梦》

引荐[yǐn jiàn]
  1. 法律援助机构通常可以帮助引荐到其他类型的机构去。

    Legal Aid can often provide referral to other types of agencies

  2. 你就是信中引荐的那位先生吗?

    Are you the gentleman introduced in the letter ?

  3. 我把他引荐给了经理。

    I recommended him to the manager .

  4. Ruby还向我引荐了她的朋友们,也就是网络文化多彩的一面。

    And Ruby also introduced me to her friends , the colorful side of the Internet culture .

  5. 当然,被引荐给一家VC本身不会给你带来资金。

    Needless to say , getting introduced to a VC will not , in and of itself , get you funded .

  6. 我强烈建议企业家找最好的人脉来引荐VC,这起到很大的作用。

    I highly recommend to all entrepreneurs to take the time to find the best sources of an introduction because it really does make a difference .

  7. bupaukmembership人力资源主管海伦霍尔(helenhall)表示,引荐计划是有用的,但有必要制定一些规则。

    Referral programmes are useful , but certain rules are necessary , says Helen hall , human resources director for Bupa UK membership .

  8. 2011年4月,在弗兰克•夸特隆的引荐下,Autonomy和马克•赫德进行了一次大约三十到四十分钟的会谈。

    In April 2011 , there was a meeting for approximately thirty or forty minutes between autonomy and Mark Hurd , which was set up by Frank Quattrone as an introduction to Mark Hurd .

  9. 他还参与了一些LinkedIn上的行业组织,这些组织可以使他能够直接与那些在该组织外需要经过一系列引荐才能联系到的人。

    He also participated in LinkedIn industry groups that allowed him to communicate directly with contacts he couldn 't have reached without a chain of introductions .

  10. 1985年,乔布斯被他自己引荐的CEOJohnSculley排挤出苹果

    That was in 1995 , 10 years earlier Steve had left Apple , following a bruising struggle with John Sculley , the CEO he had brought into the company .

  11. 纽约职业导师利亚雷纳(MelissaLlarena)说,你还应当使你的联系人能轻松拒绝这个请求,因为这个引荐有可能会令他(或她)感到不便。

    You should also give your contact an easy way out in case he or she isn 't comfortable making the introduction , says New York career coach Melissa Llarena . '

  12. 制药公司阿斯利康(astrazeneca)已着手寻找最佳方式,将技能短缺领域和被引荐的候选人进行匹配。

    One employer that has set out to find the best way to match areas of skills shortages with referred candidates is AstraZeneca , the pharmaceutical company .

  13. 这就是在HTTP标准头名的拼写,不过,故有“Referer的”所有关于网页链接的时候引荐说话。

    That 's the spelling of the header name in the HTTP standards , however , so it is " Referer " for all time when talking about web link referrers .

  14. 乔希•蒂特里克(JoshTetrick)运营着最近获得维港1550万美元投资的HamptonCreek。他是被一位朋友、同样得到维港支持的Misfits的创始人桑尼•乌(SonnyVu)引荐给李嘉诚的。

    Josh Tetrick , who runs Hampton Creek , recipient of $ 15.5m from Horizons last week , was introduced by a friend , Sonny Vu , who founded Misfits , another company backed by Horizons .

  15. 引荐了这方面的一个基于SCI2000的数据挖掘后,在三重螺旋算法下的定量规范性研究,并进行了相应国别区域比较分析。

    This paper gives a quantitative analysis and comparative research which based on data mining for SCI2000 and Triple Helix Algorithm .

  16. 介绍复合体损伤模型,基于软粘土结构性损伤的含义,重点引荐修正损伤变量演化函数式(5a),并从复合体概念出发,对损伤参数的合理确定提出了探讨意见与建议。

    Based on the elasto-plastic damage model and the meaning of structural damage of soft clay , the amended function ( 5a ) of the damage variable is stressed . Approaches on the rational determination of the damage parameters are put forward .

  17. 在负责给军情六处分派任务的英国外交部(FCO)的一个大房间里,我被引荐给一位和蔼的高个男士,(我猜)他大概有四十八、九岁的样子。

    In a large room inside the Foreign and Commonwealth Office , the department that sets MI6 its tasks , I am introduced to a tall , affable man , in ( I guess ) his late 40s .

  18. 大制药公司常常作为SENS的敌人引荐给我,因为他们赚钱靠的是使人们活着而又虚弱,这样,人们只好继续买那些产品。

    Big pharma has often been cited to me as an enemy of SENS because it makes its money from keeping people alive but frail , so that they have to carry on buying the products .

  19. 我要引荐一个很想见你的人。

    I have someone who is very eager to meet you .

  20. 对雇主和员工而言,引荐方式都获得了巨大成功。

    Referrals are hugely successful both for employers and employees .

  21. 请替我引荐新来的采购负责人好吗?

    Will you introduce me to the new purchasing agent ?

  22. 这是我弟弟,让我为你引荐一下。

    Here is my brother , let me introduce you .

  23. 风投行业屡试不爽的做法是引荐出色的企业家。

    The currency of the venture industry is introductions to exciting entrepreneurs .

  24. 还给我引荐了他相熟的整形医生

    and sent me to this plastic surgeon that he knew

  25. 他请求被引荐给那位艺术家。

    He asked to be introduced to the artist .

  26. 介绍史密斯小姐,让我把布朗先生引荐给你好吗?

    Miss Smith , may I present Mr. Brown ?

  27. 我地使用保守上引荐使用的能够平安保险,温和,有用的精油。

    We use traditionally recommended oils that are safe , gentle and effective .

  28. 知道吗,路易斯是我引荐给托尼的。

    You know , I introduced Lois and tony .

  29. 人们对社交网络的热情不断高涨,在很大程度上促进了个人引荐的流行。

    Growing enthusiasm for social networking has done much to popularise personal introduction .

  30. 他有几首歌要为你引荐。

    He said he had some songs to play .