
  • 网络FRIDA;FRIEDA;freda;frida kahlo
  1. 其中的重要作品包括阿根廷艺术家安东尼奥·伯尼(AntonioBerni)和弗里达·卡罗(FridaKahlo)的大作。

    Highlights include works by the Argentine artist Antonio Berni and Frida Kahlo .

  2. 去年12月,古驰(Gucci)创意总监弗里达贾娜妮(FridaGiannini)遭罢黜,从而引发开云集团旗下这家知名大品牌的大换血。

    In December , it was all change at Kering 's flagship Gucci when creative director Frida Giannini was ousted .

  3. 话虽如此,Pymetrics首席执行官弗里达?波利(FridaPolli)说,机器人招聘系统仍必须接受定期测试,以防偏见渗入。

    Still , robo-recruiters must be regularly tested in case bias has crept in , says Frida Polli , chief executive of Pymetrics .

  4. 古驰(Gucci)设计师弗里达·贾娜妮(FridaGiannini)将2014秋季时装秀的压轴位置给了一款超短裙,这个位置通常都是留给重要的晚礼服或新娘礼服的。这表明了她对走迷你路线的认真态度。

    Gucci designer Frida Giannini signaled the seriousness of her intent to go mini by devoting the final look in her Fall 2014 show , a position that is often reserved for important evening gowns or bridal dresses , to an ultra short hemline .

  5. 弗里达:是吗?他们为什么选了你们的城市?

    Freda : Really ? Why did they choose your town ?

  6. 弗里达的健康状况持续恶化,她的一条腿被切除。

    Her health went on failing and she underwent a leg amputation .

  7. 你的爱人,弗里达(回信给我)

    Your girl , Frida ( Write me ) .

  8. 生来软心肠的弗里达对他们狠下心来。

    Frieda hardened her naturally soft heart against them .

  9. 他认识到他在物质上能给予弗里达的帮助实在是微不足道的。

    He realized that there is very little that he can offer Frieda materially .

  10. 我们叫她弗里达。对婴儿来说这是个再好不过的名字了。

    We 're calling her frieda . it 's the perfect name for a baby .

  11. 弗里达·卡罗:墨西哥画家,以自画像著名。

    Frida Kahlo : A Mexican painter , and perhaps best known for her self-portraits .

  12. 弗里达•卡罗:墨西哥画家,以自画像著名。

    Frida Kahlo : A Mexican painter , and perhaps best known for her self-portraits 。

  13. 弗里达(1907&1954)是墨西哥一位经历坎坷、命运多桀的画家。

    Frida ( 1907-1954 ) is one of Mexico through ups and downs , the ill-fated artist .

  14. 弗里达·卡罗写给迭戈·里维拉

    Frida Kahlo to Diego Rivera

  15. 中文:弗里达-布赖特说过:“只有在歌剧中,人们才会为爱而死。”这是千真万确的。

    Freda Bright says , " Only in opera do people die of love . " It 's true .

  16. 弗里达:假如当时我在那里就好了。我从没见过电影工作队拍的过程。

    Freda : I 'd love to have been there . I 've never seen a movie crew in action before .

  17. 弗里达:你说吧,看有什么意料不到的。弗里达:要他们至少唱完一首颂歌,才把钱给他们。

    Freda : Well , don 't give them any money until they 've sung at least one carol all the way through .

  18. 很多人都有弗里达的冰箱贴,但他们从没看过弗里达的画,帕斯克说。

    There are a lot of people that have Frida refrigerator magnets that have never seen a Frida painting , Mr. Pask said .

  19. 主要从形式和内容两个方面来探索弗里达对本土文化艺术的掌握和运用。

    Mainly from two aspects of form and content to explore the art of Frida on the local culture to master and use .

  20. 他说了许多关于弗里达的谎话,但是安吉拉不晓得他在撒谎,他也知道她不晓得。

    He was lying out of the whole cloth about frieda , but Angela didn 't know and he knew she didn 't know .

  21. 亲爱的简,我和我的妻子想到你和弗里达就要结婚,都十分高兴。

    My dear Jane , my wife and I are both very happy at the thought that you and Frieda are going to be married .

  22. 弗里达·卡罗:艺术、花园、生活展览为弗洛因德的书提供了极好的补充,它将于5月16日在纽约植物园开幕。

    Complementing the revelations of the Freund book is Frida Kahlo : Art , Garden , Life , opening May 16 at the New York Botanical Garden .

  23. “弗里达·卡罗:艺术、花园、生活”展览为弗洛因德的书提供了极好的补充,它将于5月16日在纽约植物园开幕。

    Complementing the revelations of the Freund book is " Frida Kahlo : Art , Garden , Life , " opening May 16 at the New York Botanical Garden .

  24. 60年代的时候,他曾经从那里出发到墨西哥朝圣,参观设立在蓝房子里的弗里达·卡罗博物馆,卡罗就是在那栋房子里出生的。

    from there in the " 60s he made a pilgrimage to Mexico City to visit the Museo Frida Kahlo , located inside her birthplace at La Casa Azul .

  25. 墨西哥著名艺术家迭戈·里维拉尽管比画家弗里达·卡罗年长二十岁,弗里达·卡罗仍然将他唤作自己的“大孩子”。虽然有传闻称迭戈·里维拉不忠,不过弗里达·卡罗依旧爱着他。

    Although artist Diego Rivera was 20 years older than painter Frida Kahlo , she called him her " big child . " Kahlo loved Rivera , even though he was reportedly unfaithful .

  26. 2.25英寸法则由约翰.弗里达创造,是发型设计师们屡试不爽的指导工具,通过它可以让发型师们剪出最适合一个人脸型的发型的长度。

    The Rule was created by John Frieda , and it is a fool-proof guide for hair stylists to use so they can tailor the cut to make the length as flattering as possible to the face shape .

  27. 如今,曾执导过《弗里达》和《纵横宇宙》的朱丽·泰莫也导演了一部雄心勃勃的格洛丽亚传记电影。在这部新片中,朱丽安·摩尔、艾丽西亚·维坎德、露露·威尔逊和赖恩·基拉·阿姆斯特朗分别饰演了不同年龄段的格洛丽亚。

    And now , in an ambitious biopic directed by Julie Taymor ( Frida , Across the Universe ) , she is embodied at different ages by Julianne Moore , Alicia Vikander , Lulu Wilson and Ryan Kiera Armstrong .

  28. 穆旦诗歌之智性思辨特征&以《我歌颂肉体》为例弗里达:要他们至少唱完一首颂歌,才把钱给他们。

    A Study of the Wise Dialectical Thought of Mu Dan s Poems & Take " I Eulogize the Flesh " as an example ; Freda : Well , don 't give them any money until they 've sung at least one carol all the way through .

  29. 但帕斯克最为美妙的成就还要算是重新营造出了“弗里达在自己身边创造出的氛围,结合了墨西哥市场上的植物,她身边的花园、果实、植物与动物都被反映在她的作品之中”。

    But his more subtle accomplishment may be the evocation of " this atmosphere Frida surrounded herself with , incorporating the botanical influence of the markets of Mexico , her gardens , the fruits and plants and animals she lived with into the prism of her work . "

  30. 这些在她的画作中都有所表现,她的绘画巧妙的把个体和社会联系起来,鉴于此,本文试从研究分析弗里达·卡洛油画作品的本土性入手,揭示弗里达本土性绘画的市场价值和精神价值。

    These paintings are by her performance , her painting clever link to the individual and society , in view of this , the paper , from the analysis Frieda · The Local Carlo painting , reveals the local nature of Frida Painting the market value and spiritual value .