
qiǎnɡ zhì zhí xínɡ cuò shī
  • enforcement measures;enforcement machinery
  1. 如何正确行使特殊情况下的税收保全和强制执行措施?

    How to correctly carry out the measures of tax guarantee and mandatory enforcement under special circumstances ?

  2. 本文即对民事执行中这一重要的强制执行措施进行研究。

    This passage is to research on this important measure of forcible execution in the procedure of civil execution .

  3. 因税收强制执行措施不当给纳税人造成损失的,纳税人有请求赔偿的权利。

    Tax payers have the right to apply for compensation for the losses incurred to them due to improper measures of compulsory execution .

  4. 由于大陆法系各国在间接强制执行措施的设置以及立法指导思想存在差异,致使有关这一原则的规定不尽相同。

    In civil law countries , the principles vary a great deal by state due to their different measure settings and legislative guiding ideologies .

  5. 执行名义是债权人提出请求、执行机关进行执行程序对债务人采取强制执行措施的前提和依据,在整个执行制度中占有十分重要的地位。

    Basis of enforcement is the prerequisite and basis for execution authority to take measures by force on debtors according to execution procedures at the creditor 's request .

  6. 当事人对税务机关的处罚决定、强制执行措施或者税收保全措施不服的

    Where a party concerned objects to a sanction decision made By the tax authorities or to the mandatory measures or measures for retaining tax revenue implemented by the same

  7. 我国1991年《民事诉讼法》首次以立法的形式在执行程序的强制执行措施中规定了执行拍卖,从而确立了执行拍卖在强制执行程序中的法律地位。

    Chinese Civil Lawsuits ( 1991 ) firstly stipulates coercive auction in the coercive executive measures of execution procedure and clearly defines the law position of coercive auction in execution procedure .

  8. 采取强制执行措施时,执行员应当出示证件。执行完毕后,应当将执行情况制作笔录,由在场的有关人员签名或者盖章。

    In executing a compulsory measure , the marshal shall produce a certificate before the person concerned , and enter the details of execution in a record which shall be signed or sealed by the relevant persons present .

  9. 做为执行中的强制执行措施,拍卖是一种优先的变价措施,即非有法定的情形,执行中被执行财产的变价以拍卖为原则。

    As a measure of forcible execution in civil enforcement , auction is a measure of priority of appraising , namely auction is the principle of appraising property enforced in the procedure of execution unless in the circumstances prescribed by the law .

  10. 并对安全税的相关配套政策进行了研究和探讨,主要包括税收优惠、安全税及其相关政策的管理、税收保全措施和强制执行措施等。

    And correlation necessary policies of the safety tax have been researched and discussed , mainly including the tax revenue preferential benefit , the safety tax and management of correlation policy , the tax revenue preserves measure and enforces measure and so on .

  11. 民事搜查作为我国民事强制执行措施之一,其合理运用对于发现被执行人所隐匿财产的线索,保障法院执行工作顺利开展具有重要意义。

    As one of the measures of civil enforcement in China , the reasonable use of civil search is very significant to discover the hidden clues of the property , and to ensure the smooth operations of the courts to enforce implementation measures .

  12. 司法机关对临时保管的全部或者部分股份采取司法强制执行措施的,结算公司依据相关司法执行文书的要求,解除相应股份的临时保管,并通知证券交易所。

    If judicial organs take a compulsory execution on all or part of the shares in temporary storage , the sd & c shall release the temporary storage of relevant shares in accordance with the requirement of related judicial enforcement instruments , and notice the stock exchanges .

  13. 这些程序逐渐成为强制执行的措施。

    Increasingly , these procedures are mandatory .

  14. 另外一方面,在强制执行弥补措施时,法院既兼顾被告一方的困难又兼顾到公共利益和环境。

    On the other hand , in imposing remedies , courts have balanced the hardship to the defendant against the public interest .

  15. 黛丽斯保护消费者的举措不仅是良好的行为。这些程序逐渐成为强制执行的措施。

    The lengths to which Top Form goes to protect consumers are not just good business . Increasingly , these procedures are mandatory .

  16. 世界上许多国家的法律制度都规定了行政强制执行救济措施,在行政相对人遭受违法的行政强制执行时,提供必要的法律救济。

    Many remedies of arbitrary administrative execution are included in the laws and regulations of many countries in the world . Once the administrative counterpart was infringed by illegal arbitrary administrative execution actions , these measures can afford effective help .

  17. 预计他还将试图就欧盟强制执行的财政紧缩措施进行重新谈判。

    He also is expected to try to renegotiate European Union-imposed austerity measures .

  18. 强制拍卖作为法院的一种强制执行措施,应当由法院行使。

    Enforcing auctioning as an Enforcing power shall be executed by courts .

  19. 民事间接强制执行的适用原则,是指导与规范民事间接强制执行措施的基本准则。

    The principles applicable to indirect civil enforcement mean the basic norms employed to instruct and regulate indirect civil enforcement activities .

  20. 行政强制概念不等同于行政执行概念,它包括行政强制执行与行政强制措施两个概念。

    In our country , we can 't equate administrative compulsion to administrative execution , the former including compulsory administrative execution and compulsory administrative measure .

  21. 最后针对行政诉讼强制执行制度的缺陷以及域外相关经验,从行政诉讼制度、司法制度以及法律制度等方面提出了完善我国行政诉讼强制执行制度的措施。

    Finally , according to the defects of the enforcement system and related experiences , the paper provides the measures for the improvement of administrative litigation enforcement system , from the aspect of the administrative litigation system , the judicial system and legal system .