
  • 网络Powerful combination;megamerger
  1. 自20世纪末到本世纪期初,在一片强强联合的浪潮中,许多高校也进行了一系列的学科整合,成为更多学科支持的综合性大学。

    Since the late 20th century to the beginning of this century , in a powerful combination of the wave , many colleges and universities have conducted a series of subject integration , Be more subject to support comprehensive university .

  2. 王雷雷:资本强强联合不等于运营的强强联合TOM在线:可能以并购对抗

    WangLeilei : Uniting Capital Not Equals Running Better TOM Online : Maybe Antagonizing by Purchasing

  3. 这并非鼓励您放弃Java语言,不过,最好的效果总是来自强强联合。

    This isn 't a call to abandon the Java language , however : The best effects come in the combination of the two .

  4. 国际大型的石油石化企业相继兼并重组,以埃克森美孚、BP阿莫科为代表的大公司,通过强强联合,形成了超级跨国集团,经济势力与竞争优势更加明显;

    The huge international petroleum cooperation , likes BP-Amoco and Exxon-Mobil etc , become super multinational cooperation by combining and reforming , and has more economical and competitive strengths .

  5. 强强联合,推动PowerPC高端应用

    Powerful Cooperation , Promoting PowerPC High-End Application

  6. 我们的客户表示,他们相信MTS和新三思强强联合必将创造更大的价值,他们将继续信赖我们来帮助解决极具挑战的各种问题。

    Our customers tell us they believe MTS and SANS , together , can provide increased value and they continue to honor us with the opportunity to solve their challenging problems .

  7. 马斯内女士在不久前的声明中说:“与Yoox实现强强联合后,在马切蒂的领导下,公司的规模与实力会更上一层楼,将会做行业的领头羊,并开创时尚业未来新格局。”

    Ms Massenet said in a statement on Thursday morning : " Having joined forces with Yoox group , the company will be bigger , stronger and superbly well-positioned under Federico 's leadership to lead the industry and create the future of fashion . "

  8. 大公司强强联合(从某种程度说不太可能)具有明显优势。

    There are advantages to the somewhat unlikely big company connection .

  9. 帝斯曼营养产品部牵手复旦大学强强联合打造世界一流实验室

    DSM Nutritional Products and Fudan University sign joint laboratory agreement

  10. 如果我们强强联合,几乎就能垄断整个市场了。

    If we join together , we can almost monopolize the whole market .

  11. 90年代美国的企业兼并规模大,且带有强强联合的特征;

    In the 1990s , the annexation of enterprises in America is large-scale .

  12. 我们进军这个市场,实现了取长补短的强强联合,对我们来说,这是个千载难逢的机遇。

    It is a great opportunity for us to tap into this market and cross-pollinate .

  13. 最终实现与其它企业建立战略伙伴关系,实现强强联合,达到共赢的目的。

    The strategic partnership with other enterprise is developed to realize the association and together benefit .

  14. 强强联合&我国国际货运代理业的发展之路

    Developing International Freight Agency in China

  15. 强强联合开拓市场

    Strong-Strong Union to Explore Market

  16. 普通高校办竞技体育运动队,是体育领域和教育领域强强联合、优势互补的一个重要举措。

    Competitive sports teams of University and is an important complementary measure of powerful alliances between sports and education .

  17. 同时,利用现代信息技术对传统企业进行改造,也是现代制造企业发展的必然趋势。在敏捷制造中,如何选择优势企业形成强强联合的动态联盟是敏捷制造中的重要问题之一。

    It is an inevitable trend for the modern manufacturing enterprise employing information technology to reform the traditional manufacturing .

  18. 值此新年之际,NewsHour与纽约时报强强联合,一个新的读书俱乐部就此诞生。

    It 's a collaboration with The New York Times - a new book club for the new year .

  19. 强强联合的三家企业,其联盟具有非常明显的互补优势,其合作体一度气势磅礴,业绩辉煌。

    Three enterprises with win-win ally has obvious complementary superiority and their cooperation has acquired outstanding achievement for a time .

  20. 两公司强强联合的成果就好比当年绿箭口香糖曾打出的广告:“快乐加倍,乐趣加倍”。

    As they used to say in the old Doublemint chewing gum Commercials : double your pleasure , double your fun .

  21. 我们的独到之处在于我们与政府、广大传媒及全球企业界的强强联合。

    What makes us unique is our strong partnership with the government , with the wide media , and with global business .

  22. 亚马逊通过这些服务和手机应用商店强强联合,为顾客提供了比其它多数竞争者更为丰富的内容生态系统。

    Those , combined with its mobile application store , give it a more sophisticated content ecosystem than most of its rivals .

  23. 二是实现资源优化配置、资源共享、强强联合,达到共赢;

    Realizing the optimum allocation of resources , sharing the resources commonly , having the stronger enterprises allied , reaching the mutual wins .

  24. 公司于管道行业的各大公司强强联合,拥有现代化生产基地。

    Our company has associated with various large companies in the field of pipes industry , and has owned the modern production base .

  25. 在强强联合的过程中,企业文化的融合成为重组企业得以生存与健康发展的关键点之一。

    Ln this process , the enterprise cultural amalgamation becomes one of the key factors for the survival and healthy development of the enterprises .

  26. 秦晋之间的强强联合,以秦穆公为主线的婚姻关系中,双方平分秋色,具有阶段性特点。

    Qin Jin combination , the Qin mu Gong is the main line , the two sides were evenly divided , with the stage characteristics .

  27. 通过这种强强联合,新公司既对当地市场具有深入的理解,又拥有全球商品化专长,同时也可得益于现有的合作关系以及地区联系网络。

    The alliance brings together deep local market knowledge with global commercialization expertise , along with existing stakeholder relationships and a network of regional contacts .

  28. 另外也规定种子选手不能强强联合,使比赛增加不可预测性。

    Another new rule this year was that seeded players were not allowed to pair up in doubles , which enhanced the uncertainty of outcomes .

  29. 简要分析了“强强联合”产生的背景,论述了我国国际货运代理业走“强强联合”之路的必要性,并对应注意的有关问题作了阐述。

    This article discusses the background of " the combination of strong corporations " and the relevant strategy of developing international freight agency in China .

  30. 通过上市公司资产重组,可以形成企业间的强强联合或强弱联合,实现优势互补,形成具有较强竞争力的企业集团。

    From asset restructurings listing companies could form powerful combinations or strength of the joints , achieve advantages complement , and become Enterprises Groups with strong competitiveness .