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  1. 这个想法促使我将这项工作进行下去,我力图以东方化的概念去解释这场战斗,并塑造一个一骑当千式的英雄。

    This desire led me to carry on this work , I tried to to explain the concept of the East of the battle , and create a one-Tousen-style hero .

  2. 当千砂层长细比小于1/2或热压应力不大于水分饱和凝聚区的湿压强度时,绝不可能产生鼠尾。

    When the slenderness ratio is less than 1 / 2 or the hot compression stress is not bigger than the wet compression strength of the molding sand , the rat tail should never come into being .

  3. 当新千年到来的时候,数据量的增长还处在可以管理的水平。

    As the new millennium approached , data rates grew at manageable levels .

  4. 当沉睡千年的不死族军队重见天日是多么恐怖又令人激动的事情。

    When sleeping a thousand undead army on the mainland again , it would be dreadful and exciting things .

  5. 当上千名学生的家庭正在盲目地寻求贷款公司资助之时出现了这些调查。

    News of these investigations comes just as families of thousands of high-school students are scrambling to find the best financial-aid packages .

  6. 也就是说在当上千的亲人、朋友、邻居、或其他人因为你而蒙受损失以后,你可以做到眼睛都不眨一下。

    In other words , you do not blink your eyes even once AFTER you have caused thousands of your relatives , friends , neighbors and other people each to lose a great hard-earned fortune ;

  7. 当天上千名抗议者走上街头,要求在星期五之前必须达成有效协议。这些抗议者与警察产生了冲突,最终并未能进入到大会中心。

    The day saw thousands of protesters take to the streets to demand a strong deal by Friday but , while they clashed with police , they failed in their objective to enter the conference centre .

  8. 如果你的访问这并不是那么多,这并不是那么重要,但是你会明显感觉到不同当上千个用户同时访问你的网站的时候。

    It is not that important if you have a low traffic blog , but if you get dugg it can make the difference between your site being up or down for several hours when all the traffic comes flooding in .

  9. 当我们寻找千年古迹和传统形式,以求地方文脉和精神的时候,突然发现,这种精神就在足下、就在眼前。

    When one searches for genius loci through thousands years ′ history , he may suddenly find that the spirits lie just under his feet and right before his eyes unnoticed .

  10. 由于伤病,阿格尔错过了前阶段的季前赛,但是当利物浦在千年球场获得本赛季第一个奖杯的时候,他在红军防线上很好的扮演了中卫的角色。

    Agger missed the early stages of pre-season through injury but slotted superbly into the centre of the Reds'defence at the Millennium Stadium as Liverpool won their first trophy of the season .

  11. 多吃蘑菇当你把千层面或汉堡中的牛肉馅儿换成蘑菇和辣椒是,成人平均每天会降低400卡的热量摄入。

    Mushrooms When ground beef was swapped out for mushrooms in lasagna , sloppy joes , and chili , adults consumed 400 fewer calories per day , according to a Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health study .

  12. 当你有5千元的时候再打电话给我。

    You call me when you 've got $ 5000 .

  13. 当他收悉千里之外的学子发来的短信问候时,老师明白了自己劲力的大小。

    A teacher knows the strength of his strength when he received a short text on his phone from a graduated student living thousands of miles away .

  14. 当背景气压在千分之一大气压左右时,等离子体在背景气体中形成“雪犁”状,羽状等离子体出现快速和慢速传播分离现象。

    And the ejection into ambient gas of one thousandth atmosphere or so is special , the'snowplow'phenomenon is observed and the plume plasma splits into fast_and slow_moving parts .

  15. 当我们努力实现千年发展目标和制定2015年后的发展议程时,务必要认识到投资于病媒控制和预防疾病是一项明智和必要的投资。

    As we work to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and define a post-2015 development agenda , let us recognize that investing in vector control and disease prevention is a wise and necessary investment .